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范周周, 卢舒瑜, 王娇, 郭东矗, 庞丹波, 周金星, 彭霞薇

范周周, 卢舒瑜, 王娇, 郭东矗, 庞丹波, 周金星, 彭霞薇. 岩溶与非岩溶区不同林分根际土壤微生物及酶活性[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2018, 40(7): 55-61. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20180011
引用本文: 范周周, 卢舒瑜, 王娇, 郭东矗, 庞丹波, 周金星, 彭霞薇. 岩溶与非岩溶区不同林分根际土壤微生物及酶活性[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2018, 40(7): 55-61. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20180011
Fan Zhouzhou, Lu Shuyu, Wang Jiao, Guo Dongchu, Pang Danbo, Zhou Jinxing, Peng Xiawei. Microbial and enzyme activities in rhizosphere soil of different forest stand in karst and non karst areas[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2018, 40(7): 55-61. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20180011
Citation: Fan Zhouzhou, Lu Shuyu, Wang Jiao, Guo Dongchu, Pang Danbo, Zhou Jinxing, Peng Xiawei. Microbial and enzyme activities in rhizosphere soil of different forest stand in karst and non karst areas[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2018, 40(7): 55-61. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20180011



国家重点研发计划项目 2016YFC0502500

国家自然科学基金项目 31500583

中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项 CAFYBB2016QB020

国家重点研发计划项目 2016YFC0502504

中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项 CAFYBB2014ZD006


    范周周。主要研究方向:资源与环境微生物。Email: 18932689670@163.com 地址:100083北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院


    彭霞薇,博士,副教授。主要研究方向:资源与环境微生物。Email: xiaweipeng@163.com 地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S718.8

Microbial and enzyme activities in rhizosphere soil of different forest stand in karst and non karst areas

  • 摘要:
    结果本研究表明,在相同地质背景条件下,两种不同人工林土壤中桉树(阔叶林)与云南松(针叶林)放线菌的数量存在显著性差异,天然次生林微生物数量为18.2×105 cfu/g。受地质条件、植被恢复模式等影响,各样地土壤酶活性各异。相关分析表明,脲酶、过氧化氢酶活性与放线菌数量呈显著正相关,脲酶、酸性磷酸酶、碳酸酐酶、过氧化氢酶4种酶活之间存在相互联系。
    ObjectiveThis paper aims to clarify the effects of different forests on soil microorganism and soil enzyme activity under different geological conditions, providing a theoretical basis for further research on restoration of natural ecological system.
    MethodThe soil samples were collected separately in rhizosphere of Eucalyptus robusta plantation, Pinus yunnanensis plantation and natural secondary forest growing up in karst and non-karst areas of Jianshui, Yunnan of southwestern China. The correlations between microorganisms and soil enzymes from different geological backgrounds and forests were studied by dilution coating and soil enzyme measurement.
    ResultThe results showed that there was a significant difference between the number of actinomycetes in the rhizosphere soil of E. robusta and P. yunnanensis forests under the same geological background. The microbial quantity of secondary forest in karst area was 18.2×105 cfu/g. Generally, influenced by the restoration patterns and geological conditions, the activities of soil enzymes were different. Correlation analysis showed that urease and catalase activity were positively correlated with the number of actinomycetes. There were interrelations between urease, acid phosphatase, carbonic anhydrase and catalase.
    ConclusionThe results reveal that geological backgrounds, forest stand and the restoration patterns will affect soil microbial community composition and transformation of soil substance.
  • 图  1   各个样地过氧化氢酶酶活


    Figure  1.   Catalase activity in each sample plot

    KE, eucalyptus in karst area; NE, eucalyptus in non-karst area; KP, Yunnan pine in karst area; NP, Yunnan pine in non-karst area; KS, secondary forest in karst area; NS, secondary forest in non-karst area.The same below.

    图  2   各个样地脲酶酶活

    Figure  2.   Urease activity in each sample plot

    图  3   各个样地酸性磷酸酶酶活

    Figure  3.   Acid phosphatase activity in each sample plot

    图  4   各个样地碳酸酐酶酶活

    Figure  4.   Carbonic anhydrase activity in each sample plot

    表  1   各个样地土壤基本理化性质的测定

    Table  1   General basic physical and chemical properties of various samples

    变量Variable 林分类型Stand type
    桉树Eucalyptus robusta 云南松Pinus yunnanensis 次生林Secondary forest
    岩溶区Karst area 非岩溶区Non-karst area 岩溶区Karst area 非岩溶区Non-karst area 岩溶区Karst area 非岩溶区Non-karst area
    速效钾Available potassium/(mg·kg-1) 124.77±2.37d 230.17±6.12c 117.5±0.35e 68.85±7.88f 335.23±1.66b 442.13±3.55a
    全氮Total nitrogen/(g·kg-1) 12.94±0.06b 6.31±0.20d 9.64±0.45c 9.42±0.57c 5.74±0.22d 14.60±0.09a
    全磷Total phosphorus/(g·kg-1) 2.14±0.11c 0.82±0.03e 1.20±0.05d 3.88±0.08a 0.77±0.01e 2.78±0.05b
    有机质Organic matter/(g·kg-1) 123.76±0.00a 63.09±0.13ab 80.16±2.21ab 44.03±0.67c 119.85±0.00a 78.36±0.67c
    pH 5.59±0.03b 5.69±0.11b 5.64±0.02b 4.76±0.02c 6.59±0.11a 5.60±0.01b
    电导率Electrical conductivity/(μS·cm-1) 2.29±0.16c 1.71±0.01c 1.25±0.03c 3.64±0.04a 2.87±0.13b 2.79±0.51b
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    表  2   各个样地的微生物数量

    Table  2   Microbe number in each sample plot

    土壤类型Soil type 细菌Bacteria 放线菌Actinomycetes 真菌Fungus 总计Sum
    岩溶区桉树(Eucalyptus in karst areas, KE) 4.35×105±0.2a 13.67×105±1a 2.37×104±0.8b 18.2×105±1a
    非岩溶区桉树(Eucalyptus in non-karst area, NE) 4.43×105±0.1a 10.30×105±1b 1.98×104±0.2b 14.9×105±1a
    岩溶区云南松(Yunnan pine in karst area, KP) 4.39×105±0.2a 11.90×105±0.1ab 2.17×104±0.1b 16.5×105±1a
    非岩溶区云南松(Yunnan pine in non-karst area, NP) 1.83×105±0b 4.50×105±0.3c 1.62×104±0.1b 6.5×105±0.7b
    岩溶区次生林(Secondary forest in karst area, KS) 4.18×105±0ab 13.70×105±0.7a 3.58×104±0.1a 18.2×105±0a
    非岩溶区次生林(Secondary forest in non-karst area, NS) 3.32×105±0ab 12.60×105±0.8ab 1.80×104±0.3b 16.1×105±0.5a
    地质类型Geological type * ** NS ***
    林分类型Stand type NS *** NS ***
    注:***、**、*分别表示在P<0.001、P<0.01、P<0.05水平上差异显著,NS表示差异不显著。Notes:***, **, * represent significant difference at P<0.001,P<0.01,P<0.05 level, respectively. NS means difference is not significant.
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    表  3   土壤微生物数量与土壤酶的相关性

    Table  3   Correlations between soil microbial biomass and soil enzyme

    指标Index 细菌Bacteria 真菌Fungus 放线菌Actinomycetes 脲酶Urease 磷酸酶Phosphatase 碳酸酐酶Carbonic anhydrase 过氧化氢酶Catalase
    细菌Bacteria 1 0.050 0.181 0.474* 0.589* 0.410 0.515*
    真菌Fungus 1 0.321 0.066 -0.058 -0.058 0.000
    放线菌Actinomycetes 1 0.554* 0.300 0.141 0.518*
    脲酶Urease 1 0.600** 0.582* 0.930**
    磷酸酶Phosphatase 1 0.564* 0.781**
    碳酸酐酶Carbonic anhydrase 1 0.662**
    过氧化氢酶Catalase 1
    注:***分别表示在P<0.01,P<0.05水平上差异显著。Notes:** and * represent significant difference at P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 levels, respectively.
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  • 期刊类型引用(2)

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  • 收稿日期:  2018-01-08
  • 修回日期:  2018-03-26
  • 发布日期:  2018-06-30


