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刘宇, 徐焕文, 尚福强, 焦宏, 张利民, 罗建新, 滕文华, 姜静

刘宇, 徐焕文, 尚福强, 焦宏, 张利民, 罗建新, 滕文华, 姜静. 3个地点白桦种源试验生长稳定性分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2016, 38(5): 50-57. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20150463
引用本文: 刘宇, 徐焕文, 尚福强, 焦宏, 张利民, 罗建新, 滕文华, 姜静. 3个地点白桦种源试验生长稳定性分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2016, 38(5): 50-57. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20150463
LIU Yu, XU Huan-wen, SHANG Fu-qiang, JIAO Hong, ZHANG Li-min, LUO Jian-xin, TENG Wen-hua, JIANG Jing. Growth stability of Betula platyphylla provenances from three sites[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2016, 38(5): 50-57. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20150463
Citation: LIU Yu, XU Huan-wen, SHANG Fu-qiang, JIAO Hong, ZHANG Li-min, LUO Jian-xin, TENG Wen-hua, JIANG Jing. Growth stability of Betula platyphylla provenances from three sites[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2016, 38(5): 50-57. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20150463







    刘宇。主要研究方向:林木遗传育种。Email: nefuly@126.com 地址: 150040 黑龙江省哈尔滨市和兴路51号 东北林业大学林木遗传育种国家重点实验室。


    姜静,博士生导师,教授。主要研究方向: 林木遗传育种。Email: jiangjing1960@126.com 地址: 同上。

Growth stability of Betula platyphylla provenances from three sites

  • 摘要: 开展多点造林试验是对参试种源进行稳定性分析及生长特性评价的重要步骤。本文以18个白桦种源为材料,分别在帽儿山、草河口、金河3个试验点营建种源试验林,对17年生白桦树高、胸径及材积等性状进行多地点联合分析,结果表明:树高、胸径及材积性状在各地点间和各种源间以及种源与地点的交互作用上差异均达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。对各试验点参试种源保存率分析发现,18个白桦种源在各试验点平均保存率在4.76%~76.55%之间,其中东方红、凉水、长白和乌伊岭等种源平均保存率较好,西北地区种源如六盘山、西宁和天水等保存率较低。采用AMMI模型对参试种源的树高性状进行稳定性评价,结果显示:凉水、小北湖、辉南、东方红、露水河、桓仁、天水属于高产稳产型的种源,乌伊岭、帽儿山、汪清、草河口、清源、莫尔道嘎属于高产非稳产型的种源,昭苏、长白、西宁等属于低产稳产型种源,绰尔、六盘山属于低产非稳产型种源。研究结果不仅为白桦优良种源选择提供理论依据,而且也为白桦良种的应用与推广提供参考。
    Abstract: Multi-site forestation testing is a key step in the evaluation of stability analysis and growth traits of tested provenance. Tree height (H), diameter at breast height (DBH) and volume (V) of 18 Betula platyphylla provenances, which have been planted for 17 years in Maoershan, Caohekou and Jinhe, were measured and analyzed. The results showed that there were significant differences (P<0.01) in the H, DBH, and V among different sites and provenances,and also significant differences in site × provenance interaction. The result of provenance preservation rate analysis showed that the average preservation rate of 18 B. platyphylla provenances ranged from 4.76% to 76.55%. Among them, the average preservation rate of Dongfanghong, Liangshui, Changbai and Wuyiling provenances was higher and that of northwest region such as Liupanshan, Xining and Tianshui was lower. Height stability of tested provenances was assessed with AMMI model. The result indicated that Liangshui, Xiaobeihu, Huinan, Dongfanghong, Lushuihe, Huanren and Tianshui belonged to high-yield and stable provenances; Wuyiling, Maoershan, Wangqing, Caohekou, Qingyuan and Moerdaoga belonged to high-yield but instable provenances; Zhaosu, Changbai and Xining belonged to low-yield and stable provenances; Chaoer and Liupanshan belonged to low-yield and instable provenances. These results provide a theoretical basis for the selection and also a reference for the application and spread of superior provenances.
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  • 收稿日期:  2015-12-03
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