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邓享, 阚江明, 李文彬

邓享, 阚江明, 李文彬. 背负式林果采摘机的人机工程学评价[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2017, 39(6): 131-136. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20160329
引用本文: 邓享, 阚江明, 李文彬. 背负式林果采摘机的人机工程学评价[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2017, 39(6): 131-136. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20160329
DENG Xiang, KAN Jiang.ming, LI Wen.bin. Ergonomics evaluation of knapsack forest-fruit-picking machine[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2017, 39(6): 131-136. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20160329
Citation: DENG Xiang, KAN Jiang.ming, LI Wen.bin. Ergonomics evaluation of knapsack forest-fruit-picking machine[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2017, 39(6): 131-136. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20160329



北京市教委重点学科建设项目 2013


    邓享。主要研究方向:森林工程装备及其自动化。Email: dengxiang@bjfu.edu.cn  地址:100083 北京市清华东路35号北京林业大学工学院


    阚江明,博士,教授。主要研究方向:森林工程装备及其自动化。Email: kanjm@bjfu.edu.cn  地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S225.93;TB18

Ergonomics evaluation of knapsack forest-fruit-picking machine

  • 摘要: 为了研究背负式林果采摘机的人机工程学特性, 通过林果采摘手臂疲劳实验, 建立了基于表面肌电信号的上肢肱二头肌疲劳评价模型, 并结合心率测试对比分析背负式林果采摘机和手持式采摘机的手臂疲劳特性。结果表明:操作背负式林果采摘机心率增加比小于手持式采摘机; 同时手臂疲劳程度也小于手持式采摘机。背负式林果采摘机较手持式采摘机更加省力, 能够有效地缓解肌肉疲劳。
    Abstract: Ergonomics evaluation of forest-fruit-picking machine is very important to design harvest machinery. In order to study the ergonomic features of knapsack forest-fruit-picking machine, a fatigue evaluation model of upper limb biceps brachii muscle based on surface electromyography (sEMG) signals was established by arm fatigue test. Combining the heart rate test and the model, the arm fatigue characteristics of the knapsack forest-fruit-picking machine and handheld picking machine were compared. The results showed that increasing ratio of heart rate and fatigue degree with knapsack forest- fruit-picking machine were less than those with handheld picking machine in the same situation. Therefore, the knapsack forest-fruit-picking machine is more labor-saving than the handheld picking machine, and can effectively relieve muscle fatigue.
  • 图  1   背负式林果采摘机总体结构图

    1.背架; 2.背部弯管; 3.伸缩调节杆; 4.悬挂弹簧; 5.采摘伸缩杆件; 6.连接管; 7.采摘头部。

    Figure  1.   Overall structure diagram of knapsack forest-fruit-picking machine

    1, Back frame; 2, Back bend; 3, Telescopic adjusting rod; 4, Suspension spring; 5, Picking telescopic rod; 6, Connecting pipe; 7, Head of picking machine.

    图  2   手持式和背负式林果采摘机对比图

    Figure  2.   Comparison in handheld and knapsack forest-fruit-picking machines

    图  3   手持与背负采摘疲劳对比

    Figure  3.   Fatigue comparison between handheld and knapsack picking

    图  4   相同时间段背负式和手持式两组肌电信号幅值变化

    Figure  4.   Knapsack and handheld signal amplitude changes of two groups of electromyographic in the same duration

    表  1   Borg量表的分值关系

    Table  1   Borg scale score

    Borg score
    Fatigue feeling
    Measure muscle contraction
    0 无感觉No feeling 0
    0.5 极轻Extremely light 5
    1 很轻Very light 10
    2 弱(轻)Weak (light) 20
    3 中等Medium 30
    4 40
    5 强Strong 50
    6 60
    7 很强Very strong 70
    8 80
    9 90
    10 极强Extremely strong 100
    注:分值为4时, 感觉在3 ~ 5之间; 分值为6时, 感觉在5 ~ 7之间; 分值为8和9时, 感觉介于7 ~ 10之间, 可线性增长。Notes: score is 4, the feeling is between 3-5; score is 6, the feeling is between 5-7; score is 8 and 9, the feeling is between 7-10 and can linearly grow.
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    表  2   疲劳能量与Borg主观值对应关系的问卷调查结果

    Table  2   Results of questionnaire on the relationship between fatigue energy and subjective values of Borg

    Fatigue energy/J
    Borg subjective value
    1 0.543 6 1
    2 0.660 9 1.5
    3 0.776 3 2
    4 0.713 5 2
    5 0.811 5 2
    6 0.647 8 1.8
    7 0.436 4 1
    8 0.561 9 1.2
    9 0.587 3 1.5
    10 0.813 9 2
    11 0.522 8 1
    12 1.019 5 3
    13 0.943 3 2.5
    14 0.397 0 1
    15 0.334 0 1
    16 0.436 9 1
    17 0.635 5 1.5
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    表  3   心率测试结果      次·min-1

    Table  3   Heart rate testing results

    beat per minute
    Stationary state
    Knapsack state
    Handheld state
    1 68 69(1.5%) 82(20.6%)
    2 63 77(22.2%) 82(30.2%)
    3 65 80(23.1%) 88(35.4%)
    4 65 67(3.1%) 70(7.7%)
    5 60 63(5.0%) 79(31.7%)
    注:括号内数值为心率增加比。Note: bracketed value is the increasing ratio of heart rate
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