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姜晶, 李晓媛, 王楚, 王芳, 姜静

姜晶, 李晓媛, 王楚, 王芳, 姜静. 白桦BpCHS3转基因植株耐盐性分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2019, 41(4): 1-7. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20180224
引用本文: 姜晶, 李晓媛, 王楚, 王芳, 姜静. 白桦BpCHS3转基因植株耐盐性分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2019, 41(4): 1-7. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20180224
Jiang Jing, Li Xiaoyuan, Wang Chu, Wang Fang, Jiang Jing. Evaluation of salt tolerant performance of BpCHS3 transgenic plants in Betula platyphylla[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2019, 41(4): 1-7. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20180224
Citation: Jiang Jing, Li Xiaoyuan, Wang Chu, Wang Fang, Jiang Jing. Evaluation of salt tolerant performance of BpCHS3 transgenic plants in Betula platyphylla[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2019, 41(4): 1-7. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20180224


基金项目: 国家重点研发计划课题(2017YFD0600603)

    姜晶。主要研究方向:林木遗传育种。Email:1187557704@qq.com 地址:150040黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区和兴路51号东北林业大学林学院


    姜静,教授。主要研究方向:林木遗传育种。Email:jiangjing1960@126.com 地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S792.153

Evaluation of salt tolerant performance of BpCHS3 transgenic plants in Betula platyphylla

  • 摘要:
    方法以前期获得的转BpCHS3白桦为试材,进行转基因白桦qRT-PCR及Northern Blot检测,同时测定了叶片中花青素质量分数。NaCl胁迫处理下,分别测定转BpCHS3白桦的盐害指数、叶绿素荧光参数及光合参数。采用qRT-PCR技术,测定转基因株系的类黄酮代谢途径中CHS下游5个关键酶基因以及BpCHS家族成员相对表达量。
    结果qRT-PCR及Northern Blot检测显示,导入的目标基因BpCHS3在mRNA水平能够表达。转基因白桦组培生根苗在0.3%NaCl胁迫第25天,对照(WT)株系盐害指数高达83%,而转基因白桦平均盐害指数仅为39%;白桦转基因盆栽苗在0.4%NaCl胁迫后,叶绿素荧光参数及光合参数测定显示,NaCl胁迫第9天多数转基因株系最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)仍为正常值,而WT株系降至0.66,胁迫第9天时实际光化学效率(ΦPSII)和光化学猝灭系数(qP)呈下降趋势,但WT株系的降幅高于转基因株系;NaCl胁迫6 d时,5个转基因株系的净光合速率(Pn)平均值仍高于WT的43.47%。认为盐胁迫下BpCHS3基因在白桦中的过量表达能够维持其较高的光电子传递活性,提高PSⅡ反应中心原初光能转换效率,同时也能维持较高的净光合效率。分别以转BpCHS3白桦cDNA为模板qRT-PCR分析显示,相对WT株系CHS下游的5个关键酶基因在转基因株系中均呈不同程度的上调表达,BpCHS家族成员中只有BpCHS3表达量显著上调,而 BpCHS1和BpCHS2均呈下调表达或与WT株系差异不显著。BpCHS3过表达株系花青素质量分数分析发现,转基因白桦叶片中花青素质量分数均显著低于WT株系,推测BpCHS3的过量表达,对另外2个CHS家族成员产生共抑制,且影响花青素的合成。
    ObjectiveChalcone synthase (CHS) is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis pathway of flavonoids. Overexpression of CHS promotes an accumulation of flavonoids and enhances the ability of plants to resist abiotic stresses such as salinity and drought. The objective of the study is to elucidate the function of BpCHS3 to salt tolerance.
    MethodOur previously obtained transgenic birch plants of BpCHS3 were used in this study. The content of anthocyanins in leaves, salt stress index, chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic parameters under NaCl stress were determined. qRT-PCR and Northern Blot were used to determine the relative expression levels of five key enzyme genes of downstream of CHS and BpCHS family members in the flavonoid metabolic pathway.
    ResultThe wild type (WT) had a salt damage index of 83% in the 25th day under 0.3% NaCl stress, whereas transgenic birch was only 39%. The chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic parameters of transgenic Betula platyphylla seedlings under 0.4% NaCl stress showed that the maximum light energy conversion efficiency (Fv/Fm) for most transgenic lines was still normal in the 9th day, while Fv/Fm was reduced to 0.66 and the actual photochemical efficiency (ΦPSII) and photochemical quenching coefficient (qP) showed a decreasing trend for WT. The WT strain had a higher decline than the transgenic lines. The mean value of net photosynthetic rate (Pn) for five transgenic lines was still higher than 43.47% of WT under salt stress in 6 days. It is believed that the overexpression of BpCHS3 gene in Betula platyphylla under salt stress can maintain its higher photoelectron transport activity, increase the primary light energy conversion efficiency of PSII reaction center, and maintain a higher net photosynthetic efficiency. qRT-PCR and Northern Blot showed that the introduced target gene BpCHS3 was expressed in BpCHS3 transgenic lines. All of them showed up-regulated expression in different levels. Only BpCHS3 expression was significantly up-regulated in BpCHS family members. Both BpCHS1 and BpCHS2 were down-regulated or not significantly different from WT lines. Anthocyanin content of BpCHS3 overexpression lines was significantly lower than that of WT lines. It is speculated that overexpression of BpCHS3 results in co-suppression of two other CHS family members affects the synthesis of anthocyanins.
    ConclusionThe salt tolerance of BpCHS3 transgenic birch was increased, which was not related to the content of anthocyanin. The overexpression of BpCHS3 may promote the accumulation of other flavonoids, thus enhancing the salt tolerance of Betula platyphylla.
  • 黄栌(Cotinus coggygria)是一种优良的生态与景观两用树种,作为北京地区红叶景观的重要组成[1],为首都的生态景观建设发挥了巨大作用[2]。然而,由大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae)引起的黄栌枯萎病已严重发生,造成严重的经济损失,制约着红叶景观建设[1]

    除黄栌外,大丽轮枝菌的寄主多达400种植物[3],如林木(橄榄Canarium album[45]、紫荆Cercis chinensis[6]、枫树Acer spp.[3]等)、农作物(棉花Gossypium spp.[7]、薄荷Mentha canadensis[8]、洋蓟Cynara scolymus[9]、生菜Lactuca sativa var. ramosa[10]等)和花卉(菊花Chrysanthemum morifolium[11]、蔷薇Rosa sp.[12]等)。黄栌枯萎病是一种典型的林木维管束病害,从根部侵入通过皮层扩展至维管束系统,造成根部腐烂、木质坏死和整株枯萎甚至死亡[1314]。因病原菌定殖在植物维管束系统,且产生的微菌核在土壤中长时间存活,此类病害难以控制,被称为 “植物癌症”[1517]



    试验地位于北京市延庆区八达岭森林公园红叶岭(40°20′46″N,116°00′52″E)。该地区属于温带半湿润半干旱季风气候,夏季高温多雨,冬季寒冷干燥,春、秋短促。年均温10.8 ℃,年降水量454 mm,土壤类型以花岗岩等发育而来的褐土、棕壤为主。

    枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis):河北中保绿农作物科技有限公司,水悬液,有效成分含量,菌含量 ≥ 1 000 × 108芽孢/g;嘧菌酯(绘绿),先正达农化有限公司,水分散粒剂,有效成分含量50%;丙环唑(扮绿),先正达农化有限公司,乳油,有效成分含量156 g/L。


    采用直接灌根,将药液直接灌入树坑中,树坑边缘土围为10 ~ 15 cm。

    电动树干打孔注药机(绿友机械集团股份有限公司,型号ZYJ15A)加压注药:在植株基部用该机器的打孔钻头由上向下成45°钻1 ~ 2个注射孔,深度约为树干直径的1/3,打孔后拆掉钻头,将注射口插入孔中,手动加压注射,保证药剂注入树干,等待压力降低后拔除,利用配套可降解堵孔塞进行封堵。



    表  1  试验设计
    Table  1.  Experimental design
    Way of insecticide application
    Root irrigation chemical
    Injecting chemical
    CK 1
    灌根 Root irrigation 枯草芽孢杆菌 Bacillus subtilis 2
    50%嘧菌酯 50% azoxystrobin 3
    156 g/L丙环唑 156 g/L propiconazole 4
    树干注射 Trunk injection 50%多菌灵,45%咪鲜胺
    50% carbendazim, 45% prochloraz
    50% carbendazim, 50% azoxystrobin
    组合 Combined treatment 枯草芽孢杆菌 Bacillus subtilis 50%多菌灵,45%咪鲜胺
    50% carbendazim, 45% prochloraz
    枯草芽孢杆菌 Bacillus subtilis 50%多菌灵,50%嘧菌酯
    50% carbendazim, 50% azoxystrobin
    50%嘧菌酯 50% azoxystrobin 50%多菌灵,45%咪鲜胺
    50% carbendazim, 45% prochloraz
    50%嘧菌酯 50% azoxystrobin 50%多菌灵,50%嘧菌酯
    50% carbendazim, 50% azoxystrobin
    156 g/L丙环唑 156 g/L propiconazole 50%多菌灵,45%咪鲜胺
    50% carbendazim, 45% prochloraz
    156 g/L丙环唑 156 g/L propiconazole 50%多菌灵,50%嘧菌酯
    50% carbendazim, 50% azoxystrobin
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    施药时间均选择在黄栌生长期4—10月(除7月,北京雨季,施药效果不佳)间进行,以探索针对黄栌枯萎病的一整年防治效果。灌根试验于4—6月进行2次施药,8—9月施药2次,每次每株树施用10 L药液。注射试验于4—6月进行树干打孔注药2次,8—9月进行注药2次,每株树每次施用100 mL药液。


    表  2  黄栌枯萎病分级标准
    Table  2.  Grading standards for Cotinus coggygria Verticillium wilt
    Grading standard
    Representative value
    Disease severity
    全株叶片无萎蔫症状 No wilting symptoms on the entire plant leaves 0 无病 Healthy
    某一末端小枝出现萎蔫或变黄 Wilting or yellowing of a small branch at one end 1 轻度 Mildly diseased
    Multiple terminal twigs or secondary branches appear wilted or yellowed
    植株三分之二的叶片萎蔫或变黄 Two-thirds of the leaves of the plant wilt or turn yellow 3 重度 Severely diseased
    More than 85% of the plants have wilted leaves, turn yellow, or die as a whole
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    式中:n0 ~ n4是相应病级下的株数,n是调查总株数;ID是病情指数;IDt是第t次病情指数;ID0是初始病情指数;ECC是校正防治效果;ICD是校正病情指数;ICD0是对照组校正病情指数;ICDi是处理组i校正病情指数。

    本研究采用Microsoft Office Excel 2019对数据进行整理;采用R4.1.2软件对不同处理校正病情指数及防治效果进行单因素方差分析(one-way ANOVA),并用最小显著差异法(LSD)进行多重比较(P < 0.05);采用ChiPlot网站对两年病情指数进行对比分析,并用T检验计算显著性(*P < 0.05;**P < 0.01;***P < 0.001)。

    在调查初始病情指数时,将病害严重程度按病害分级分为3类:无病(0)、轻度(1 ~ 2)、重度(3 ~ 4)(表2)。由表3可知,大部分施药处理的无病样树校正病情指数均比对照组(处理1)小,其中,处理4、处理12无病样树的校正病情指数比对照组(处理1)低73.68%,处理3比对照组低43.60%。并且,除处理5外,所有施药组轻度样树的校正病情指数均比对照组小。处理10和处理12的重度发病样树病情有减轻,比初始病情指数分别减少18.75、12.50。这些结果表明:灌根处理3、4和组合处理12能有效防控病害,并且组合处理10和处理12能减缓病情。

    表  3  2021年10月份黄栌枯萎病校正病情指数
    Table  3.  Corrective disease index of Cotinus coggygria Verticillium wilt in October 2021
    Way of insecticide application
    Disease grading
    Corrective disease index
    处理 1 Treatment 1 对照 CK 无病 Healthy 47.50
    轻度 Mildly diseased 40.00
    重度 Severely diseased
    处理 2 Treatment 2 灌根 Root irrigation 无病 Healthy 75.00
    轻度 Mildly diseased 5.69
    重度 Severely diseased 0.00
    处理 3 Treatment 3 无病 Healthy 26.79
    轻度 Mildly diseased −1.57
    重度 Severely diseased
    处理 4 Treatment 4 无病 Healthy 12.50
    轻度 Mildly diseased 12.50
    重度 Severely diseased 0.00
    处理 5 Treatment 5 注射 Trunk injection 无病 Healthy 65.63
    轻度 Mildly diseased 48.22
    重度 Severely diseased 6.25
    处理 6 Treatment 6 无病 Healthy 43.75
    轻度 Mildly diseased 0.00
    重度 Severely diseased −25.00
    处理 7 Treatment 7 组合 Combined treatment 无病 Healthy 50.00
    轻度 Mildly diseased 30.56
    重度 Severely diseased 0.00
    处理 8 Treatment 8 无病 Healthy 35.71
    轻度 Mildly diseased 2.08
    重度 Severely diseased 12.50
    处理 9 Treatment 9 无病 Healthy 27.50
    轻度 Mildly diseased 20.31
    重度 Severely diseased 6.25
    处理 10 Treatment 10 无病 Healthy 33.33
    轻度 Mildly diseased 28.75
    重度 Severely diseased −18.75
    处理 11 Treatment 11 无病 Healthy 36.36
    轻度 Mildly diseased 25.00
    重度 Severely diseased
    处理 12 Treatment 12 无病 Healthy 12.50
    轻度 Mildly diseased 23.75
    重度 Severely diseased −12.50
    注:表中“−” 表示在初始病情时,该处理组没有重病植株。Notes: “−” in the table indicates that there are no severely diseased plants in that treatment group at the time of initial disease.
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    图  1  不同处理黄栌枯萎病病情指数变化
    Figure  1.  Changes of disease index of Cotinus coggygria Verticillium wilt under different treatments
    图  2  2021年不同处理最终防治效果
    采用单因素方差分析(one-way ANOVA),并用最小显著差异法(LSD)进行多重比较,不同小写字母表示不同处理组之间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Using one-way ANOVA and conducting multiple comparisons using least significant difference (LSD) method, different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different treatment groups (P < 0.05).
    Figure  2.  Final control effect of different treatments in 2021


    表  4  2021年不同处理病害程度调查
    Table  4.  Investigation for disease degree in different treatments in 2021
    处理 Treatment 5月 May 10月 October
    病害严重程度 Disease severity condition 数量 Number 病害严重程度 Disease severity condition 数量 Number
    处理1 Treatment 1 无病 Healthy 5 轻度 Mildly diseased 4
    重度 Severely diseased 1
    轻度 Mildly diseased 10 轻度 Mildly diseased 4
    重度 Severely diseased 6
    处理2 Treatment 2 无病 Healthy 1 重度 Severely disease 1
    轻度 Mildly diseased 11 轻度 Mildly diseased 10
    重度 Severely diseased 1
    重度Severely diseased 3 重度 Severely diseased 3
    处理3 Treatment 3 无病 Healthy 7 无病 Healthy 2
    轻度 Mildly diseased 5
    轻度 Mildly diseased 8 无病 Healthy 2
    轻度 Mildly diseased 5
    重度 Severely diseased 1
    处理4 Treatment 4 无病 Healthy 3 无病 Healthy 1
    轻度 Mildly diseased 2
    轻度 Mildly diseased 11 轻度 Mildly diseased 8
    重度 Severely diseased 3
    重度 Severely diseased 1 重度 Severely diseased 1
    处理5 Treatment 5 无病 Healthy 4 轻度 Mildly diseased 2
    重度 Severely diseased 2
    轻度 Mildly diseased 7 轻度 Mildly diseased 1
    重度 Severely diseased 6
    重度 Severely diseased 4 重度 Severely diseased 4
    处理6 Treatment 6 无病 Healthy 8 轻度 Mildly diseased 7
    重度 Severely diseased 1
    轻度 Mildly diseased 6 无病 Healthy 1
    轻度 Mildly diseased 5
    重度 Severely diseased 1 轻度 Mildly diseased 1
    处理7 Treatment 7 无病 Healthy 5 轻度 Mildly diseased 4
    重度 Severely diseased 1
    轻度 Mildly diseased 9 轻度 Mildly diseased 5
    重度 Severely diseased 4
    重度 Severely diseased 1 重度 Severely diseased 1
    处理8 Treatment 8 无病 Healthy 7 轻度 Mildly diseased 7
    轻度 Mildly diseased 6 轻度 Mildly diseased 6
    重度 Severely diseased 2 重度 Severely diseased 2
    处理9 Treatment 9 无病 Healthy 5 轻度 Mildly diseased 5
    轻度 Mildly diseased 8 轻度 Mildly diseased 5
    重度 Severely diseased 3
    重度 Severely diseased 2 重度 Severely diseased 2
    处理10 Treatment 10 无病 Healthy 3 轻度 Mildly diseased 3
    轻度 Mildly diseased 10 轻度 Mildly diseased 5
    重度 Severely diseased 5
    重度 Severely diseased 2 轻度 Mildly diseased 1
    重度 Severely diseased 1
    处理11 Treatment 11 无病 Healthy 11 无病 Healthy 2
    轻度 Mildly diseased 8
    重度 Severely diseased 1
    轻度 Mildly diseased 4 轻度 Mildly diseased 3
    重度 Severely diseased 1
    处理12 Treatment 12 无病 Healthy 6 无病 Healthy 4
    轻度 Mildly diseased 2
    轻度 Mildly diseased 5 无病 Healthy 1
    轻度 Mildly diseased 3
    重度 Severely diseased 1
    重度 Severely diseased 4 轻度 Mildly diseased 1
    重度 Severely diseased 3
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    施药处理组对黄栌枯萎病均有一定的防治效果(图2)。对照的校正病情指数最高,其次是处理5,且与对照组无显著差异(P > 0.05),处理12与对照组的校正病情指数差异最显著(P < 0.05)(图2A)。在6月份(上半年),灌根处理4与组合处理12的校正防治效果最好,分别达到109.09%和100.00%;处理5、9和11的校正防治效果呈现负值(表5)。对于整年防治效果,不同处理之间的防治效果有所差异(图2B)。其中,组合处理12防治效果最好,达到88%;其次是灌根处理组(处理2、3和4),处理8也有较好防效,防治效果为56%(表5图2B)。处理5的防治最差,处理7次之(图2B)。这些结果表明,灌根丙环唑结合树干注射多菌灵和嘧菌酯复配组合的校正病情指数最低,防治效果最好。

    表  5  2021年不同处理校正防治效果
    Table  5.  Corrective control effect of different treatments in 2021
    处理 Treatment 校正防治效果 Corrective control effects/%
    6月 June 7月 July 8月 August 9月 September 10月 October
    处理2 Treatment 2灌根
    Root irrigation
    72.73 ± 31.49abcd71.43 ± 25.75ab68.75 ± 12.5ab69.57 ± 8.70ab76.00 ± 13.73ab
    处理3 Treatment 381.82 ± 9.09abc107.14 ± 14.28a75.00 ± 22.53ab60.87 ± 19.92ab72.00 ± 9.80abc
    处理4 Treatment 4109.09 ± 39.62a107.14 ± 31.13a81.25 ± 10.83ab60.87 ± 13.04ab68.00 ± 10.38abc
    处理5 Treatment 5注射
    Trunk injection
    −9.09 ± 41.65cde14.29 ± 32.73bc6.25 ± 18.75b8.70 ± 22.59b0 ± 24.09d
    处理6 Treatment 69.09 ± 24.05abcde35.71 ± 12.37abc68.75 ± 34.80ab39.13 ± 17.39ab44.00 ± 17.64abcd
    处理7 Treatment 7组合
    Combined treatment
    0 ± 48.00bcde7.14 ± 31.13bc6.25 ± 39.03b8.70 ± 34.51b16.00 ± 29.61cd
    处理8 Treatment 836.36 ± 24.05abcde7.14 ± 7.14bc31.25 ± 16.54ab56.52 ± 23.01ab56.00 ± 17.43abcd
    处理9 Treatment 9−27.27 ± 18.18de0 ± 25.75bc43.75 ± 10.83ab60.87 ± 15.06ab50.00 ± 17.43abcd
    处理10 Treatment 1036.36 ± 55.29abcde35.71 ± 42.86abc50.00 ± 51.16ab60.87 ± 32.83ab44.00 ± 27.45abcd
    处理11 Treatment 11−45.45 ± 24.05e−7.14 ± 21.43c25.00 ± 28.64ab30.43 ± 28.51ab28.00 ± 25.72bcd
    处理12 Treatment 12100.00 ± 31.49ab64.29 ± 14.29abc87.50 ± 12.50a82.61 ± 11.50a88.00 ± 6.79a
    注:不同小写字母表示每个月份不同处理组之间防治效果的差异(P < 0.05)。Note: different lowercase letters represent the differences in prevention and control effects between different treatment groups in each month (P < 0.05).
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    从2021年与2022年初始发病情况对比来看,对照组的无病样树数量保持不变,重度发病样树从0增加到3棵。大部分施药处理组的无病样树均在第2年增加,其中处理2、8和9增加最多(图3)。除此之外,处理8的重度发病样树均转为无病或轻度发病(图3)。2022年施药组初始病情指数均低于处理组,其中,处理8的病情指数最低,治疗效果最好(图4)。2022年初始病情指数与2021年最终病情指数相比,包括对照组在内,病情指数都有不同程度的降低。其中,处理6、7和8的病情指数显著降低(P < 0.01),治疗效果较好(图5)。综上所述,灌根枯草芽孢杆菌结合树干注射多菌灵与嘧菌酯复配的组合处理8在感病治疗方面表现最好。

    图  3  2021年初始(5月)发病情况与2022年初始(5月)发病情况对比热图
    数据基于病情分类的样树棵数。21-.2021年;22-.2022年;trt.处理。Data based on number of sample trees by disease severity. 22-, year 2022; 21-, year 2021; trt, treatment.
    Figure  3.  Heat map of initial incidence in 2021 (May) vs initial incidence in 2022 (May)
    图  4  2021年初始病情指数与2022年初始病情指数对比
    Figure  4.  Comparison of initial disease index between 2021and 2022
    图  5  2021年最终病情指数与2022年初始病情指数对比
    星号表示2021年最终病情指数与2022年初始病情指数之间有显著差异(*P < 0.05;**P < 0.01)。Asterisk indicates a significant difference between the final disease index in 2021 and the initial disease index in 2022 (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01).
    Figure  5.  Comparison between initial disease index in 2022 and final disease index in 2021


    树干注药技术对于维管束病害具有优势,因为药剂可以通过质外体迅速到达发病部位[2324],Mulè[24]研究表明了树干注射是防治橄榄黄萎病(Verticillium wilt of olive)的有效手段。之前的研究表明灌根也能有效防治黄栌枯萎病[12,19]。萎菌净(有效成分为枯草芽孢杆菌)和多菌灵对黄栌枯萎病病菌抑菌效果达到100%,并且田间药效试验显示,萎菌净和多菌灵对于黄栌枯萎病有一定防治效果[12]。此外,树干注射嘧菌酯与多菌灵对黄栌枯萎病有一定防效[19]。本研究在此基础上将两种施药方式结合,并且加入两种新药剂来探索黄栌枯萎病全年防治的可行性。

    对照组校正病情指数最高,且对照组与处理6处于同一立地条件中,处理6的校正病情指数明显低于对照组,说明注射多菌灵与嘧菌酯能有效控制病害。灌根处理组在整年防治中均表现较好,其中灌根枯草芽孢杆菌的校正病情指数最低(图2A),并且灌根枯草芽孢杆菌在3组灌根处理中的初始病情指数最高,说明枯草芽孢杆菌能有效控制病害进一步扩散。灌根丙环唑处理在6月份的病情指数减小,表明丙环唑能在病害发生的上半年表现出良好的控制效果。注射组中的处理5防治效果不太理想,校正病情指数与对照无明显差异(P > 0.05),可能是由于处理5的立地条件较差。处理6的防治效果明显好于处理5,之前的林间试验[19]表明嘧菌酯与多菌灵有很好的防治效果。在组合处理中,处理12的校正病情指数最小,病情增长最缓慢,防治效果最好,处理7防治效果最差。此外,处理7、11在6月的病情指数增量要大于对照组,并且比具有同样灌根药剂的处理8和处理12防治效果差,说明树干注射多菌灵与咪鲜胺复配比树干注射嘧菌酯与多菌灵复配的防治效果差。由此可以看出,甲氧基丙烯酸酯类的嘧菌酯对于防治黄栌枯萎病更为有效。灌根处理4和组合处理12无病样树在2021年的校正病情指数比对照组低73.68%,这两个处理有同种灌根药剂丙环唑,说明灌根丙环唑能有效控制病情的加重,并且,与树干注射嘧菌酯与多菌灵复配结合后,防治效果更佳。



  • 图  1   BpCHS3白桦qRT-PCR检测

    Figure  1.   Relative quantification of each transgenic line BpCHS3 gene for Betula platyphylla

    图  2   BpCHS3基因白桦Northern Blot检测图谱

    1. WT;2 ~ 4. CHS3-1、CHS3-2、CHS3-4转基因株系。1, WT; 2−4, CHS3-1, CHS3-2, CHS3-4 transgenic lines.

    Figure  2.   Northern Blot pattern of 35S :: BpCHS3 from transgenic birch

    图  3   盐胁迫下参试株系荧光参数及Pn比较

    Fv/Fm. 最大光能转化效率Maximum light energy conversion efficiency;ΦPSII. 实际光化学效率Actual photochemical efficiency;qP. 光化学猝灭系数Photochemical quenching coefficient;Pn. 净光合速率Net photosynthetic rate

    Figure  3.   Comparison of fluorescence parameters and Pn of the tested birch under salt stress

    图  4   转基因株系与WT株系叶片花青素质量分数比较

    Figure  4.   Comparison of anthocyanin mass fractions in leaves between transgenic lines and WT lines

    图  5   黄酮类代谢途径关键酶基因qRT-PCR分析

    Figure  5.   qRT-PCR analysis of key enzyme genes in flavonoid metabolic pathway

    表  1   荧光定量PCR引物序列

    Table  1   Primer sequences for fluorescent quantitative-PCR

    引物名称 Primer name 上游引物序列 Forward primer sequence (5′−3′) 下游引物序列 Reverse primer sequence (5′−3′)
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    表  2   NaCl胁迫下转基因白桦生根情况

    Table  2   Rooting of transgenic birch under salt stress

    Average number of primary roots
    Average main root length/cm
    Rooting rate/%
    Salt damage index/%
    WT 1.2 0.27 ± 0.02c 40 83
    CHS3-1 3.2 1.76 ± 0.03a 100 43
    CHS3-2 2.8 1.66 ± 0.02b 100 35
    注:平均主根长表示方式为“平均值 ± 标准差”,同列不同字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05)。 Notes: data of average main root length were mean ± SD,different lowercases in the same column represent significant differences (P < 0.05).
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  • 收稿日期:  2018-07-11
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  • 网络出版日期:  2019-04-01
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