Competition intensity of Pinus massoniana stand based on close-to-nature management.
摘要: 为了揭示马尾松人工近自然改造作业下树种间的关系,本文主要分析了近自然改造林分内马尾松的种内种间竞争强度,以期为营造近自然混交林和人工林近自然作业法提供参考和理论基础。基于广西热带林业实验中心人工马尾松近自然5种改造实验林20个固定样地的2014年复测数据(A1~A4:不同采伐强度补植树种的改造混交林,A5:未改造马尾松对照纯林,每种改造模式各4个固定样地),利用Voronoi图确定了林木的生长空间和竞争邻木,运用Hegyi单木竞争模型对改造混交林总体竞争强度、改造混交林和对照纯林中马尾松种内种间竞争强度进行了数量分析。结果表明:1)改造混交林中马尾松和主要补植树种竞争排序为:红锥灰木莲大叶栎马尾松香梓楠格木,不同改造模式平均竞争指数排序为:A1A3A4A2。2)改造混交林对象木马尾松共计212株,其他竞争木336株;对照纯林马尾松共计190株。对照马尾松纯林竞争指数为359.51,远大于改造混交林中马尾松竞争指数(166.98),适当强度的采伐有效地降低了林分内马尾松的竞争压力,马尾松纯林中只存在种内竞争,改造混交林中马尾松种内竞争指数大于种间,各占54.65%和45.35%。3)混交林与纯林中马尾松种内竞争差异显著,竞争指数随胸径增大而逐渐减小;各径级内平均竞争指数,改造混交林均小于对照纯林。4)速生树种对马尾松最先产生种间竞争压力,马尾松与主要竞争木竞争关系(CI1)排序为:大叶栎灰木莲红锥香梓楠鸭脚木山油麻安息香格木黄毛榕,改造混交林各模式间马尾松种间竞争差异不显著。5)马尾松竞争指数随胸径的增大不断变小,改造混交林总竞争指数、种内竞争指数以及对照纯林总竞争指数与马尾松胸径分别符合幂函数、双曲线函数和对数函数的关系;当马尾松胸径大于25 cm时,混交林与纯林内马尾松受到的竞争压力均逐渐减小趋于平缓;小于25 cm时,马尾松受到的竞争压力较大。通过分析马尾松近自然改造林分内树种竞争关系可知,基于近自然经营理论的人工纯林改造利用有效的干扰木采伐和合理的树种补植,能够有效降低马尾松的竞争压力,同时促进补植树种的生长和天然更新,引导林分的正向演替,形成复层异龄混交林,证明了近自然改造的合理性与可行性。Abstract: The aim of this study was to provide reference and theoretical basis of mixed forest afforestation and close-to-nature silvicultural system. Relationship of tree species in close-to-nature operation was revealed by analyzing intra- and inter-species competition intensity. We took 20 permanent sample plots of 5 kinds of close-to-nature transformation forests as research object in the Center of Tropical Forestry which is sited at Pingxiang County of Guangxi Province (A1-A4: mixed forest with different cutting intensities and enrichment plantations in operation, A5: monoculture forest in control, 4 permanent sample plots in each operation model). Tree growth space and neighbors were determined by using Voronoi diagram. Heygi individual competition indices (CI) were used to analyze the competition of mingled forest, intraspecific and interspecific competition of Pinus massoniana in mingled and monoculture forest. The results showed that 1) the competition of P. massoniana and the main planting species in mixed forest were ranked as: Castanopsis hystrix Manglietia glauca Quercus griffithii Pinus massoniana Michelia hedyosperma Erythrophleum fordii, and average competition index in different transformation modes was ranked as: A1 A3 A4 A2. 2) The number of objective and competitive trees was 212 and 336, respectively in mixed stand. The number of P. massoniana was 190 in monoculture stand. The competition index in monoculture forest (359.51) was larger than in mixed forest (166.98). It meant that the appropriate intensity of logging effectively reduced the pressure of competition. The intraspecific competition only existed in monoculture forest. The intraspecific and interspecific competition index of P. massoniana was each accounted for 54.65% and 45.35% in the mixed forests. 3) The intraspecific competition index of Pinus massoniana had significant difference among mixed forest and monoculture forest. It decreased gradually with the increase of diameter at breast height (DBH), and the average competition indices with diameter grade in mixed forest were less than in control monoculture forest. 4) The interspecific competition pressure came from fast-growing trees firstly. The relationship of Pinus massoniana and main species (CI1) followed as: Quercus griffithii Manglietia glauca Castanopsis hystrix Michelia hedyosperma Schefflera octophylla Trema cannabina Styrax tonkinensis Erythrophleum fordii Ficus esquiroliana. The interspecific competition between each model had no difference. 5) The index of Pinus massoniana decreased with the increase of DBH. The relationship between total and intraspecific competition index and DBH accorded with power and hyperbola function respectively in mixed forest. The relationship between competition index and DBH conformed to logarithmic function in monoculture forest. It showed a stronger competition intensity at DBH of 25 cm and appeared weaker at DBH over 25 cm. According to analysis of competition of close-to-nature transformation forest, we know that cutting disturbance trees and enriching species could reduce competitive pressure of Pinus massoniana and facilitate growth of enrichment species and natural regeneration. As well as it could guide positive succession to form multiple layer, uneven-aged and mixed forest. This study proved the rationality and feasibility of transformation from monoculture plantation to close-to-nature forest.
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