Stability analysis of bamboo leaf flavonoids under different thermal processing treatments.
摘要: 以阐明竹叶黄酮不同受热方式的稳定性为目的,选用黄甜竹、毛竹、绿竹、苦竹竹叶为实验材料,研究4个种的竹叶黄酮在微波、焙烤、蒸制3种常见食品热加工过程中的含量变化。结果显示:竹叶黄酮经不同热加工处理后其含量变化有显著差异,蒸制对竹叶黄酮的影响最大,损失率在34.25%~71.27%之间;焙烤前后,黄甜竹竹叶黄酮损失率达到68.60%,其他3个种的竹叶黄酮损失率在15.80%~33.06%之间;微波造成的黄酮损失率均在30.0%以下。竹叶黄酮在热加工中的稳定性与黄酮化合物种类及含量有紧密联系,为解析黄酮损失的原因,采用高效液相色谱仪/四级杆-飞行时间/串联质谱联用仪(HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS)对4个种竹叶黄酮化合物的种类及含量进行了研究。研究表明:氧碳双苷黄酮化合物不耐受微波和焙烤处理,单碳苷黄酮化合物更加耐受焙烤和蒸制处理,氧苷黄酮化合物较耐受微波处理,而双碳苷黄酮化合物在微波条件下稳定性不佳。Abstract: In order to determine the stability of bamboo leaf flavonoids (BLF) during different heat processing treatments, Acidosasa edulis (AE), Phyllostachys heterocycla (PH), Dendrocalamopsis oldhami (DO) and Pleioblastus amarus (PA) were used as experimental materials to study flavonoid variation during three common different food heating processes: microwave heating, baking and steaming. The results showed that different heating processes caused significant differences in blf content, especially in the process of steaming, which resulted in the loss ratio ranging from 34.25% to 71.27%. After baking, the loss ratio of AE reached 68.60%, and the loss ratio of other three bamboo species ranged from 15.80% to 33.06%. Thus, the best heating process is microwave heating with a loss ratio less than 30.0%. The stability of BLF during heating processes is closely related to the species and content of flavonoids. To analyze the primary cause of BIF loss, we used the HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS method to study BLF types and content of four bamboo species. Based on the results, we conclude that the flavonoid of O,C-Di-glycosylflavones could not tolerate microwave heating and baking; Mono-C-glycosylflavones has high heat tolerance, and shows good stability during baking and steaming; the flavonoid of O-glycosylflavones can tolerate microwave heating; while the stability of Di-C-glycosylflavone is not good under microwave heating.
- bamboo leaf flavonoid (BLF) /
- heating process /
- stability
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