Effects of soil and water conservation and water purification by vegetative filter strips
摘要: 植被过滤带是水土保持和面源污染防控的重要措施之一。本研究于2016年8月在鹫峰人工降雨大厅通过土槽植草冲刷试验,观测不同宽度和坡度的植被过滤带(高羊茅)对地表径流、总悬浮物(TSS)以及污染物(TN、TP、K)的削减效果,定量分析植被过滤带宽度、坡度及入流流量大小等因素对植被过滤带径流拦蓄、TSS拦截和水质净化效益的影响。结果表明:植被过滤带的宽度对径流拦蓄效益影响较大,宽度为1、3和5 m植被过滤带的径流削减率分别为25.9%、79.6%、79.7%;污染物(TN、TP、K)削减率随着宽度逐渐增大,分别为51.7%~92.9%、44.4%~98.8%、31.7%~97.9%;TSS削减率分别为97.6%、99.4%和77.4%。随着坡度的增加(3°、7°和10°),径流和TSS的削减率呈逐渐减小趋势。对于同一个植被过滤带而言,较小的入流流量所对应的径流和TSS削减率较大,而污染物负荷削减率较小。研究表明,植被过滤带能有效拦蓄径流、拦截悬浮固体等污染物质,具有较好水土保持和水质净化效益。Abstract: Vegetative filter strip (VFS) is one of the commonly used practices for soil and water conservation and non-point source pollution control. In August 2016, a simulated scouring experiment on soil boxes was conducted in Beijing to quantitatively evaluate the interception and removing effects of VFS (all planted with Festuca arundinacea) on runoff, total suspended solid (TSS), and pollutants (TN, TP, K). The differences between volumes of runoff and concentrations of TSS, TN, TP and K of the inflow and outflow of VFSs with different width, slope and inflow rate were examined to analyze the influence of width, slope and inflow rate on soil and water conservation and water purification effects of VFS. The results showed that the runoff reduction rate was greatly influenced by the width of VFS. The VFSs with 1, 3, and 5 m width could reduce runoff by 25.9%, 79.6% and 79.7%, respectively; the reduction rate of pollutants(TN, TP, K) increased with the increasing width, which were 51.7%-92.9%, 44.4%-98.8%, and 31.7%-97.9% correspondingly; and the reduction rate of TSS was 97.6%, 99.4% and 77.4%, respectively. Besides, the reduction rates of runoff and TSS decreased with increasing slope of VFS (3°, 7°, 10°). For the same VFS, decreasing inflow rate corresponded to increasing reduction rate of runoff and TSS, while the removal efficiencies of TN, TP and K were decreasing. The results indicate that VFS is an effective practice for reducing runoff, removing TSS and pollutants.
表 1 入流配制参数
Table 1 Configuration parameters of inflow pollutants
Concentration of
pollution element/
Reagent mass
(g·L-1)N 35 NH4CL 0.220 2 P 16 KH2PO4 0.140 4 K 20 KH2PO4 0.140 4 表 2 冲刷试验方案
Table 2 Scheme of the scouring tests
VFS No.流量Inflow
Slope /(°)带宽
Strip width/mA1 0.22 3 1 A2 0.11 3 1 B1 0.22 7 1 B2 0.11 7 1 C1 0.22 10 1 C2 0.11 10 1 D1 0.22 3 3 D2 0.11 3 3 E1 0.22 7 3 E2 0.11 7 3 F1 0.22 10 3 F2 0.11 10 3 G1 0.22 3 5 G2 0.11 3 5 H1 0.22 7 5 H2 0.11 7 5 I1 0.22 10 5 I2 0.11 10 5 表 3 测试项目方法仪器一览表
Table 3 List of test methods and instruments
Test item分析方法
Analysis method方法来源
Method source仪器设备
Instrument and equipment总悬浮物Total suspended solid (TSS) 重量法
Gravimetric methodPONY-BJXZSZ107-2016A 风恒温干燥箱、分析天平
Electricthermostatic drying oven, analytical balance钾Potassium(K) 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry 水质-32种元素的测定Water quality-determination of 32 elements HJ 776—2015 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪
ICP总磷Total phosphorus(TP) 钼酸铵分光光度法
Ammonium molybdate spectrophotometric method水质-总磷的测定Water quality-determination of total phosphorus GB 11893—1989 紫外可见分光光度计
Ultraviolet and visible spectrometer总氮Total nitrogen(TN) 碱性过硫酸钾消解紫外分光光度法Alkaline potassium persulfate digestion-UV spectrophotometric 水质-总氮的测定Water quality- determination of total nitrogen HJ 636—2012 紫外可见分光光度计
Ultraviolet and visible spectrometer表 4 植被过滤带在不同条件下的径流拦蓄效益
Table 4 Runoff reduction effect of VFS under different experimental conditions
VFS No.流量
Inflow rate/
Runoff reduction
rate/%A1 0.22 3 1 37.27 A2 0.11 3 1 17.50 B1 0.22 7 1 24.00 B2 0.11 7 1 30.71 C1 0.22 10 1 30.83 C2 0.11 10 1 15.00 D1 0.22 3 3 71.40 D2 0.11 3 3 83.33 E1 0.22 7 3 58.21 E2 0.11 7 3 52.86 F1 0.22 10 3 63.32 F2 0.11 10 3 88.57 G1 0.22 3 5 79.22 G2 0.11 3 5 81.26 H1 0.22 7 5 87.78 H2 0.11 7 5 90.79 I1 0.22 10 5 80.54 I2 0.11 10 5 60.22 平均Mean 58.49 表 5 植被过滤带在不同条件下的悬浮固体拦截效益
Table 5 Suspended solid removing effects of VFS under different experimental conditions
VFS No.流量
Inflow rate/
Reduction rate of TSS mass
concentration/%A1 0.22 3 1 91.44 A2 0.11 3 1 96.59 B1 0.22 7 1 99.44 B2 0.11 7 1 99.44 C1 0.22 10 1 99.44 C2 0.11 10 1 99.44 D1 0.22 3 3 99.44 D2 0.11 3 3 99.44 E1 0.22 7 3 99.44 E2 0.11 7 3 99.44 F1 0.22 10 3 99.44 F2 0.11 10 3 99.44 G1 0.22 3 5 96.25 G2 0.11 3 5 89.67 H1 0.22 7 5 80.70 H2 0.11 7 5 97.54 I1 0.22 10 5 99.44 I2 0.11 10 5 64.71 平均Mean 95.04 表 6 植被过滤带在不同条件下的水质净化效益
Table 6 Water purification effects of VFS under different experimental conditions
VFS No.流量
Inflow rate/
Reduction rate
of TN load/%TP负荷削减率
Reduction rate
of TP load/%K负荷削减率
Removing efficiency
of K load/%A1 0.22 3 1 55.99 39.00 35.11 A2 0.11 3 1 36.19 21.49 13.68 B1 0.22 7 1 52.76 29.09 22.89 B2 0.11 7 1 50.24 33.90 31.51 C1 0.22 10 1 52.62 36.77 35.41 C2 0.11 10 1 62.27 57.48 51.82 D1 0.22 3 3 90.65 92.32 90.83 D2 0.11 3 3 86.16 92.55 91.33 E1 0.22 7 3 84.11 81.57 81.65 E2 0.11 7 3 87.32 96.60 94.08 F1 0.22 10 3 87.37 86.37 83.82 F2 0.11 10 3 94.92 99.63 98.74 G1 0.22 3 5 92.54 95.90 95.70 G2 0.11 3 5 91.23 94.36 92.17 H1 0.22 7 5 95.26 99.79 99.18 H2 0.11 7 5 96.98 99.90 99.29 I1 0.22 10 5 93.21 99.62 98.59 I2 0.11 10 5 86.32 98.84 96.76 平均Mean 77.56 75.29 72.92 -
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