Geographic variation evaluating and correlation with fatty acid composition of economic characters of Sapindus spp. fruits.
摘要: 无患子、川滇无患子在我国分布广泛,资源丰富,果实具有较高的经济价值。本文采集了我国13个省份及越南地区60株无患子优树的果实,利用索氏抽提法、气相色谱法等,测定了其表型、油脂含量及脂肪酸组成成分等经济性状;利用主成分分析法、相关分析法等统计方法,分析了各指标的变异,量化评价了综合经济性状,研究了脂肪酸变异与表型变异间的相关性。研究表明:1)不同产地无患子优树果实大部分性状均存在较大变异,果皮百粒质量、种仁百粒质量、出仁率、果实侧径和亚麻酸变异系数分别达到33%、32%、29%、 29%和33%;油酸(C18:1)变异较小,仅为4%;2)利用变异较大的关键指标进行主成分权重赋值,复选出来自贵州、广西、广东和湖北的7株优树果皮百粒质量和种仁百粒质量分别比优树平均水平提高了42.86%和41.86%,优树经济性状增益明显;3)相关性分析表明,无患子不饱和脂肪酸含量与出仁率、种仁百粒质量均存在较强的负相关关系。C18:1含量稳定,与果实相关系数较小,二十碳烯酸(C20:1)与果实性状相关性更强。研究为无患子良种选育提供了重要支撑,为其生物能源、皂苷等综合开发奠定了基础。Abstract: In this study, phenotypic characters, oil content and fatty acid composition in fruits of Sapindus spp. from sixty plus trees of thirteen provinces in China and Vietnam were screened and evaluated by the method of soxhlet extraction and gas hromatography. And on this basis, principal component analysis and correlation analysis on the above characters were carried out to analyse the variation of each characters, quantitatively evaluate the compound economic valuable characters and analyze the correlation between fatty acid variation and phenotypic variation. The results showed that: 1) a wide phenotype variation among sixty plus trees was presented. The variable coefficients of 100-fruit coat weight 100-seed kernel weight, seed kernel content, fruit lateral diameter and linolenic acid content were 33%, 32%, 29%, 29% and 33%, respectively, while oleic acid showed medium stability (4%); 2) Measuring the key economic characters with more variation by weight assignment method of principal component analysis, 7 repeated selection trees came from Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hubei provinces were 42.86% and 41.86% higher in 100-fruit coat weight and 100-seed kernel weight compared with the average level of plus trees, thus the gain of economic traits of plus trees increased obviously. 3) The correlation analysis results showed that the unsaturated fatty acid had extremely significant negative correlation with kernel content and 100-seed kernel weight, while oleic acid had weak correlation with fruit characters. C20:1 had more correlation with fruit characters. The research provides important support to Sapindus spp. breeding process, and lays the foundation for bioenergy and saponin comprehensive exploitation and utilization.
- Sapindus spp. /
- plus tree /
- fruit /
- economic trait /
- fatty acid composition
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