Ultrastructural investigations of Paeonia pollen activation and pollen tube growth after intersectional hybridization.
摘要: 以探明牡丹与芍药远缘杂交结实率低的原因为目标,以芍药‘朱砂判’为母本,以牡丹‘凤丹白’、‘岛大臣’、‘正午’、‘姚黄’为父本,并以芍药品种‘Kansas’为对照父本进行人工杂交,采用培养液培养法测定父本花粉萌发率,用苯胺蓝染色法,在荧光显微镜下观察父本花粉在母本柱头上萌发及花粉管生长的过程。结果显示:‘朱砂判’在开花第4天为最佳授粉期;离体状态下花粉萌发率由高到低为‘Kansas’、‘岛大臣’、‘凤丹白’、‘姚黄’、‘正午’;‘岛大臣’及‘Kansas’作父本的组合花粉管能够到达子房,其他组合花粉管都未到达子房,并观察到一些异常的花粉管形态,花粉管生长过程中还伴随着一系列胼胝质反应。表明受精前障碍是影响牡丹与芍药组间远缘杂交的主要原因之一。Abstract: In order to reveal the causes of low seed setting rate in the intersectional cross between herbaceous and tree peonies, hybridization was conducted between Paeonia lactiflora ‘Zhu Sha Pan’ and four tree peony cultivars ‘Feng Dan Bai’, ‘Dao Da Chen’, ‘High Noon’, and ‘Yao Huang’. Herbaceous peony cultivar ‘Kansas’ was taken as a control pollen parent. Pollen viabilities were tested in vitro. With aniline blue staining, the germinating rate of pollen grain and the growth process of pollen tubes in stigma were determined under fluorescent microscope. The results showed that the best pollination period of ‘Zhu Sha Pan’ was 4 d after blooming; pollen germination rate from high to low was ‘Kansas’, ‘Dao Da Chen’, ‘Feng Dan Bai’, ‘Yao Huang’, ‘High Noon’. Only pollen tubes from ‘Dao Da Chen’ and ‘Kansas’ could arrive at the ovary. In the growth process of pollen tubes, we also observed some unusual pollen tube morphology accompanied with a series of callose reactions. In conclusion, the incompatible reaction caused by pollen-stigma interaction could be one of the main barriers of intersectional crossing between Sect. Moutan and Sect. Paeonia.
- tree peony /
- herbaceous peony /
- distant hybridization /
- pollen tube growth
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