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张晓, 潘磊磊, SemyungKwon, 刘艳书, 杨晓晖, 时忠杰

张晓, 潘磊磊, SemyungKwon, 刘艳书, 杨晓晖, 时忠杰. 沙地天然樟子松径向生长对干旱的响应[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2018, 40(7): 27-35. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20170467
引用本文: 张晓, 潘磊磊, SemyungKwon, 刘艳书, 杨晓晖, 时忠杰. 沙地天然樟子松径向生长对干旱的响应[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2018, 40(7): 27-35. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20170467
Zhang Xiao, Pan Leilei, Semyung Kwon, Liu Yanshu, Yang Xiaohui, Shi Zhongjie. Climatological response of radial growth for Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica to drought in Hulun Buir Sandland, Inner Mongolia of northern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2018, 40(7): 27-35. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20170467
Citation: Zhang Xiao, Pan Leilei, Semyung Kwon, Liu Yanshu, Yang Xiaohui, Shi Zhongjie. Climatological response of radial growth for Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica to drought in Hulun Buir Sandland, Inner Mongolia of northern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2018, 40(7): 27-35. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20170467



国家自然科学基金项目 41471029

国际科技合作专项 2015DFR31130

国家自然科学基金项目 31670715

中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项 CAFYBB2017QA037

中国林业科学研究院荒漠化研究所项目 IDS2017JY-4

国家自然科学基金项目 41701249

中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项 CAFYBB2017ZA006


    张晓,助理研究员。主要研究方向:恢复生态学与荒漠化防治。Email:zhangxiao978@caf.ac.cn 地址:100091北京市海淀区槐树居路10号中国林业科学研究院荒漠化研究所


    时忠杰,副研究员。主要研究方向:树轮生态学与荒漠化防治。Email:shijie1204@163.com 地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S758.1

Climatological response of radial growth for Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica to drought in Hulun Buir Sandland, Inner Mongolia of northern China

  • 摘要:
    结果南辉的樟子松标准年表与6月平均气温和6—7月平均最高气温呈显著负相关(P < 0.05),伊敏河的樟子松年表与4月、6—7月和9月平均气温和平均最高气温呈显著负相关(P < 0.05);两个地点的樟子松标准年表均与6—7月和9月的降水量正相关(P < 0.1);南辉的樟子松年表与9月相对湿度呈显著负相关(P < 0.05),但伊敏河的樟子松年表与前一年10—12月和当年2—3月和5月相对湿度显著正相关(P < 0.05);两个地点的樟子松年表均与前一年10月至当年9月的帕尔默干旱胁迫指数(PDSI)呈显著正相关(P < 0.05)。以上结果表明这一区域的樟子松径向生长受到水分的显著影响;与南辉的樟子松相比,伊敏河的樟子松对干旱的抵抗力较弱,但恢复力更强;随着干旱程度的增加,樟子松对极端干旱的抵抗力下降、恢复力增强。
    ObjectiveHulun Buir Sandland is the southern margin of natural Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) with a warm and dry climatological trend. This study aims at climatological response of Mongolian pine and its resilience to drought.
    MethodTwo tree-ring width chronologies of Mongolian pine were established at Nanhui and Yiminhe sites in Hulun Buir Sandland, Inner Mongolia of northern China. Correlations were analyzed using the tree-ring width with climate factors, and tree resilience indexes (including resistance, recovery and resilience) were calculated using the two width chronologies.
    ResultResults showed that the tree-ring width had significantly negative correlation with the monthly mean temperature of June, and significantly negative correlation with the maximum temperature from June to July at Nanhui site (P < 0.05); and significantly negative correlation with the monthly mean temperature and the maximum temperature of April, June, July and September at Yiminhe site (P < 0.05). Tree-ring width had positive correlation with the monthly precipitation of June, July and September at both two sites (P < 0.1). In the meanwhile, the tree-ring width had significantly negative correlation with the relative humidity of September at Nanhui site, and significantly positive correlation with the relative humidity of the last October to December and February, March and May in the same year(P < 0.05). The tree-ring width had also significantly positive correlation with the Palmer drought severity index (PDSI) from last October to same September at two sites (P < 0.05), indicating the growth of Mongolian pine was significantly influenced by hydrological factors in Hunlun Buir Sandland. Compared to values in Nanhui site, the drought resistance was lower, but the recovery was larger in Yiminhe site. With drought severity increased, Mongolian pine showed decreased resistance and increased recovery.
    ConclusionThe radial growth of natural Mongolian pine was influenced by temperature and precipitation of summer in Hulun Buir Sandland. Difference of two tree-ring chronologies occurred from the year of 1925 to 1935 in two sites may result from younger trees and its lower resistance to drought in Yiminhe site. Stand age, as an important factor influencing tree resilience to drought should be further studied with multi-site data.
  • 图  1   研究区1951—2008年月平均气温和月降水量分布

    Figure  1.   Mean monthly air temperature and monthly precipitation during 1951-2008 in the study area

    图  2   樟子松年轮宽度标准年表及样本量

    Figure  2.   Standard chronology of tree-ring width and sample number of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica

    图  3   两个地点樟子松年轮宽度标准化年表与气候因子的相关分析

    虚线表示相关分析显著性水平线P < 0.05,-代表前一年。

    Figure  3.   Correlation analysis of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica standard chronology of tree-ring width with climate factors in two sampling sites

    The dotted lines mean the significance line of correlation analysis is P < 0.05, "-" represents the previous year.

    图  4   抵抗力、恢复力和弹性力与月均PDSI的关系

    Figure  4.   Relationship between resilience indexes (resistance, recovery and resilience) and monthly average PDSI

    表  1   樟子松采样点基本概况

    Table  1   Statistics description for tree-ring sampling sites

    取样地点Sampling site 经度Longitude 纬度Latitude 海拔Altitude/m 平均胸径Mean DBH/cm
    南辉Nanhui 119°16′E 48°17′N 692~751 78.2
    伊敏河Yiminhe River 120°00′E 48°45′N 724~780 61.0
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    表  2   樟子松年轮宽度标准年表和差值年表统计量

    Table  2   STD and RES statistics of tree-ring width of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica

    Chronology characteristics
    南辉Nanhui 伊敏河Yiminhe River
    样本量(树木株数) Sample number (tree number) 41(20) 38(20) 20(8) 20(8)
    序列长度Time span 1881—2009 1889—2009 1917—2009 1918—2009
    树间平均相关系数Mean correlation coefficient among trees 0.418 0.429 0.451 0.426
    一阶自相关Autocorrelation order 1 0.336 0 0.002 4 0.713 4 0.106 5
    平均敏感度Mean sensitivity 0.199 2 0.174 6 0.179 3 0.181 8
    平均年轮宽度Mean tree-ring width 0.981 6 0.994 0 0.938 1 0.979 4
    标准差Standard deviation 0.212 5 0.157 1 0.246 8 0.167 7
    信噪比Signal-to-noise ratio 27.310 28.553 11.504 10.379
    样本对总体的代表性Representative of sample to total 0.965 0.966 0.920 0.912
    第一特征向量百分比Percentage of the first eigenvector 45.45 45.44 50.52 48.98
    共同区间段平均Mean of common interval 0.990 0.991 1.016 1.003
    Notes: STD represents standard chronology and RES represents residual chronology. Chronology common intervals of Nanhui and Yiminhe River were 1944-2009 and 1946-2009, respectively.
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    表  3   极端干旱年份南辉和伊敏河樟子松树木的抵抗力、恢复力和弹性力

    Table  3   Values of resistance, recovery and resilience of Pinus sylvestric var. mongolica in Nanhui and Yiminhe River in extreme drought years

    干旱事件发生年份Drought event occurring year 抵抗力Resistance 恢复力Recovery 弹性力Resilience
    南辉Nanhui 伊敏河Yiminhe River 南辉Nanhui 伊敏河Yiminhe River 南辉Nanhui 伊敏河Yiminhe River
    1922 1.518 0.860 1.100 1.216 1.670 1.045
    1926 0.845 0.218 0.870 2.230 0.735 0.486
    1944—1946 0.866 0.965 1.196 1.076 1.035 1.039
    1965—1967 0.642 0.816 1.052 0.968 0.675 0.790
    1974—1975 0.855 1.014 0.969 1.040 0.829 1.055
    1987 0.639 0.416 1.957 2.674 1.250 1.114
    2001—2005 0.836 0.777 0.971 1.033 0.812 0.803
    平均值Average 0.886±0.274a 0.724±0.273a 1.159±0.340a 1.462±0.641a 1.001±0.328a 0.905±0.208a
    注:相同字母表示差异不显著(P>0.05)。Note: there is not significant difference between same letters(P>0.05).
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  • 收稿日期:  2017-12-25
  • 修回日期:  2018-03-09
  • 发布日期:  2018-06-30


