Characteristics of nitrogen mineralization in soils under different forest types in cold-temperate forest region
摘要:目的研究不同林型不同海拔下森林土壤凋落物层和表层矿质土壤中氮矿化特征及与培养时间、土壤理化性质的关系,以了解森林土壤中针阔叶林下氮的矿化潜能,为充分地理解森林土壤氮循环提供参考。方法采用实验室好气培养法,以我国寒温带林区大兴安岭的偃松林、杜鹃−白桦林、杜鹃−落叶松林、杜香−落叶松林下漂灰土和棕色针叶林土的凋落物层及表层矿质土壤为研究对象,按培养时间测定其中的铵态氮、硝态氮含量及全氮、有机质、有机碳、含水量、pH、土壤机械组成等理化性质,研究4种林型下土壤中氮矿化与培养时间、海拔的关系,并通过主成分分析探讨氮矿化的潜在驱动因素。结果4种林型下,凋落物层中氮矿化以氨化作用占优势,表层矿质土壤中以硝化作用占优势。随培养时间的延长,凋落物层的矿化氮含量呈现先增后减的趋势,而表层矿质土壤中矿化氮含量呈现先减后增的趋势,培养初期有明显的矿化滞后期。pH对表层矿质土壤氮矿化产生了直接影响,而有机质、有机碳、全氮、土壤机械组成是土壤氮矿化过程中潜在的主要驱动因子。结论寒温带林区不同林型下凋落物层和表层矿质土壤中的氮矿化特征,因培养时间的差异导致氮矿化的趋势差异,两个层次均表现为随着海拔的升高,氮矿化量减少。通过比较分析,能够深入地认识寒温带林区森林土壤氮矿化潜力的变化趋势,研究结果为进一步理解森林土壤氮循环提供科学依据。Abstract:ObjectiveThe relationship between nitrogen mineralization in forest soil litter layer (O layer) and surface mineral soil (A layer) under different altitudes of different forest types and soil physical and chemical properties was studied in order to better understand the mineralization potential law of nitrogen under different forest types in the northern forest soil, and to understand the nitrogen cycle of forest soil more fully.MethodThe method of laboratory aerobic culture was used to study the litter layer and surface soil layer of Pinus pumila forest, Rhododendron dauricum-Betula platyphylla forest, Rhododendron dauricum-Larix dahurica forest, Ledum palustre-Larix dahurica forest, brown coniferous forest soils and bleached podzolic soils in Huzhong Nature Reserve in Daxing’an Mountains’ cold-temperate forest area of China. The physicochemical properties of ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, total nitrogen, organic matters, organic carbon, water content, pH and soil mechanical composition were measured at the time of culture, and the relationship between nitrogen mineralization and incubation time and altitude in the soil under 4 forest types was studied, and the regularity of nitrogen mineralization was discussed by principal component analysis to find potential driving factors.ResultAmmonification is dominant in the 4 types of forest litter, and nitrification is dominant in the surface mineral soil. The mineralized nitrogen content in the litter layer increases first and then decreases with the prolongation of the culture time. The mineralized nitrogen content in the surface mineral soil decreases first and then increases with the prolongation of the culture time, and there is an obvious late period of mineralization in the early stage of culture. The amount of nitrogen mineralization decreased with the elevation rises. pH and environmental factors (water content) have a direct impact on nitrogen mineralization in surface soil, and organic matters, organic carbon, total nitrogen and soil mechanical composition are the main driving factors in the process of soil nitrogen mineralization.ConclusionNitrogen mineralization characteristics in litter layer and surface mineral soil of different forest types in cold temperate forest areas lead to different trends of nitrogen mineralization due to the difference of cultivation time. Both levels show that with the increase of altitude, the amount of nitrogen mineralization decreases. Through comparative analysis, the changing trend of nitrogen mineralization potential of forest soil in cold temperate forest region can be deeply understood. The results provide scientific basis for further understanding of nitrogen cycle in forest soil.
图 1 4种林型O层和A层铵态氮含量变化
O层中杜香−落叶松林相关系数:R2 = 0.930 9,P < 0.01;杜鹃−落叶松林相关系数:R2 = 0.922 3,P < 0.05;杜鹃−白桦林相关系数:R2 = 0.926 3,P < 0.01;偃松林相关系数:R2 = 0.967 6,P < 0.01。A层中杜香−落叶松林相关系数:R2 = 0.937 7,P < 0.01;杜鹃−落叶松林相关系数:R2 = 0.944 8,P < 0.01;杜鹃−白桦林相关系数:R2 = 0.942 8,P < 0.01;偃松林相关系数:R2 = 0.996 7,P < 0.01。Correlation coefficient of Ledum palustre-Larix dahurica forest, R2 = 0.930 9,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Rhododendron dauricum-Larix dahurica forest, R2 = 0.922 3,P < 0.05; correlation coefficient of Rhododendron dauricum-Betula platyphylla forest, R2 = 0.926 3,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Pinus pumila forest, R2 = 0.967 6,P < 0.01 in surface soil layer. Correlation coefficient of Ledum palustre-Larix dahurica forest, R2 = 0.937 7,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Rhododendron dauricum-Larix dahurica forest, R2 = 0.944 8,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Rhododendron dauricum-Betula platyphylla forest, R2 = 0.942 8,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Pinus pumila forest, R2 = 0.996 7,P < 0.01.
Figure 1.
NH+4 change in 4 forest litter layers and surface mineral soils图 3 4种林型O层和A层硝态氮含量变化
O层中杜香−落叶松林相关系数:R2 = 0.969 6,P < 0.01;杜鹃−落叶松林相关系数:R2 = 0.990 5,P < 0.01;杜鹃−白桦林相关系数:R2 = 0.991 2,P < 0.01;偃松林相关系数:R2 = 0.990 7,P < 0.01。A层中杜香−落叶松林相关系数:R2 = 0.988 5,P < 0.01;杜鹃−落叶松林相关系数:R2 = 0.991 6,P < 0.01;杜鹃−白桦林相关系数:R2 = 0.973 6,P < 0.01;偃松林相关系数:R2 = 0.995 8,P < 0.01。Correlation coefficient of Ledum palustre-Larix dahurica, R2 = 0.969 6,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Rhododendron dauricum-Larix dahurica forest, R2 = 0.990 5,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Rhododendron dauricum-Betula platyphylla forest, R2 = 0.991 2,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Pinus pumila forest, R2 = 0.990 7,P < 0.01 in surface soil layer. Correlation coefficient of Ledum palustre-Larix dahurica forest, R2 = 0.988 5,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Rhododendron dauricum-Larix dahurica forest, R2 = 0.991 6,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Rhododendron dauricum-Betula platyphylla forest, R2 = 0.973 6,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Pinus pumila forest, R2 = 0.995 8,P < 0.01.
Figure 3.
NO−3 change in 4 forest litter layers and surface soil layers图 5 4种林型O层和A层净矿化氮的含量变化
O层中杜香−落叶松林相关系数R2 = 0.943 5,P < 0.01;杜鹃−落叶松林相关系数R2 = 0.937 1,P < 0.01;杜鹃−白桦林相关系数R2 = 0.967 2,P < 0.01;偃松林相关系数R2 = 0.984 7,P < 0.01。A层中杜香−落叶松林相关系数R2 = 0.979 9,P < 0.01;杜鹃−落叶松林相关系数R2 = 0.978 5,P < 0.01;杜鹃−白桦林相关系数R2 = 0.970 3,P < 0.01;偃松林相关系数R2 = 0.991 6,P < 0.01。Correlation coefficient of Ledum palustre-Larix dahurica, R2 = 0.943 5,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Rhododendron dauricum-Larix dahurica forest, R2 = 0.937 1,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Rhododendron dauricum-Betula platyphylla forest, R2 = 0.967 2,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Pinus pumila forest, R2 = 0.984 7,P < 0.01 in surface soil layer. Correlation coefficient of Ledum palustre-Larix dahurica forest, R2 = 0.979 9,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Rhododendron dauricum -Larix dahurica forest, R2 = 0.978 5,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Rhododendron dauricum-Betula platyphylla forest, R2 = 0.970 3,P < 0.01; correlation coefficient of Pinus pumila forest, R2 = 0.991 6,P < 0.01.
Figure 5. Net mineralized N change in litter layers and surface soil layers
表 1 林地基本情况
Table 1 Basic information of the sample plots
林分类型 Stand type 海拔 Elevation/m 林下土壤类型 Soil type 林龄 Stand age 主要树种 Dominant tree species 偃松林
Pinus pumila forest850 ~ 1 100 漂灰土Bleached podzolic soils 90 ~ 120 a,
Primary forest偃松 Pinus pumila 杜鹃−白桦林
Rhododendron dauricum-
Betula platyphylla forest680 ~ 760 典型棕色针叶林土
Brown coniferous forest soils30 ~ 40 a,
Secondary forest兴安杜鹃、细叶杜香 、越橘 、绣线菊 Rhododendron dauricum, Ledum palustre, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Spiraea salicifolia 杜鹃−落叶松林
Rhododendron dauricum-
Larix dahurica forest620 ~ 700 典型棕色针叶林土
Brown coniferous forest soils90 ~ 120 a,
Primary forest兴安杜鹃、细叶杜香 、越橘、东北赤杨 Rhododendron dauricum, Ledum palustre, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Alnus mandshurica 杜香−落叶松林
Ledum palustre-Larix dahurica forest400 ~ 600 表潜棕色针叶林土
Surface-gleyed brown coniferous forest soils90 ~ 120 a,
Primary forest细叶杜香、笃斯越橘、地衣 、泥炭藓 Ledum palustre, Vaccinium uliginosum, lichen, sphagnum 表 2 主成分分析方案
Table 2 Solution of principal component (PC) analysis
PC 1主成分2
PC 2主成分3
PC 3pH 0.929 0.746 含水量 Water content (WC) 0.857 0.934 铵态氮 NH+4 0.893 0.962 硝态氮 NO−3 0.896 0.934 有机质 Organic matter (OM) 0.877 1.032 有机碳 Organic carbon (OC) 0.886 0.750 全氮 Total N (TN) 0.956 0.848 砂粒 Gravel (GR) 0.854 − 0.703 粉粒 Silt (SI) 0.854 − 0.986 黏粒 Clay particle (CP) 0.977 0.882 -
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