Response of boreal forest ecosystem to global climate change: a review
摘要: 北方森林是地球上第2大生物群区,约占陆地森林面积的30%,提供了从局地到全球的生态系统服务功能。1850年以来,全球性持续升温不断显现,2000—2050年全球至少升高2 ℃,甚至更高。预计到2100年,北方森林区冬季平均温度将升高1.3~6.3 ℃。与此同时,几乎所有的北方森林生态系统功能都将会受到影响,尤其是近几十年来,该区域发生了很多与温度升高相关的潜在生态响应。本文从碳循环、生物多样性、干旱化和林火发生频率以及冻土变化等方面具体综述了北方森林生态系统对于全球气候变化的响应。响应结果如下:1)气候变化对于北方森林碳循环动态的影响是极其复杂的,迄今为止并没有达成共识, 分解对于温度的反应敏感程度至今仍存在很多不确定性。2)动物、植物和微生物(真菌)均对气候变化产生了一定的响应,表现为动物和植物的分布区进一步北移,但真菌的多样性和生产力响应机制尚无法确定。3)北方森林区随气候变化表现为进一步的干旱化和林火发生明显增加。4)北方森林区与冻土伴生,冻土随气候变暖表现出了面积缩小和活动层扩大的趋势。可见,北方森林对气候变化响应明显,尽管到目前为止有些响应机制尚不清楚,但变化趋势十分明显。本文旨在为北方森林的经营和管理提供基础数据和技术支持,实现北方森林的可持续经营。Abstract: The boreal forest, one of the largest biomes on the Earth, encompasses ~30% of the global forest area and provides ecosystem services that benefit society at levels ranging from local to global. Warming since the 1850s increases the annual mean temperature from 2000 to 2050 at least 2 ℃ or even more. Annual winter mean temperatures across the boreal zone could be 1.3-6.3 ℃ warmer than today’s by 2100. In the meantime, all aspects of boreal forest ecosystem function are likely to be affected. For about several decades, there have been many events of the potential ecological response in boreal regions to the currently warmer conditions. In this paper, we review the response of boreal forest ecosystem to the global climate change, such as carbon cycle, biodiversity, aridification, forest fire disturbance and permafrost. The different responses of boreal forest ecosystem to global climate change are as follows. 1) The impact of climate change on the boreal forest carbon cycle dynamic is very complicated, and so far it has not reached a consensus, there still exist a lot of uncertainties about the decomposition to reaction sensitivity of temperature. 2) The animals, plants and microorganisms (fungi) have produced a certain response to climate change, demonstrated by that the distribution of animals and plants moves further north, but the response mechanism of the fungal diversity and productivity to the climate change remains unclear. 3) The change of boreal forests with climate change tends to be further drought and an increasing number of forest fire events. 4) There is a symbiotic relationship between boreal forests and the permafrost, and the distribution of permafrost tends to be shrinking and the thickness of active layer is deepening with the climate warming. Collectively, the response of boreal forest to climate change is very obvious, and its trend is clearer although some mechanisms have not been disclosed yet so far. The purpose of this paper is to provide basic data and technical support for the operation and management of the boreal forests, in order to achieve sustainable management for boreal forests.
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