Change of tree species composition in green area of residential quarter within the Fifth Ring in Beijing from 2006 to 2016
摘要:目的对居住区绿地的树种组成结构和10年变化特征进行分析,提出了居住区绿化建议,为今后城市居住区绿地的规划以及改造等工作提供参考。方法以北京城区五环内23处居住区为研究对象,对研究区域内高于1.5 m以上的乔灌木进行每木测量,调查内容包括树种、树高、胸径、冠幅、株数以及修剪情况等信息,并对居住绿地主要树种的使用频度、密度、覆盖度、相对频度、相对密度、相对覆盖度、株均覆盖面积、重要值等特征参数进行分析,并与10年前的数据进行对比研究。结果(1) 本文所调研的北京五环内居住区绿地现有乔灌木34科61属85种,共有乔灌木9 799株,乔木与灌木数量之比达6.2:1,树木平均密度为39株/hm2,与10年前相比,树种数量增加27%,树木平均密度增长30%,种类提升39%,灌木所占比例提升到1.55倍。(2)居住区绿地内数量最多的20个主要树种的种类和数量在10年之间变化显著,观赏类和可食类树种数量呈增加趋势明显,碧桃、玉兰、西府海棠、香椿、二球悬铃木、银杏的数量分别为2006年的7.07、6.36、5.53、4.90、3.38和3.28倍,成为居住区绿地新的主要树种,而曾经的主要树种毛白杨、侧柏、无刺枣、毛泡桐、白皮松的数量则分别锐减至10年前的43.95%、11.74%、24.09%、9.34%、41.24%。同时,圆柏数量增至10年前的5.84倍,呈现出与侧柏截然相反的变化趋势,成为居住区替代侧柏的主要针叶树种。(3)与2006年相比,居住区绿地20种主要树种的使用频度均呈上升趋势,其中圆柏、碧桃、玉兰、二球悬铃木增长明显,分别为10年前的22.75、5.27、4.25和3.15倍,无刺枣、石榴与柿虽然数量较少,但其使用频度却也分别从0.44、0.28、0.48提高到0.61、0.67、0.67。(4)居住区绿地内20种主要树种的整体覆盖度与株均覆盖面积均有所下降,整体覆盖度降低了0.007,降幅为7.53%,其中毛白杨、臭椿、刺槐等树种覆盖度下降趋势尤其显著,分别降至2006年的30.51%、15.38%和50.00%。由于截干严重,毛白杨、臭椿的株均覆盖面积分别降至10年前的51.57%、16.85%。(5)国槐(Ⅳ=0.529)、绒毛白蜡(Ⅳ=0.321)、圆柏(Ⅳ=0.212)、毛白杨(Ⅳ =0.195)、二球悬铃木(Ⅳ=0.182)、香椿(Ⅳ=0.163)是目前居住区绿地最主要的优势树种;侧柏、泡桐的优势度在10年前后下降明显,其重要值分别从2006年的0.155、0.107下降到2016年的0.017、0.002;圆柏、悬铃木的优势地位显著上升,其重要值分别提升了11.16和4.67倍。结论居住区整体绿化状况有所改善,林木密度、树种种类均有显著增加,树种结构更加合理亲民,毛白杨、臭椿、侧柏等植源性致敏树种或生长适应性不好的树种数量逐渐减少,而香椿、银杏、悬铃木、西府海棠等群众喜爱的树种日益增加。但是居住区绿地整体绿量并未得到有效提升,整体覆盖度下降了4.73%,在空间绿量上还有较大的提升空间和潜力。Abstract:ObjectiveWe studied the tree species composition structure in residential areas within the Fifth Ring in Beijing between the year 2006 and 2016, put forward some suggestions about greening of residential areas, and provided reference for planning and restructuring the urban residential green space in the future.MethodThe main sites of the study were 23 residential areas within the Fifth Ring in Beijing. Trees and shrubs with the height over 1.5 m were investigated. Main contents of the investigation included species, height, diameter at breast height (DBH), crown diameter, tree amount and pruning extent. We analyzed the density, species richness of trees in 23 sampled plots and frequency, density, coverage, relative frequency, relative density, relative coverage, and average cover area of plants and important values of the 20 dominant species. After that, the related data was compared with that in 2006.Result(1) All trees in the 23 residential areas involved 34 families, 61 genera and 85 species. There were 9 799 trees in 23 sample plots. Arbors were 6.2 times of shrubs. The average density of trees was 39 plants/ha, which was 27% higher than a decade ago, and the average density of trees increased by 30%; the tree species increased by 39%, and the proportion of shrubs increased to 1.55 times. (2) The species varieties and amount of 20 main tree species changed greatly from 2006 to 2016. Ornamental and edible trees showed an obvious increase. The tree number of Amygdalus persica var. persica f. duplex, Magnolia denudata, Malus × micromalus, Toona sinensis, Platanus hispanica, Ginkgo biloba increased to 7.07, 6.36, 5.53, 4.90, 3.38 and 3.28 times of year 2006, respectively, and they became the new dominant tree species in the green land of residential area. While the numbers of Populus tomentosa, Platycladus orientalis, Ziziphus jujuba var. inermis, Paulownia tomentosa, Pinus bungeana, which were once dominant tree species reduced sharply to 43.95%, 11.74%, 24.09%, 9.34% and 41.24% of year 2006, respectively. At the same time, the number of Sabina chinensis increased to 5.84 times of ten years ago, showing a completely opposite trend to Platycladus orientalis. Sabina chinensis replaced Platycladus orientalis and became the main new coniferous species in the residential area. (3) Compared with year 2006, the use frequency of 20 major tree species in green land of residential area showed an increasing trend. In which, Sabina chinensis, Amygdalus persica var. persica f. duplex, Magnolia denudata, Platanus hispanica increased evidently and were 22.75, 5.27, 4.25 and 3.15 times of ten years ago, respectively. Although the numbers of Ziziphus jujuba var. inermis, Shibataea chiangshanensis and Diospyros kakiwere were comparatively less and even fewer than 2006, yet their use frequencies increased from 0.44, 0.28, 0.48 to 0.61, 0.67 and 0.67, respectively. (4) The overall coverage and mean plant cover area of 20 main tree species in residential greenbelt both decreased, and the overall coverage decreased by 0.007 and the decreasing amplitude was 7.53%. Among which, the coverage of Populus tomentosa, Ailanthus altissima, Robinia pseudoacacia decreased significantly to 30.51%, 15.38% and 50.00% of year 2006, respectively. Due to severe pruning, mean plant coverage area of Populus tomentosa and Ailanthus altissima decreased to 51.57% and 16.85% of ten years ago, respectively. (5) In 2016, the dominant tree species in green land of residential area are Sophora japonica (Ⅳ=0.529), Fraxinus chinensis (Ⅳ=0.321), Sabina chinensis (Ⅳ=0.212), Populus tomentosa (Ⅳ=0.195), Platanus hispanica (Ⅳ=0.182), Toona sinensis (Ⅳ=0.163). The dominance of Platycladus orientalis and Paulownia tomentosa showed a sharp downward trend, and their importance values decreased from 0.155, 0.107 in 2006 to 0.017, 0.002 in 2016, respectively. The dominant position of Sabina chinensis and Platanus hispanica rose significantly, and their importance values increased by 11.16 and 4.67 times, respectively.ConclusionThe overall afforestation situation has been improved in the residential area. The forest density and tree species have increased significantly, and the species structure is more reasonable and grounded now. The numbers of plant-caused sensitized tree species like Populus tomentosa, Ailanthus altissima, Platycladus orientalis and poor growth adaptability tree species decreased gradually, while the number of popular tree species, including Toona sinensis, Ginkgo biloba, Platanus hispanica, Malus × micromalus increased gradually. However, the overall amount of green space in residential areas has not improved effectively, and the overall coverage has decreased by 4.73%. There is still much room for improvement and potential for green space.
表 1 调查样地信息表
Table 1 Survey sample information table
Residential area name所属区域
Belonging region占地面积
Area covered/m2建成时间
Built time1 安贞里西小区Anzhen Li West Community 朝阳区Chaoyang District 4 507 1988年Year 1988 2 北林家属院Beilin Relative's Courtyard 海淀区Haidian District 30 000 20世纪90年代1990s 3 新安西里小区Xin'anxili Community 西城区Xicheng District 41 061 20世纪90年代1990s 4 新安南里小区Xin'an'nanli Community 西城区Xicheng District 45 068 1981年Year 1981 5 自新路社区Zixin Road Community 西城区Xicheng District 37 500 1989年Year 1989 6 魏公村小区Weigong Village Community 海淀区Haidian District 80 456 1982年Year 1982 7 北三环中路10号小区10th Community on the North Third Ring Zhong Road 西城区Xicheng District 20 000 1980年Year 1980 8 中科院黄庄小区Huangzhuang Community, Chinese Academy of Sciences 海淀区Haidian District 39 650 1963年Year 1963 9 安翔里小区Anxiangli Community 朝阳区Chaoyang District 43 875 1964年Year 1964 10 丝竹园Sizhu Community 朝阳区Chaoyang District 40 000 1981年Year 1981 11 北大地三里小区Beidadisanli Community 丰台区Fengtai District 21 275 1981年Year 1981 12 石榴园南里小区Shiliuyuannanli Community 丰台区Fengtai District 25 785 1996年Year 1996 13 福寿公寓Fushou Apartment 朝阳区Chaoyang District 3 800 1992年Year 1992 14 青年湖小区Qingnianhu Community 东城区Dongcheng District 38 850 1987年Year 1987 15 十里堡北里小区Shilibaobeili Community 朝阳区Chaoyang District 39 000 1980年Year 1980 16 双龙小区Shuanglong Community 朝阳区Chaoyang District 336 000 1994年Year 1994 17 花家地南里Huajiadinanli Community 朝阳区Chaoyang District 336 000 1990年Year 1990 18 花家地西里Huajiadixili Community 朝阳区Chaoyang District 52 500 1996年Year 1996 19 (村庄)孔家井Kongjiajing 朝阳区Chaoyang District 39 000 建国前Before the founding of the P.R.China 20 (村庄)廖公庄Liaogongzhuang 海淀区Haidian District 47 500 建国前Before the founding of the P.R.China 21 胡同区一Hutong 1 东城区Dongcheng District 250 000 建国前Before the founding of the P.R.China 22 胡同区二Hutong 2 东城区Dongcheng District 560 000 建国前Before the founding of the P.R.China 23 胡同区三Hutong 3 东城区Dongcheng District 707 750 建国前Before the founding of the P.R.China 24 复康小区Fukang Community* 东城区Dongcheng District 25 500 1972年Year 1972 25 南礼士路40号轻工部社区Nanlishi Road, No. 40 Light Industry Ministry Community* 西城区Xicheng District 7 000 1984年Year 1984 注:*表示已拆除居住区。Note:* indicates that a residential area has been removed. 表 2 居住区绿地20种主要树种数量10年变化
Table 2 Composition changes of 20 main tree species in green land of residential area from 2006 to 2016
Sample plot number总面积/hm2
Total area/ha总调查株数
Total surveying plant number树种数量
Tree species number密度/(株·hm-2)
Arbor percentage/%灌木比例
Shrub percentage/%2006 25 257.1 7711 61 30 91.67 8.33 2016 23 * 252.4 * 9799 85 39 80.12 12.90 注:*表示居住区数量和面积减小的原因为复康小区和南礼士路40号轻工部社区被拆除。Note:* due to Fukang Community and Nanlishi Road, No. 40 Light Industry Ministry Community have been removed, the number and area of residential areas were reduced. 表 3 居住区绿地5种主要乔木(2016年)
Table 3 5 main trees in green land of residential areas in 2016
树种Tree species 国槐Sophora japonica 圆柏Sabina chinensis 香椿Toona sinensis 绒毛白蜡Fraxinus chinensis 臭椿Ailanthus altissima 数量Amount 1 531 976 647 583 490 比例Percentage/% 15.68 9.96 6.60 5.95 5.00 表 4 居住区绿地5种主要灌木(2016年)
Table 4 5 main shrub species in green land of residential areas in 2016
Tree species连翘
Forsythia suspensa金银忍冬
Lonicera maackii石榴
Punica granatum木槿
Hibiscus syriacus紫丁香
Syringa oblata数量Amount 222 143 92 87 80 比例Percentage/% 2.27 1.46 0.94 0.89 0.82 表 5 居住区绿地20种主要树种数量10年变化
Table 5 Amount changes of 20 dominant tree species in green land of residential areas from 2006 to 2016
Tree species数量
Relative density2006 2016 2006 2016 2006 2016 1 国槐Sophora japonica 1329 1531 5.069 6.066 0.167 0.191 2 圆柏Sabina chinensis 167 976 0.500 3.534 0.016 0.111 3 香椿Toona sinensis 132 647 0.417 2.564 0.014 0.081 4 绒毛白蜡Fraxinus chinensis 372 583 1.628 2.310 0.055 0.073 5 臭椿Ailanthus altissima 729 490 2.655 1.939 0.087 0.061 6 二球悬铃木Platanus hispanica 141 477 0.441 1.887 0.015 0.059 7 毛白杨Populus tomentosa 976 429 3.761 1.700 0.124 0.053 8 龙爪槐Sophora japonica var. japonica f. pendula 234 345 0.870 1.365 0.029 0.043 9 西府海棠Malus×micromalus 62 304 0.241 1.203 0.008 0.038 10 紫叶李Prunus cerasifera f. atropurpurea 139 288 0.437 1.140 0.014 0.036 11 银杏Ginkgo biloba 85 279 0.311 1.104 0.010 0.035 12 加杨Populus×canadensis 237 262 0.922 1.036 0.030 0.033 13 栾树Koelreuteria paniculata 98 255 0.378 1.009 0.012 0.032 14 连翘Forsythia suspensa 84 222 0.010 0.879 0.000 0.028 15 刺槐Robinia pseudoacacia 288 200 1.091 0.791 0.036 0.025 16 碧桃Amygdalus persica var. persica f. duplex 28 198 0.108 0.783 0.004 0.025 17 油松Pinus tabuliformis 110 183 0.965 0.725 0.032 0.023 18 玉兰Magnolia denudata 98 159 0.101 0.633 0.003 0.020 19 金银忍冬Lonicera maackii 107 143 0.415 0.569 0.014 0.018 20 绦柳Salix matsudana var. matsudana f. pendula 172 136 0.524 0.680 0.026 0.021 *侧柏Platycladus orientalis 954 112 3.711 0.444 — *无刺枣Ziziphus jujuba var. inermis 298 72 1.159 0.285 — *毛泡桐Paulownia tomentosa 449 42 1.746 0.166 — *白皮松Pinus bungeana 210 87 0.817 0.345 — *雪松Cedrus deodara 102 67 0.397 0.265 — 注:*主要树种排序按2016年调查结果按数量由多到少排列。下同。Notes: * means the order of major tree species according to the number from more to less in 2016. The same below. 表 6 居住区绿地20种主要树种使用频度10年变化
Table 6 Changes of frequency of 20 dominant tree species in green land of residential areas from 2006 to 2016
Tree species频度
Relative frequency2006 2016 2006 2016 1 国槐Sophora japonica 0.72 1.00 0.052 0.079 2 圆柏Sabina chinensis 0.04 0.95 0.003 0.075 3 香椿Toona sinensis 0.24 0.74 0.017 0.058 4 绒毛白蜡Fraxinus chinensis 0.44 0.74 0.032 0.058 5 臭椿Ailanthus altissima 0.76 0.74 0.054 0.058 6 二球悬铃木Platanus hispanica 0.20 0.63 0.014 0.049 7 毛白杨Populus tomentosa 0.64 0.74 0.046 0.058 8 龙爪槐Sophora japonica var. japonica f. pendula 0.48 0.68 0.034 0.053 9 西府海棠Malus×micromalus 0.24 0.47 0.017 0.037 10 紫叶李Prunus cerasifera f. atropurpurea 0.40 0.74 0.029 0.058 11 银杏Ginkgo biloba 0.32 0.53 0.023 0.042 12 加杨Populus×canadensis 0.40 0.47 0.029 0.037 13 栾树Koelreuteria paniculata 0.40 0.53 0.029 0.042 14 连翘Forsythia suspensa 0.20 0.26 0.014 0.020 15 刺槐Robinia pseudoacacia 0.32 0.68 0.023 0.053 16 碧桃Amygdalus persica var. persica f. duplex 0.11 0.58 0.008 0.046 17 油松Pinus tabuliformis 0.40 0.47 0.029 0.037 18 玉兰Magnolia denudata 0.16 0.68 0.012 0.053 19 金银木Lonicera maackii 0.24 0.42 0.017 0.033 20 绦柳Salix matsudana var. matsudana f. pendula 0.56 0.68 0.040 0.053 *无刺枣Ziziphus jujuba var. inermis 0.44 0.61 — *石榴Shibataea chiangshanensis 0.28 0.67 — *柿Diospyros kaki 0.48 0.67 — 表 7 居住区绿地20种主要树种覆盖度10年变化
Table 7 Changes of coverage of 20 dominant tree species in green land of residential areas from 2006 to 2016
Tree species覆盖度
Relative coverage株均覆盖面积
Mean plant coverage area/m22006 2016 2006 2016 2006 2016 1 国槐Sophora japonica 0.0250 0.0223 0.233 0.259 49.320 36.888 2 圆柏Sabina chinensis 0.0000 0.0022 0.000 0.026 0.600 4.522 3 香椿Toona sinensis 0.0003 0.0021 0.003 0.024 7.186 9.616 4 绒毛白蜡Fraxinus chinensis 0.0070 0.0163 0.065 0.190 41.623 46.060 5 臭椿Ailanthus altissima 0.0143 0.0022 0.133 0.026 53.869 9.075 6 二球悬铃木Platanus hispanica 0.0009 0.0064 0.010 0.074 20.403 32.154 7 毛白杨Populus tomentosa 0.0236 0.0072 0.220 0.084 62.744 32.355 8 龙爪槐Sophora japonica var. japonica f. pendula 0.0005 0.0011 0.005 0.013 5.744 5.765 9 西府海棠Malus×micromalus 0.0002 0.0023 0.002 0.027 12.912 18.237 10 紫叶李Prunus cerasifera f. atropurpurea 0.0002 0.0020 0.002 0.023 4.575 17.563 11 银杏Ginkgo biloba 0.0007 0.0024 0.008 0.028 22.497 16.974 12 加杨Populus×canadensis 0.0028 0.003 2 0.032 0.037 29.819 26.226 13 栾树Koelreuteria paniculata 0.0012 0.003 1 0.013 0.036 31.738 26.180 14 连翘Forsythia suspensa 0.0001 0.000 4 0.001 0.004 3.014 4.679 15 刺槐Robinia pseudoacacia 0.0042 0.0021 0.044 0.024 37.581 27.838 16 碧桃Amygdalus persica var. persica f. duplex 0.0003 0.0013 0.003 0.015 4.217 12.563 17 油松Pinus tabuliformis 0.0022 0.0021 0.024 0.024 22.799 13.422 18 玉兰Magnolia denudata 0.0001 0.0004 0.001 0.005 2.009 3.939 19 金银忍冬Lonicera maackii 0.0002 0.0012 0.002 0.014 3.662 13.847 20 绦柳Salix matsudana var. matsudana f. pendula 0.0017 0.0061 0.018 0.071 32.456 103.816 表 8 居住区绿地20种主要树种重要值10年变化
Table 8 Changes of important values of 20 dominant tree species in green land of residential areas from 2006 to 2016
Tree species重要值Important value (Ⅳ) 2006 2016 1 国槐Sophora japonica 0.452 0.529 2 圆柏Sabina chinensis 0.019 0.212 3 香椿Toona sinensis 0.034 0.163 4 绒毛白蜡Fraxinus chinensis 0.152 0.321 5 臭椿Ailanthus altissima 0.274 0.145 6 二球悬铃木Platanus hispanica 0.039 0.182 7 毛白杨Populus tomentosa 0.390 0.195 8 龙爪槐Sophora japonica var. japonica f. pendula 0.068 0.109 9 西府海棠Malus×micromalus 0.025 0.102 10 紫叶李Prunus cerasifera f. atropurpurea 0.043 0.117 11 银杏Ginkgo biloba 0.040 0.105 12 加杨Populus×canadensis 0.091 0.107 13 栾树Koelreuteria paniculata 0.054 0.110 14 连翘Forsythia suspensa 0.015 0.052 15 刺槐Robinia pseudoacacia 0.103 0.102 16 碧桃Amygdalus persica var. persica f. duplex 0.015 0.086 17 油松Pinus tabuliformis 0.085 0.084 18 玉兰Magnolia denudata 0.016 0.078 19 金银忍冬Lonicera maackii 0.033 0.065 20 绦柳Salix matsudana var. matsudana f. pendula 0.084 0.145 -
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