

    Photodegradation and anti-weathering effects of montmorillonite on WF/PP composites

    • 摘要:
      方法以毛白杨木粉和聚丙烯为原料,选用两种不同类型的蒙脱土钠基蒙脱土(Na-MMT)和有机蒙脱土(OMMT)为添加剂,在不同添加量的条件下(0、0.5%、1.0%和1.5%)制备了5组木粉/聚丙烯复合材料,并进行长达960 h的人工加速紫外老化。在老化过程中,测试试材的表面颜色和弯曲性能,并利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和傅里叶变换衰减全反射红外光谱(ATR-FTIR)对复合材料表面的形貌和化学组成变化进行表征。
      结果老化造成复合材料表面的褪色和开裂现象,老化960 h后,对照组复合材料的静曲强度和弹性模量保持率分别仅为76.4%和61.7%;两种类型的蒙脱土均有效抑制了复合材料光降解,添加蒙脱土的复合材料其弯曲性能保持率均高于对照组;蒙脱土同时具有紫外屏蔽作用和光催化作用,前者在老化初期(老化480 h内)的作用较为明显;相比于Na-MMT,OMMT层间有机改性剂的光降解促进了复合材料体系的光老化进程。


      ObjectiveThe main objective of this study is to figure out the effects of montmorillonite (MMT) on the photostability of wood-plastic composites as well as its mechanisms during accelerated UV weathering.
      MethodIn this study, five groups of wood flour/polypropylene (WF/PP) composites were prepared using wood flour of poplar (Populus tomentosa) and PP as raw materials, combined with Na-MMT and OMMT as additives at different loading levels (0, 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%). The total duration of accelerated UV weathering was set at 960 hours. During weathering, the surface color and flexural properties of the composites were tested, accompanied by characterizations using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and attenuated total reflection Flourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR).
      ResultWeathering results in the surface discoloration and cracking of composites. After 960 hours weathering, for control group, the retention ratios of its flexural strength and modulus were only 76.4% and 61.7%, respectively. Both types of montmorillonite successfully alleviated the photodegradation of composites during weathering, exhibiting better flexural properties than control after weathering. Montmorillonite had both UV-shielding effect and photocatalytic effect, while its anti-weathering effect was only obvious at the early stage of exposure (before 480 hours). Compared with Na-MMT, the photodegradation of organic modifiers in OMMT accelerated the weathering process of composites.
      ConclusionNa-MMT was more effective on alleviating the photodegradation of composites, especially at a lower loading level (0.5%).


