

    Comprehensive evaluation of salt tolerance of clones of Fraxinusin spp. seedling stage under salt stress

    • 摘要:
      方法以1年生白蜡无性系扦插盆栽苗为试验材料,对9个无性系在不同盐胁迫条件下(0、2、4、6、8 g/L)的生长与生理指标的变化进行研究。
      结果在盐胁迫下,各无性系的生长受到明显抑制,并且随着NaCl质量浓度增大,无性系的生长指标(苗高增量、地径增量、生物量累积)都呈现下降的趋势,无性系YL的下降幅度最为平缓;9个无性系中的叶绿素含量也随着盐质量浓度升高而下降,YL与其他无性系存在显著性差异(P < 0.05)。盐胁迫导致无性系体内细胞膜透性与MDA含量增大,但在同一盐质量浓度时,无性系YL与Y3低于其他无性系;当盐胁迫逐步增大时,脯氨酸、可溶性糖含量因无性系品种不同而呈现不同的趋势,其中在YL、L5、QB、L2、Y3无性系中一直处于增长状态,在其余4种无性系中呈现单峰曲线,最高值出现在盐质量浓度为6 g/L的处理中;SOD酶活性呈现先升高后下降的趋势,无性系YL酶活性最高,与其他无性系有显著性差异(P < 0.05)。


      ObjectiveThis paper aims to explore the salt tolerance of ash tree clones, breed excellent salt tolerant of clones, and improve land productivity through biological measures.
      MethodCutting potted seedlings of 1-year-old ash clones were taken as materials, and their growth and physiological index of 9 clones under different salt stress conditions (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 g/L) were studied.
      ResultUnder salt stress, the growth of clones was significantly inhibited, and with the increase of NaCl concentration, the growth indicators (seedling height increment, ground diameter increment, biomass accumulation) of clones showed a decreasing trend, and the decline of ‘YL’ of clones was the slowest; the chlorophyll content of nine clones also decreased with the increase of salt concentration, and there was significant difference between saline wax and other clones (P < 0.05). Under salt stress, the cell membrane permeability and MDA content of clones increased, but at the same salt concentration, ‘YL’ and ‘Y3’ of clones were lower than those of other clones; when salt stress increased gradually, the contents of proline and soluble sugar showed different trends according to different varieties. Among them, osmotic regulators in ‘YL’,‘L5’, ‘QB’, ‘L2’ and ‘Y3’ had been increasing, the content of the other four clones showed a single peak curve, and the highest value reached 6 g/L. SOD activity increased first and then decreased. Its value of ‘YL’ was the highest, which was significantly different from that of other clones (P < 0.05).
      ConclusionPrincipal component analysis was used to evaluate the salt tolerance of nine ash tree clones. The salt tolerance of nine ash tree clones was ordered as follows: ‘YL’, ‘Y3’, L5’, QB, JJ, JN11, HX, ‘L2’ and‘J10’. The results provided are not only theoretical basis but also breeding materials for the breeding of ash tree salt tolerant clones.


