

    Variations in seasonal activity pattern of red deer in southern part of Daxing'an Ling Mountains, northeastern China

    • 摘要: 为探明马鹿日活动节律的季节性变化特点,利用自动红外相机技术,于2011年9月至2012年8月在内蒙古赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区对该地区的马鹿进行了调查研究。结果发现:马鹿日活动节律存在显著的季节性变化(χ2= 7.905,P=0.048),秋冬两季的活动强度最强,春夏两季的活动强度类似;春夏两季,日活动强度在林缘开阔地生境和林间生境中不存在显著差异(Z=-0.210,P=0.834)。马鹿出现晨昏活动两个高峰时段(春季05:00、19:00,夏季00:00、20:00),繁殖需求、食物资源和气候条件可能是造成这一变化的主要原因。在上述两种生境中的活动强度不存在显著差异,说明在本研究区域内马鹿的活动很少受到生境结构变化的影响。本研究结果有助于监测保护区内马鹿的种群对不同生境的季节性选择情况,为保护区更为有效地管理野生动物提供数据支持。


      Abstract: Understanding the wildlife behavior and habitat selection in closed nature reserve is fundamental in planning effective management. From September 2011 to August 2012, daily activity pattern of red deer was recorded using camera trapping technology for exploring its seasonal changes of activity rhythm at Saihanwula Nature Reserve, Inner Mongolia of northern China. The results showed that the daily activity rhythm of red deer exhibited significant seasonal differences(χ2=7.905, P=0.048). The activity intensities in autumn and winter were the strongest, and appeared an equal level in spring and summer. There was no difference between forest and forest-edge habitats in the aspect of intensity of daily activity intensity (Z=-0.210, P=0.834).Red deer showed two peak periods of activities at the dawn and dusk in the spring and summer (05:00 and 19:00 in spring, 00:00 and 20:00 in summer) possibly due to breeding requirements, food resources and climate conditions. The activities of red deer showed no significant difference in open and forest-edge habitats, indicating that the habitat structure features in this area had little influence on the activity rhythm. These results will contribute to monitoring on the seasonal habitat choices of the red deer and thus providing data for protecting wild animals more efficiently in the nature reserve.


