Characteristics of soil aggregates with different particle sizes and their quantitative relationship with slope erosion in rocky mountain area of northern China
摘要:目的为明确华北土石山区不同粒径(1~2 mm、2~3 mm、3~5 mm、5~7 mm、7~10 mm)团聚体结构特征对沟间及沟道侵蚀过程的影响。方法选取2种典型褐土为研究对象,通过Le Bissonnais(LB)法对团聚体稳定性进行分析,并初步研究了不同粒径团聚体稳定性特征与人工降雨条件下坡面沟间、沟道侵蚀量之间的定量关系。结果石灰性褐土团聚体稳定性大于黄土性褐土;不同粒径团聚体稳定性差异较为显著,较小粒径的团聚体稳定性大于较大粒径的团聚体,其中1~2 mm粒径的团聚体稳定性最好;不同雨强下土壤侵蚀现象差异明显,坡面径流强度和产沙强度均随产流历时的增加而增大,且降雨强度大小对坡面入渗率变化幅度和达到稳渗状态的时间有很大影响。将可蚀性因子(Ki)替换为经修正后的团聚体稳定性参数(Ka),然后将其代入到WEPP侵蚀模型,通过回归分析,建立了不同粒径团聚体的侵蚀预测方程,显示了较好的预测性能,其决定系数均在0.81以上;尤其是2~3 mm粒径对应的预测方程,其沟间及沟道相对误差均小于20%。结论该研究验证了土壤可蚀性参数可以由不同粒径团聚体稳定性表示,并建立了不同粒径团聚体的沟间及沟道侵蚀预测方程,为华北土石山区褐土的侵蚀机理研究提供了新思路。Abstract:ObjectiveThe purpose of this study is to clarify the structural characteristics of soil aggregates with different particle sizes (1-2 mm, 2-3 mm, 3-5 mm, 5-7 mm and 7-10 mm) and its impact on the process of interchannel and gully erosion.MethodTwo kinds of typical cinnamon soil were selected as research objects. The stability of aggregates was analyzed by Le Bissonnais (LB) method and artificial rainfall test. The quantitative relations between stability characteristics of aggregates with different particle sizes and process of interchannel and gully erosion were studied.ResultThe stability of limb drab soil aggregates was greater than loess brown soil, and the stability of aggregates with different particle sizes was significantly different. The stability of smaller size aggregates was larger than bigger size aggregates, among them, the aggregates with 1-2 mm particle size have the best stability. The difference of soil erosion under different rainfall intensities was obvious, the intensity of runoff and sediment of the slope increased with the increase of runoff duration, and the magnitude of rainfall intensity had a great effect on the changing rate of slope infiltration and the time to achieve a steady state of infiltration. Based on the WEPP gully and between channel erosion model framework, the erodibility, factor Ki was replaced by the modified characteristic parameter of aggregate stability Ka. By the analysis of regression, erosion prediction equations established with different particle sizes all showed good predictive performance, and the decision coefficients were above 0.81. Especially for the prediction equation corresponding to the particle size of 2-3 mm, the relative errors of between channel and gully were both less than 20%.ConclusionThe study verifies that the stability of agglomerates with different particle sizes can be used as an indicator of soil erodibility. It establishes between channel and gully erosion prediction equations for aggregates of different sizes and provides a new idea for the study of the erosion mechanism of the brown soil in mountainous areas of northern China.
- between channel and gully erosion /
- particle size /
- aggregate /
- WEPP model /
- soil erodibility
图 4 沟间侵蚀量计算值与实测值比较
D1、D2、D3、D4和D5分别表示1~2 mm、2~3 mm、3~5 mm、5~7 mm、7~10 mm粒径预测方程计算值,K1、K2、K3、K4和K5分别表示1~2 mm、2~3 mm、3~5 mm、5~7 mm、7~10 mm粒径拟合方程;图 5同此。
Figure 4. Comparison in between channel erosion for calculated values and measured ones
D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5 represent the calculated values of the prediction equations of 1-2 mm, 2-3 mm, 3-5 mm, 5-7 mm, 7-10 mm particle sizes, respectively; K1, K2, K3, K4, and K5 represent fitting equations of 1-2 mm, 2-3 mm, 3-5 mm, 5-7 mm, 7-10 mm particle sizes, respectively; same in Fig. 5.
表 1 供试土壤基本情况
Table 1 Basic situation of the tested soil
Soil bulk density/(g·cm-3)机械组成Mechanical composition/% 0~2 μm 2~20 μm 20~50 μm > 50 μm 黄土性褐土Loess brown soil 1.33 14.22 58 20.57 7.21 石灰性褐土Limb drab soil 1.29 9.51 57.16 24.82 8.51 表 2 各粒径团聚体经LB法处理后的稳定性
Table 2 Soil aggregate stability of different particle sizes by LB method mm
Aggregate particle size黄土性褐土Loess brown soil 石灰性褐土Limb drab soil NMWDFW NMWDSW NMWDWS NMWDFW NMWDSW NMWDWS 1~2 0.19a 0.33a 0.25a 0.22a 0.42a 0.34a 2~3 0.14b 0.19b 0.17b 0.17b 0.23b 0.25b 3~5 0.09c 0.19b 0.12c 0.11c 0.21c 0.15c 5~7 0.07d 0.10c 0.10d 0.08d 0.18d 0.13d 7~10 0.06d 0.09c 0.06e 0.09cd 0.11e 0.07e 注:同一列中字母不同表示差异显著(P<0.05)。下同。Notes: data followed by different letters mean significant difference at P<0.05 level. The same below. 表 3 LB法测定试验土壤团聚体稳定性
Table 3 Stability of soil aggregates determined by LB method
Aggregate particle size黄土性褐土Loess brown soil 石灰性褐土Limb drab soil MWDFW/mm MWDSW/mm MWDWS/mm RSI RMI Ka MWDFW/mm MWDSW/mm MWDWS/mm RSI RMI Ka 1~2 mm 0.37c 0.64a 0.48b 0.61 0.25 0.15 0.42c 0.81a 0.67b 0.48 0.17 0.08 2~3 mm 0.28c 0.57a 0.34b 0.51 0.40 0.20 0.34c 0.69a 0.48b 0.51 0.30 0.15 3~5 mm 0.26c 0.55a 0.35b 0.53 0.36 0.19 0.31c 0.62a 0.45b 0.50 0.27 0.13 5~7 mm 0.21c 0.49a 0.30b 0.57 0.39 0.22 0.25c 0.51a 0.39b 0.51 0.22 0.11 7~10 mm 0.17c 0.45a 0.29b 0.62 0.36 0.23 0.27c 0.53a 0.34b 0.49 0.36 0.18 表 4 不同粒径团聚体沟间及沟道侵蚀预测方程
Table 4 Prediction equations of between channel and gully erosion for aggregates with different particle sizes
Particle size侵蚀类型
Erosion type拟合方程
Fitting equationR2 n 相对误差范围
Range of relative error/%1~2 mm 沟间侵蚀Between channel erosion y=0.12Di 0.84 236 25~39 沟道侵蚀Gully erosion y=3 168.04Dr 0.87 121 26~39 2~3 mm 沟间侵蚀Between channel erosion y=0.23Di 0.93 236 11~19 沟道侵蚀Gully erosion y=4 293.68Dr 0.94 121 12~20 3~5 mm 沟间侵蚀Between channel erosion y=0.23Di 0.91 236 17~24 沟道侵蚀Gully erosion y=3 805.18Dr 0.93 121 14~22 5~7 mm 沟间侵蚀Between channel erosion y=0.31Di 0.81 236 14~21 沟道侵蚀Gully erosion y=4 406.31Dr 0.89 121 15~24 7~10 mm 沟间侵蚀Between channel erosion y=0.41Di 0.86 236 24~35 沟道侵蚀Gully erosion y=5 450.57Dr 0.93 121 26~37 -
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