

    Propagation and afforestation techniques of tree peonies for greening and seed oil production

    • 摘要: 本文述及绿化油用的牡丹品种及其生物学特性、繁育技术和立地造林措施。‘凤丹’和紫斑牡丹抗逆性强,具有抗旱关键基因DREB2AWRKYXET,而‘凤丹’适应性更广。牡丹籽油在5个种和芍药2个居群中不饱和脂肪酸含量为84%以上,其中‘凤丹’、紫斑牡丹、牡丹、四川牡丹的α-亚麻酸和大花黄牡丹的油酸含量超过40%,食品卫生指标均符合国家标准。‘凤丹’种籽发育根据转录组差异表达基因功能差异划分为3个时期,即有丝分裂期、细胞扩展与物质积累期和成熟期,α-亚麻酸合成关键基因为SADFAD2/FAD6和FAD3;其繁殖栽培与管理技术对绿化油用牡丹产业发展有启示。


      Abstract: This paper deals with the indigenous tree peony (Paeonia sect. Moutan) species used for landscape and edible seed oil, propagation and silviculture techniques. The plants of Paeonia ostii var. lishizhenii and P. rockii have strong drought resistance with the key genes, DREB2A, WRKY and XET, while P. ostii var. lishizhenii is wider adaptability and distribution. Tree peony seed oils from 5 tree peonies and 2 pregnancies of one herb peony (P. lactiflora) were more than 84% in unsaturated fatty acid contents. α- linolenic acid contents in P. ostii var. lishizhenii, P. rockii, P. suffruticosa and P. decomposita, and oleic acid in P. decomposita were more than 40%, respectively. The food safety and hygiene indexes for all of the seed oils meet the national food safety and hygiene standards. P. ostii var. lishizhenii seed development was divided into three different stages according to transcriptome gene difference expressions, i.e. mitosis, cell expansion and matter accumulation, and mature periods. SAD, FAD2/FAD6 and FAD3 were key genes for α- linolenic acid synthesis. The P. ostii var. lishizhenii propagation techniques, afforestation measurements and management policies for landscape and seed oil industry were suggested and as references for other tree peonies in practicals.


