

    Spatial distribution and susceptibility analysis of avalanche, landslide and debris flow in Beijing mountain region

    • 摘要:
      目的本研究拟通过对北京地区的山地灾害发生的影响因子进行敏感性评价, 认识该区内灾害的分布特征与规律, 为防灾减灾工作服务。
      方法利用ARCGIS10.2作为处理平台, 分析北京山区崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害的空间分布特征; 同时选取断层、岩性、坡度、坡向、多年平均降雨量因子进行敏感性分析, 并对各因子进行敏感性评价。
      结果3类灾害在距断层0~6km范围内分布最多, 占总灾害个数的86%;在距断层0~2km内灾害点密度达到0.83个/km2, 其敏感性系数(Sci)为1.95;崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害在花岗岩分布最多, 其Sci分别为7.05、3.46、5.89;3类灾害受降雨影响具有一致性, 崩塌、滑坡、泥石流分别在年均降水量区间为710~730mm、710~730mm、630~650mm时Sci值最高, 分别为1.14、1.68、0.90;3类灾害在平均坡度5°~15°区间内Sci最大, 分别为0.75、0.53、0.93;崩塌、滑坡在西南方面最易发生, Sci分别为0.37、0.64, 泥石流多发生于流域内, 灾害发生坡向不固定。
      结论通过对灾害不同影响因子进行敏感性赋值, 利用ARCGIS中的空间叠置分析与栅格累加功能, 得到北京山区崩塌、滑坡、泥石流3类灾害的敏感性分布图, 对北京山地灾害的发生有了更进一步的认识。


      ObjectiveThis paper aims to assess the sensitivity of factors affecting the occurrence of mountain hazards in Beijing, and explore the hazard distribution characteristics and laws in this area.
      MethodUsing ArcGis 10.2 as the processing platform, the spatial distribution of avalanche, landslide and debris flow in Beijing mountain region were analyzed. Based on five evaluation-factors including respect to faults, lithology, slope degree, slope aspect and the average rainfall by ARCGIS spatial analysis and sensitivity coefficient.
      ResultThe experiments showed that the concerned three kinds of hazards were mainly located in the range of 0-6km to the faults, where 86% hazards were located. The density of hazard site within the area of 2km to fault reached 0.83 points per square kilometers, and the sensitivity coefficient was 1.95; the avalanche, landslide and the debris flow mainly located in the granite strata, and the sensitivity coefficient "Sci" was 7.05, 3.46, 5.89, respectively. The maximum Sci of avalanche, landslide and debris flow was 1.14, 1.68, 0.90, respectively in the area where the annual precipitation ranged between 710-730mm, 710-730mm, 630-650mm. Three hazards were prone to occur in the slope terrain with average slope gradient of 5°-15°, the corresponding sensitivity coefficient "Sci"was 0.75, 0.53, 0.93, respectively. The avalanche and landslide were located in southwest aspect terrain, and the "Sci" was 0.37 and 0.64; the debris flow mainly occurred in the river basin while the slope of the disaster was not fixed.
      ConclusionIn conclusion, assigning susceptibility of different impact factors for hazards, using spatial overlay analysis and grid accumulation in ARCGIS, we get the susceptibility distribution map of three kinds of disasters and a further understanding of the occurrence of mountain hazards in Beijing mountain area.


