

    Plant landscape characteristics and the impact of village expansion on it in three traditional villages of Guangzhou, southern China

    • 摘要:
      结果(1) 无论是传统区还是扩展区,庭院林的绿色贡献率均为最大。(2)从传统区到扩展区,植物种类更加丰富,数量增多,植物生活型结构趋于灌木化。(3)从传统区到扩展区,人们对植物功能的关注由生态和食用开始向观赏转变。(4)传统区优势植物是榕树、木棉等风水树种,龙眼、黄皮、菠萝蜜等食用果树,麻楝、构树、绿竹等生态树种。扩展区优势植物是风水树榕树,龙眼、黄皮、番石榴等食用果树,紫薇、鸡蛋花等观赏树种,小叶榄仁、香樟、绿竹等生态树种。整体植物景观风貌由自然化、果树化向观赏化、城市化转变。(5)从传统区到扩展区,风水林和水岸林的绿量贡献率大幅减小。(6)乔木占比对传统区和扩展区的植物绿量都具有积极影响。传统区中,生态型和食用型植物越多,植物景观类型绿量贡献率越大;扩展区中,生态型植物越多,植物景观类型绿量贡献率越大。


      ObjectiveWith the continuous population growth and the rapid development of urbanization, many traditional villages have begun to expand outward. How to continue the plant landscape features of traditional rural in this process has become a problem need to be solved.
      MethodIn order to explore the impact of village expansion on the plant landscape of traditional village, this paper takes three traditional villages in Guangzhou of southern China as examples to investigate the plant characteristics within the residential area of the villages and compare the differences of plant characteristics between the traditional and expanded area.
      Result(1) the green contribution rate of courtyard plant landscape was the biggest both in traditional and expanded area; (2) from the traditional area to the expanded area, plant species became richer, quantity increased and the structure of plant life form tended to be more shrubby; (3) from the traditional area to the expanded area, residents' attention on plant has changed from ecological and edible function to ornamental function; (4) the dominant tree species in the traditional area were geomantic omen species, e.g., Ficus microcarpa, Bombax malabaricum, etc; and edible fruit trees, e.g., Dimocarpus longan, Clausena lansium, Artocarpus heterophyllus, etc; and ecological species, e.g., Chukrasia tabularis and Broussonetia papyifera, Dendrocalamopsis oldhami, etc. The dominant tree species in the expanded area were geomantic omen species, e.g., Ficus microcarpa; and edible ecological species fruit trees, e.g., Dimocarpus longan, Clausena lansium, and Psidium guajava, etc; and ornamental plants, e.g., Lagerstroemia indica, Plumeria rubra, and ecological species, e.g., Terminalia neotaliala, Cinnamomum camphora, Dendrocalamopsis oldhami, etc. The overall plant landscape had changed from natural and fruitful style to ornamental and urbanizational style; (5) from the traditional area to the expanded area, the green contribution rate of geomantic omen species and riverside plants reduced greatly; (6) the proportion of arbor has positive effects on the green biomass of the traditional and expanded area. In traditional area, the more the ecological and edible plants was, the greater the contribution rate of the plant landscape type was. In the expanded area, the more the ecological plants was, the greater the contribution rate of the plant landscape type was.
      ConclusionThe change of plant landscape and its impacting factors in the expanded village were analyzed, and the suggestion of plant landscape construction of traditional villages in this process was proposed.


