

    Internal-standard quantitative determination of chlorogenic acid in Eucommia ulmoides plant by CE-MS

    • 摘要: 杜仲作为一种传统的中药材,其药用成分主要为次级代谢产物绿原酸,是很多种中草药的重要活性成分,广泛存在于杜仲叶片和忍冬科植物的干燥花蕾或初开的花朵中。本研究提供了一种高效准确的从植物样本中检测绿原酸的方法。该方法使用萘乙酸作为内标物提高定量的精确性,减少系统误差,并通过毛细管电泳联用质谱定性提高检测的灵敏度。毛细管电泳联用质谱仪建立萘乙酸标准品与绿原酸标准品的标准曲线,其中萘乙酸与绿原酸的标准曲线相关性系数分别为0.999 4和0.999 1,均大于0.999 0,说明仪器方法及毛细管电泳参数与质谱参数可靠。绿原酸标准品分别以杜仲与金银花植物粉末作为基质,其添加回收率分别为93.61%和97.43%,说明提取方法的提取效率较高。为验证方法的适用性,运用本方法检测分析得出杜仲植物粉末中绿原酸含量为0.92%,金银花植物粉末中绿原酸含量为1.31%。


      Abstract: Eucommia ulmoides is a traditional Chinese herb medicine plant and its pharmaceutical component is a secondary metabolite chemical chlorogenic acid. And it is also an important active component in many kinds of Chinese traditional medicine. Chlorogenic acid widely exists in the leaves of Eucommia ulmoides and dried buds or open flowers of Caprifoliaceae plant. The high sensitivity detection method and precise quantification pretreatment program of chlorogenic acid are important for exploring the role of the Chinese traditional medicine in curing disease, and could provide the more detection method for the study of accumulation of plant secondary metabolites. This work establishes an effective analytical method to accurately determine the chlorogenic acid content in plant samples. This method introduces the 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) into the analysis procedure function as the internal standard to improve the determination analysis quality and use the electrophoresis-mass spectrometry to enhance the specificity and sensitivity of the detection. The standard curves of standard chemicals of NAA andchlorogenic acid were established and the R2 of two curves was greater than 0.999 0. The spiked recovery of chlorogenic acid in plant samples was 93.61% and 97.43%. The method has been used to analyze the chlorogenic acid of E. ulmoides and Lonicera japonica. The content of chlorogenic acid extracted from E. ulmoides was 0.92%, and Lonicera japonica was 1.31%.


