Comparison in plant diversity in Haikou, Sanya and Wenchang cities of Hainan Province, southern China
摘要:目的通过对海南省3座城市的植物组成进行分析,探讨了各城市植物多样性形成差异的驱动因素,为今后城市植物多样性保护和布局等研究工作提供参考。方法以海南省的海口、文昌和三亚为研究对象,在城市规划区域内进行随机抽样的调查方法,调查内容包括样方内的物种、胸径、冠幅、株高、数量、植被覆盖面积等信息,应用β相异性指数研究群落和物种的组成差异,对各城市植物多样性在物种、功能和谱系层面进行显著性差异分析,通过对比探讨影响城市植物多样性差异的因素。结果(1)海口市规划区共统计了227种植物,归属于71科184属;三亚市规划区共统计了244种植物,归属于76科204属;文昌市规划区共统计了230种植物,归属于72科181属。(2)3座城市的乡土物种β相异性均高于外来物种,乔木层的物种β相异性比灌木层和草本层低。(3)3座城市的乔木层物种多样性指数无显著差异;文昌的灌木层物种多样性指数显著低于海口和三亚2个城市(P < 0.05);三亚和文昌草本层的Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数均呈现显著差异(P < 0.05),且文昌的各多样性指数值较高。(4)文昌和另外2座城市之间灌木层的功能均匀度指数(FEve)和功能离散度指数(FDis)均呈现了显著差异,文昌的灌木层功能多样性指数显著低于海口和三亚(分别为P < 0.01和P < 0.001),与灌木层的物种多样性结果一致。(5)文昌乔木层的谱系多样性指数(PD)值显著高于海口,三亚灌木层的PD指数值显著高于文昌,文昌草本层的PD指数值显著高于海口和三亚(P < 0.01)。灌木层和草本层的谱系均匀度指数(PSE)结果与PD指数一致(分别为P < 0.001和P < 0.01),但在乔木层没有呈现显著差异(P = 0.690)。结论海南省3座城市的乡土物种组成差异性比外来物种更为明显,但整体植被种类未呈现出明显的同质性的特征。3座城市物种多样性、功能多样性和谱系多样性水平的高低趋势基本保持一致。未来研究中,分析城市中多个层面的植物多样性差异,可以更全面地对多样性格局的保护和控制提供决策依据。Abstract:ObjectiveThe driving factors of plant diversity differences among three cities in Hainan Province, southern China were discussed through the analysis of plant compositions. It provided a reference for future research on the protection and layout of urban plant diversity.MethodIn this research, Haikou City, Wenchang City and Sanya City were taken as research objects. A sample survey was conducted using random sampling in urban planning areas. We carried out surveys on the species list within the plot, the DBH, crown width, height and quantity of trees, as well as the vegetation coverage area in the plot, etc. The β-dissimilarity index was used to study the compositional differences of communities and species in different cities. We analyzed the differences in plant species diversity at the species, function, and phylogenetic levels, and factors which may influence urban plant diversity differences.Result(1) In the planning area of Haikou City, there were 227 plant species of 184 genera in 71 families. In the planning area of Sanya City, there were 244 plant species of 204 genera in 76 families. In the planning area of Wenchang City, there were 230 plant species of 181 genera in 72 families. (2) In the three cities, the β-dissimilarity index of the native species was higher than that of the exotic species, and the species β-dissimilarity of the arbor layer was lower than that of the shrub layer and the herb layer. (3) There was no significant difference in species diversity index values of the arbor layer. Diversity index value of shrub species in Wenchang City was significantly lower than those in Haikou and Sanya cities (P < 0.05). The herb layer diversity index values of Sanya and Wenchang showed significant differences (P < 0.05), and Wenchang’s diversity index value was higher. (4) The functional evenness index (FEve) and the functional dispersion index (FDis) of the shrub layer were significantly different, which were reflected between Wenchang City and the other two cities (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). The diversity index value of Wenchang City was lower than that of Haikou and Sanya cities, which was consistent with the species diversity of the shrub layer. (5) The pedigree phylogenetic index (PD) of Wenchang City arbor layer was significantly higher than that of Haikou City (P < 0.01). The PD index of Sanya City shrub layer was significantly higher than that of Wenchang City. The PD index of Wenchang City herb layer was significantly higher than that of Haikou and Sanya cities (P < 0.01). The phylogenetic species evenness (PSE) results for the shrub and herb layers were consistent with the PD index (P < 0.001 and P < 0.01, respectively), but did not show significant differences in the arbor layer (P = 0.690).ConclusionThe vegetation types of the three cities in Hainan Province did not exhibit obvious homogeneity, while the differences in native species composition were more pronounced than those of exotic species. Species diversity, functional diversity and phylogenetic diversity levels in the three cities basically showed the same trend. In future studies, the analysis of plant diversity from multiple layers in cities could provide a more comprehensive decision-making basis for both the protection and the control of diversity patterns.
1. 研究区概况
本研究以海南省的海口市(110°07′ ~ 110°42′ E,19°31′ ~ 20°04′ N)、文昌市(108°21′ ~ 111°03′ E,19°20′ ~ 20°10′ N)和三亚市(108°56′30″ ~ 109°48′30″ E,18°09′36″ ~ 18°37′30″ N)3座城市为研究对象,它们地理纬度接近,且由于琼州海峡的阻隔,长期处在相对独立的环境下,形成较为相似的人文社会背景(图1)。研究中将每座城市视为一个整体样地,并在其中布设样方,分别调查之后对3座城市进行对比分析。
2. 研究方法
2.1 样方调查
为了保证城市边界选取的统一性,本研究根据海口市城市总体规划(2011—2020年)、文昌市城市总体规划(2004—2020年)和三亚市城市总体规划(2008—2020年)确定了以3座城市的规划区作为研究范围,利用ArcGIS10.0在各城市规划区的卫星影像上分别随机设置样方(图2)。城市中随机设置的样方(400 m2)数量在达到200个时,对植被的总体数量特征估计的相对标准差约为12%,因此,大于200个的样方数量对一个城市森林的实地调查是比较充分的[20]。考虑到实际情况中可能存在少量样方的落点位置无法进入,因此各城市的规划区中均设置了235个样方以保证至少获得200个有效的样方数据。在实地调查中,通过卫星影像和GPS定位样方中心,据此中心设立半径为12 m的圆形样方。对样方内的植被情况进行记录,包括:植物的种名,胸径 ≥ 3 cm的乔木的胸径、株数、株高、冠幅、健康状况等,灌木和草本的面积、高度;是否为乡土物种则根据《海南植物名录》[21]确认。
2.2 数据分析
(2)功能多样性测度。研究选取功能均匀度指数(Functional evenness,FEve)和功能离散度指数(Functional dispersion,FDis)来度量研究区域内的群落功能多样性。功能多样性是通过选取与研究区内群落生态功能存在关联性的功能性状参数,结合指数公式计算得出的。植物的功能性状是指能够影响生态系统功能的一系列属性,它们反映了植被对环境变化的响应。考虑到功能指标参数获取的便利性和城市环境的特殊性,本研究选择了13种与城市环境相关的功能指标,指标选取主要参考了Williams[22]和Knapp[23]的城市植物功能性状研究,包括生活型、植物来源、花期、株高、种子扩散方式、传粉途径、叶质、种子体积、种子数量、茎干是否有刺、是否无性繁殖、是否常绿、植株是否有毒。
(3)谱系多样性测度。把调查数据中所涵盖的各类物种和与之相对应的科属信息按照APG Ⅲ(被子植物分类系统Ⅲ)输入到在线植物系统发育库Phylomatic v3中[25],导出对应的系统发育树文件。
研究中选取谱系多样性指数(Phylogenetic diversity, PD)和谱系均匀度指数(Phylogenetic species evenness, PSE)来度量研究区域内的群落谱系多样性。PD指数反映的是数据集中所有物种在系统发育进化树上的枝长之和[26],PD值越大表示所包含物种的系统发育信息越丰富。PSE指数是在考虑相对物种丰度信息的情况下,群落中所有物种共有的一个随机性状与谱系亲缘关系相关程度的量化[27]。PSE的值为1时,各个物种多度相等而且各个物种的谱系关系显著不相关(P < 0.05)。当PSE的值越接近0,说明物种多度差异性越来越大,或者系统发育关系的相关性越来越高。
3. 结果与分析
3.1 植物多样性概况
表 1 城市规划区样方调查植物种类组成统计Table 1. Statistics of floristic composition in the urban planning area of the three cities类型 Type 海口 Haikou 三亚 Sanya 文昌 Wenchang 种数
Species number比例
Species number比例
Species number比例
Proportion/%乔木层 Tree layer 69 30.40 81 33.20 69 30.00 灌木层 Shrub layer 75 33.04 78 31.97 69 30.00 草本层 Grass layer 83 36.56 85 34.83 92 40.00 乡土种 Native species 111 48.90 134 54.92 140 60.87 外来种 Exotic species 116 51.10 110 45.08 90 39.13 总物种数 Total species number 227 244 230 3.2 物种组成差异性
Jaccard指数和Bray-Curtis指数反映出的结果是一致的,3座城市之间物种组成的总体差异较为接近,Jaccard相异性指数都在0.6 ~ 0.7之间,Bray-Curtis相异性指数都在0.4 ~ 0.5之间(表2)。各个城市间的乡土物种的差异性均高于外来种,各城市间乔木层的组成差异性比灌木层和草本层低。
表 2 各城市间的β相异性指数Table 2. β dissimilarity indices between any two cities城市
Jaccard dissimilarity indexBray-Curtis相异性指数
Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index有/无数据
Presence/absence data多度数据
Abundant data有/无数据
Presence/absence data多度数据
Abundant data乔木层 Tree layer 0.484 0.647 0.319 0.478 灌木层 Shrub layer 0.703 0.811 0.542 0.683 海口&文昌
Haikou & Wenchang草本层 Grass layer 0.704 0.797 0.543 0.565 乡土种 Native species 0.694 0.532 外来种 Exotic species 0.576 0.405 总体 Total 0.644 0.475 乔木层 Tree layer 0.515 0.773 0.347 0.631 灌木层 Shrub layer 0.583 0.795 0.412 0.660 海口&三亚
Haikou & Sanya草本层 Grass layer 0.698 0.749 0.536 0.599 乡土种 Native species 0.659 0.492 外来种 Exotic species 0.552 0.381 总体 Total 0.607 0.435 乔木层 Tree layer 0.585 0.799 0.413 0.666 灌木层 Shrub layer 0.699 0.914 0.537 0.842 文昌&三亚
Wenchang & Sanya草本层 Grass layer 0.689 0.717 0.525 0.558 乡土种 Native species 0.692 0.529 外来种 Exotic species 0.616 0.446 总体 Total 0.661 0.494 注:有/无数据,仅采集判断样地中是否存在这一物种,对物种的多度、出现频率等信息不予考虑。Notes: presence /absence data, only the presence of species in the sample plot was collected, and information such as the abundance and frequency of occurrence of the species was not considered. 3.3 植物多样性比较
物种多样性指数的比较结果显示,3座城市乔木层的物种多样性指数均无显著差异(分别为P = 0.720,P = 0.491)(图3)。文昌的灌木层物种多样性指数显著低于海口和三亚2个城市(P < 0.05)。三亚和文昌的草本层均呈现显著差异(P < 0.05),且文昌的多样性指数值较高。在物种多样性指数方面,3座城市的差异体现在灌木层和草本层,尤其是在文昌和海口、文昌和三亚之间。
功能多样性指数结果显示(图4),3座城市灌木层的功能均匀度指数(FEve)和功能离散度指数(FDis)呈现了显著差异,该差异同样也出现在文昌和海口、文昌和三亚之间(分别为P < 0.01和P < 0.001),文昌灌木层的功能多样性指数值低于海口和三亚,这与灌木层的物种多样性结果是一致的。
3座城市的谱系多样性(PD)指数在各个生活型中呈现了不同差异,文昌乔木层的PD指数值显著高于海口,三亚灌木层的PD指数值显著高于文昌,文昌草本层的PD指数值显著高于海口和三亚(P < 0.01)(图5)。灌木层和草本层的谱系均匀度(PSE)指数结果与PD指数一致(分别为P < 0.001和P < 0.01),但在乔木层没有呈现显著差异(P = 0.690)。
4. 讨论与结论
城市物种的同质性已经成为全球面临的问题[18]。对中国城市树种的研究发现,树种组成的相似性大致呈现了纬度梯度的特性[28],其表现为:邻近城市往往会有较为相似的物种组成,对美国东南部8个城市中城市森林组成的研究结果也印证了这一观点[29]。但海口、三亚和文昌3座城市相互之间的相异性指数显示,物种组成差异较为明显。这表明除了纬度和地理位置因素之外,仍然存在诸如经济水平、人文偏好等方面的因素对城市植物物种的组成产生影响。有研究表明,植物多样性水平与社会经济活动呈显著的正相关性[30]。富裕的区域中通常具有更高的物种丰富度,且其中大部分为外来物种[31]。本研究中3座城市的GDP高低呈现为:海口(904.64亿元) > 三亚(373.21亿元) > 文昌(175.34亿元)[32],3座城市的外来物种数量和占比呈现了与GDP一致的趋势,表明社会经济水平对外来物种的引入趋势具有城市尺度上的普遍性。
表 1 城市规划区样方调查植物种类组成统计
Table 1 Statistics of floristic composition in the urban planning area of the three cities
类型 Type 海口 Haikou 三亚 Sanya 文昌 Wenchang 种数
Species number比例
Species number比例
Species number比例
Proportion/%乔木层 Tree layer 69 30.40 81 33.20 69 30.00 灌木层 Shrub layer 75 33.04 78 31.97 69 30.00 草本层 Grass layer 83 36.56 85 34.83 92 40.00 乡土种 Native species 111 48.90 134 54.92 140 60.87 外来种 Exotic species 116 51.10 110 45.08 90 39.13 总物种数 Total species number 227 244 230 表 2 各城市间的β相异性指数
Table 2 β dissimilarity indices between any two cities
Jaccard dissimilarity indexBray-Curtis相异性指数
Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index有/无数据
Presence/absence data多度数据
Abundant data有/无数据
Presence/absence data多度数据
Abundant data乔木层 Tree layer 0.484 0.647 0.319 0.478 灌木层 Shrub layer 0.703 0.811 0.542 0.683 海口&文昌
Haikou & Wenchang草本层 Grass layer 0.704 0.797 0.543 0.565 乡土种 Native species 0.694 0.532 外来种 Exotic species 0.576 0.405 总体 Total 0.644 0.475 乔木层 Tree layer 0.515 0.773 0.347 0.631 灌木层 Shrub layer 0.583 0.795 0.412 0.660 海口&三亚
Haikou & Sanya草本层 Grass layer 0.698 0.749 0.536 0.599 乡土种 Native species 0.659 0.492 外来种 Exotic species 0.552 0.381 总体 Total 0.607 0.435 乔木层 Tree layer 0.585 0.799 0.413 0.666 灌木层 Shrub layer 0.699 0.914 0.537 0.842 文昌&三亚
Wenchang & Sanya草本层 Grass layer 0.689 0.717 0.525 0.558 乡土种 Native species 0.692 0.529 外来种 Exotic species 0.616 0.446 总体 Total 0.661 0.494 注:有/无数据,仅采集判断样地中是否存在这一物种,对物种的多度、出现频率等信息不予考虑。Notes: presence /absence data, only the presence of species in the sample plot was collected, and information such as the abundance and frequency of occurrence of the species was not considered. -
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