Construction of ecological security patterns based on ecological red line in Erhai Lake Basin of southwestern China
摘要:目的构建区域生态安全格局解决生态环境问题,是实现区域可持续发展的重要途径。生态红线是国家和区域生态安全的底线,对维护区域生态安全具有重要作用。通过构建生态安全格局,为洱海流域土地资源和生态系统管理提供科学依据。方法本研究以洱海流域为对象,通过生物多样性保护和水源涵养重要性评价的方法划定红线区;基于土地适宜性评价,将生态红线区作为生态源地,建立最小阻力模型,构建生态安全格局。结果根据生态红线具有的生态系统服务功能,将其划分成“生物多样性保护生态红线区”“生物多样性保护—水源涵养生态红线区”和“水源涵养生态红线区”3类,面积分别为81.92、656.37和536.06 km2,占研究区总面积的3.15%、25.24%和20.62%。洱海流域生态安全格局由生态源地,高、中、低3种水平缓冲区,47条生态廊道和14个生态节点构成。其中,高、中、低3种生态安全格局缓冲区,面积分别为359.88、294.9和1 945.42 km2,分别占总面积的13.84%、11.34%和74.82%。结论本研究根据土地利用/覆盖类型与生物多样性保护、水源涵养功能之间的空间对应关系,选取参评因子划定生态红线,为区域生态红线的划分提供了实践参考。根据生态红线区识别生态源地构建生态安全格局,不仅具有全面性和准确性,也为区域生态红线的划定及应用于生态安全格局的构建提供实践参考。Abstract:ObjectiveBuilding comprehensive ecological security pattern to solve ecological problems is an important way to achieve regional sustainable development. Ecological red line is the base line of national and regional ecological security, and it also plays an important role in maintaining regional ecological security. Building an ecological security pattern also provides a scientific basis for the management of land resource and ecosystem in Erhai Lake Basin of southwestern China.MethodTaking Erhai Lake Basin as object in this study, we designed the ecological red line by means of evaluating the biodiversity protection and water conservation. Based on land suitability evaluation, we took the ecological red line area as the ecological source and established the minimum resistance model to construct the ecological security pattern.ResultAccording to the ecosystem service function of the ecological red line area, Erhai Lake Basin was divided into "biodiversity protection ecological red line area", "biodiversity protection-water conservation ecological red line area" and "water conservation ecological red line area", which were 81.92, 656.37 and 536.06 km2, occupied 3.15%, 25.24% and 20.62% of the total area of the study area, respectively. The comprehensive ecological security pattern of Erhai Lake Babin was composed of ecological sources, three kinds of buffer zones with high, medium and low level, 47 ecological corridors and 14 ecological nodes. The area of high, medium and low level buffer zones was 359.88, 294.9 and 1 945.42 km2, accounted for 13.84%, 11.34% and 74.82% of the total area, respectively.ConclusionAccording to the spatial correspondence between land use types and biodiversity, water conservation function, selecting assessment factors to define the ecological red line provides practical reference for the division of regional ecological red line. Selecting ecological sources based on ecological red line is not only accurate and comprehensive, but also provides practical reference to design ecological red line and application to build ecological security patterns.
表 1 生物多样性保护重要性评价分级标准
Table 1 Classification standard of importance evaluation of biodiversity protection
Importance level评价因子
Evaluation factor分级赋值
Grading assignment极重要
Most important自然生态系统类保护区、国家级和省级保护的物种分布区域Distribution area of natural ecosystem reserve, national and provincial protected species 7 重要
Evergreen coniferous forest, evergreen broadleaved forest, evergreen broadleaved shrub forest, meadow, reservoir/swag, lake, river5 比较重要
Quite important草丛
Grass3 一般重要
General important水田、旱地、裸地、居住地、工业用地、交通用地
Paddy filed, dry farm, bare land, residence area, industrial land, transportation land1 表 2 生态系统水源涵养重要性评价分级标准
Table 2 Classification standard of importance evaluation of source of river conservation
Importance level评价因子
Evaluation factor分级赋值
Grading assignment极重要
Most important水库/坑塘、湖泊、河流、常绿针叶林、常绿阔叶林
Reservoir/swag, lake, river, evergreen coniferous forest, evergreen broadleaved forest7 重要
Evergreen broadleaved shrub forest5 比较重要
Quite important草甸、草丛、水田、旱地
Meadow, grass, paddy filed, dry farm3 一般重要
General important裸地、居住地、工业用地、交通用地
Bare land, residence area, industrial land, transportation land1 表 3 景观过程阻力赋值体系
Table 3 Resistance assigning system of landscape process
Expansion resistance value of ecological protection land建设用地扩张阻力值
Expansion resistance value of construction land自然因素Natural factor 社会经济因素Social economic factor 坡度
Slope degree/(°)归一化植被指数
Normalized difference vegetation index, NDVI海拔
Landscape type距水域距离
Distance from water area/m距国道/省道距离
Distance from national and provincial highway/m距居民点距离
Distance from residence area/m1 5 >35 0.8~1 >3 500 常绿针叶林、常绿阔叶林、常绿阔叶灌木林、水库/坑塘、河流、湖泊
Evergreen coniferous forest, evergreen broadleaved forest, evergreen broadleaved shrub forest, reservoir/swag, river, lake0~500 >1 200 >1 500 2 4 25~35 0.6~0.8 3 000~3 500 水田、旱地
Paddy filed, dry farm500~1 000 800~1 200 1 000~1 500 3 3 15~25 0.4~0.6 2 500~3 000 草丛、草甸
Grass, meadow1 000~2 000 400~800 500~1 000 4 2 8~15 0.2~0.4 2 000~2 500 裸地、工业用地
Bare land, industrial land2 000~3 000 200~400 200~500 5 1 0~8 0~0.2 0~2 000 居住地、交通用地
Residence area, transportation land>3 000 0~200 0~200 表 4 生物多样性保护和水源涵养重要性评价结果
Table 4 Importance evaluating results of biodiversity protection and water conservation
Importance evaluation生物多样性保护
Biodiversity conservation/km2比例
Water conservation/km2比例
Proportion/%1 555.750 21.373 4 153.765 5.911 6 3 537.480 20.670 8 988.335 37.997 3 5 888.975 34.188 8 265.680 10.214 3 7 617.985 23.766 9 1 193.288 45.876 8 表 5 不同水平安全格局缓冲区分区区间
Table 5 Threshold range for buffer zone with different safety levels
Buffer zone with different safety scale levels阻力值断点区间
Resistance breakpoint interval高High -4 122 103.500 00~-44 816.875 00 中Medium -44 816.875 000~31 768.640 625 低Low 31 768.640 625~616 675.750 00 -
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