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孙振静, 赵慧颖, 朱良军, 李宗善, 张远东, 王晓春

孙振静, 赵慧颖, 朱良军, 李宗善, 张远东, 王晓春. 大兴安岭北部不同降水梯度下兴安落叶松生长对升温的响应差异[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2019, 41(6): 1-14. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20190007
引用本文: 孙振静, 赵慧颖, 朱良军, 李宗善, 张远东, 王晓春. 大兴安岭北部不同降水梯度下兴安落叶松生长对升温的响应差异[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2019, 41(6): 1-14. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20190007
Sun Zhenjing, Zhao Huiying, Zhu Liangjun, Li Zongshan, Zhang Yuandong, Wang Xiaochun. Differences in response of Larix gmelinii growth to rising temperature under different precipitation gradients in northern Daxing’an Mountains of northeastern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2019, 41(6): 1-14. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20190007
Citation: Sun Zhenjing, Zhao Huiying, Zhu Liangjun, Li Zongshan, Zhang Yuandong, Wang Xiaochun. Differences in response of Larix gmelinii growth to rising temperature under different precipitation gradients in northern Daxing’an Mountains of northeastern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2019, 41(6): 1-14. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20190007


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41877426、31770490),中央高校基本科研业务费高层次人才发展专项(2572017DG02),中国气象局东北地区生态气象创新开放实验室基金项目(stqx2018zd02)

    孙振静。主要研究方向:树木年轮生态学。Email:dlsunzj@163.com 地址:150040黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区和兴路51号东北林业大学林学院


    王晓春,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向:树轮与气候变化。Email:wangx@nefu.edu.cn 地址:同上

Differences in response of Larix gmelinii growth to rising temperature under different precipitation gradients in northern Daxing’an Mountains of northeastern China

  • 摘要:
    方法本文在大兴安岭北部沿降水梯度选择3个采样点−莫尔道嘎(Moerdaoga,ME,年降水量363 mm)、图里河(Tulihe,TLH,454 mm)和阿里河国家森林公园(Alihe,ALH,525 mm)进行树轮取样。运用树轮气候学方法,分析了气候变暖背景下兴安落叶松生长−气候关系随降水梯度的时空变异规律,并探讨兴安落叶松生长应对极端气候的抵抗力、恢复力和弹性力。
    结果不同降水梯度下,降水对兴安落叶松径向生长影响差异较小,仅有TLH兴安落叶松生长与当年8月和上年秋季降水呈显著正相关。温度是兴安落叶松径向生长的主要限制因子,但在不同降水区存在显著差异。在低降水区域(ME),生长季最低温度是兴安落叶松生长的主要限制因子;在中降水区域(TLH),上年9月最低温度对兴安落叶松径向生长的影响最强;在高降水区域(ALH),均温和低温是影响兴安落叶松生长的主要气候因子,上年秋季和冬季温度升高不利于当年兴安落叶松生长增加。综合温度与降水的帕默尔干旱指数(Palmer Drought Severity Index,PDSI)表明,ME采样点兴安落叶松生长与PDSI关系不显著,TLH兴安落叶松生长与PDSI显著正相关,ALH兴安落叶松与PDSI显著负相关。20世纪80年代快速升温后,3个采样点兴安落叶松的径向生长出现与升温相反的趋势。ALH采样点相比其他两个采样点应对极端气候有较高的抵抗力,但恢复力较弱。
    ObjectiveThis paper aims to figure out the response differences of the radial growth of Larix gmelinii under different precipitation gradients in northern Daxing ’an Mountains of northeastern China to climate, especially to recent warming.
    MethodIn this paper, three sampling sites, including Moerdaoga (ME, annual total precipitation 363 mm), Tulihe (TLH, 454 mm) and Alihe (ALH, 525 mm), were selected along a precipitation gradient in the northern Daxing ’an Mountains of northeastern China. Under climate warming scenario, the spatial-temporal variations of radial growth of Larix gmelinii in different precipitation conditions and climate relationships were analyzed using the tree-ring climatology method, and the resistance, resilience and elasticity of Larix gmelinii to extreme climate were discussed.
    ResultResults showed that the effects of precipitation on the radial growth of Larix gmelinii were small under different precipitation conditions. Only in TLH site, the growth of Larix gmelinii was positively correlated with precipitation in August and autumn. Temperature is the main factor limiting radial growth of Larix gmelinii, its effects significantly differ with site precipitation conditions. In low precipitation area (ME), minimum temperature in growing season is the main limiting factor for the growth of Larix gmelinii. In the middle precipitation area (TLH), minimum temperature in September of previous year had the strongest effect on Larix gmelinii growth. In the high precipitation area (ALH), mean and minimum temperature are the key climatic factors affecting Larix gmelinii tree growth. The increase in temperature during autumn and winter of previous year was not conducive to the increase of Larix gmelinii growth. There was no significant relationship between ME chronology and PDSI. The TLH chronology was significant positively correlated with PDSI. The ALH chronology was significant negatively correlated with PDSI. After rapid warming since 1980s, the radial growth of Larix gmelinii at three sites showed an opposite trend with warming. Compared with the other two sampling sites, Larix gmelinii in ALH had higher resistance to extreme climate, but its resilience was weak.
    ConclusionOur results show that water conditions will affect the response of Larix gmelinii to future climate warming, especially in the resistance and resilience of growth to extreme climate.
  • 图  1   大兴安岭北部兴安落叶松采样点月平均气温、最高气温、最低气温和降水量变化(A、D、G);1980年前(1957—1980)、后(1981—2016)年平均气温(B、E、H)和年总降水量均值比较(C、F、L)

    Figure  1.   Variations of monthly mean temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature and precipitation at sampling sites of Larix gmelinii in Daxing’an Mountains (A, D, G); average temperature before 1980 (1957−1980) and after (1981−2016) (B, E, H) and mean annual total precipitation comparison (C, F, L)

    图  2   大兴安岭北部3个地点兴安落叶松树木年轮指数变化比较

    EPS, total expressed population signal 样本总解释量

    Figure  2.   Comparison of annual ring index changes of Larix gmelinii in three sampling sites in the northern Daxing’an Mountains

    图  3   大兴安岭北部3个采样点兴安落叶松年轮指数与均温(A)、最低温(B)降水(C)和帕默尔干旱指数(D)的相关关系

    p6 ~ p12为上年6月到12月。*代表P < 0.05。 p6−p12, past June−December. * represents P < 0.05.

    Figure  3.   Correlations between tree ring width index of Larix gmelinii and temperature (A), the lowest temperature (B), precipitation (C) and Palmer drought severity index (D) at three sampling sites in the northern Daxing’an Mountains

    图  4   大兴安岭北部3个采样点兴安落叶松生长与5、6月温度和降水的滑动相关分析

    × 代表P < 0.05。 × represents P < 0.05

    Figure  4.   Moving correlation analysis of Larix gmelinii growth with temperature and precipitation in May and June at three sampling sites in northern Daxing’an Mountains

    图  5   大兴安岭北部3个采样点兴安落叶松年轮指数与生长季(5—9月)、非生长季(10—4月)温度和降水关系随时间的变化规律

    × 代表P < 0.05。 × represents P < 0.05

    Figure  5.   Correlations between the treering width index of Larix gmelinii and the growing season (May−September) and non-growing season (December−April) at three sampling sites in northern Daxing’an Mountains

    图  6   大兴安岭北部3个地点兴安落叶松年轮指数与季节降水关系随时间的变化

    × 代表P < 0.05。 A为上年秋季;B为当年生长季;C为生长季前;D为上年冬季。图7同此。× represents P < 0.05. A, last autumn;B, current growing season;C, before growing season;D, last winter. same as Fig. 7.

    Figure  6.   Relationship between treering width index of Larix gmelinii and seasonal precipitation changes with time in three sampling sites in northern Daxing’an Mountains

    图  7   大兴安岭北部3个地点兴安落叶松年轮指数与季节温度关系随时间的变化

    × 代表P < 0.05。 × represents P < 0.05

    Figure  7.   Relationship between treering width index of Larix gmelinii and seasonal temperature changes with time in three sampling sites in northern Daxing’an Mountains

    图  8   大兴安岭北部3个地点兴安落叶松生长对极端干旱和低温的抵抗力、恢复力和弹性力的比较

    A 代表莫尔道嘎抵抗力,B 代表莫尔道嘎恢复力,C 代表莫尔道嘎弹性力,D 代表图里河抵抗力,E 代表图里河恢复力,F 代表图里河弹性力,G 代表阿里河抵抗力,H 代表阿里河恢复力,K 代表阿里河弹性力。A represents Moerdaoga resistance, B represents the recovery of Moerdaoga, and C represents the resilience of Moerdaoga, D represents Tulihe resistance, E represents the recovery of Tulihe, and F represents the resilience of Tulihe, G represents Alihe resistance, H represents the recovery of Alihe, and K represents the resilience of Alihe.

    Figure  8.   Comparison of resistance, resilience and elastic force of Larix gmelinii growth to extreme drought and low temperature in three sampling sites in northern Daxing’an Mountains

    表  1   大兴安岭北部3个兴安落叶松树木年轮采样点信息

    Table  1   Sampling site information of three treering standard chronologies in northern Daxing’an Mountains

    Sampling site
    Annual mean temperature/℃
    Annual mean precipitation/mm
    莫尔道嘎 Moerdaoga (ME)51°32′33″N120°44′27″E 646− 2.45363
    图里河 Tulihe (TLH)50°15′12″N121°47′05″E1 060− 4.49454
    阿里河 Alihe (ALH)50°54′46″N123°45′07″E 507− 0.55525
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    表  2   大兴安岭北部3个采样点极端气候事件时段

    Table  2   Extreme climate event period at three sampling sites in the northern part of Daxing’an Mountains

    莫尔道嘎 ME图里河 TLH阿里河 ALH
    Extreme drought
    Extreme low temperature event
    Extreme drought
    Extreme low temperature event
    Extreme drought
    Extreme low temperature event
    1918—1919 1966—1969 1918—1920 1964—1969 1918—1927 1980—1987
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    表  3   大兴安岭北部3个地点兴安落叶松标准年表的主要统计特征

    Table  3   Major statistic characteristics for standard chronologies of Larix gmelinii in three sampling sites in the northern part of Daxing’an Mountains

    Sampling site
    Sampling number
    (Sample core)
    子信号强度 >
    Year of SSS > 0.85
    DBH /cm
    Eigenvalue of standard chronology
    Common interval analysis
    莫尔道嘎 ME1823—201620 (40)182341.
    图里河 TLH1896—201620 (40)189635.60.190.330.400.8221.60.9643.40.520
    阿里河 ALH1884—201620 (40)188443.90.290.390.480.5332.20.9751.20.691
    注:MS为平均敏感度;SD为标准差;MC为平均相关系数;AC为一阶自相关;SNR为信噪比;EPS为样本量的总体解释信号;VF为第一特征根解释量(%);Rbar为平均序列间相关系数。Notes: MS, mean sensitivity; SD, standard deviation; MC, mean correlation coefficient; AC, first order autocorrelation; SNR, signal-to-noise ratio; EPS, expressed population signal; VF, variance in first eigenvector (%); Rbar, mean inter-series correlation coefficient.
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    表  4   大兴安岭北部3个采样点兴安落叶松年轮指数与季节性平均温度和最低温的相关关系

    Table  4   Correlations between tree ring width index of Larix gmelinii and seasonal average temperature and the lowest temperature in three sampling sites in the northern Daxing’an Mountains

    项目 Item平均温度 Mean temperature最低温度 Minimum temperature
    莫尔道嘎 ME图里河 TLH阿里河 ALH莫尔道嘎 ME图里河 TLH阿里河 ALH
    上年生长季 Growing season in last year0.05− 0.33*−− 0.33*
    上年秋季 Last autumn0.12− 0.16− 0.39**0.12− 0.09− 0.37*
    上年冬季 Last winter− 0.14− 0.14− 0.37**− 0.150.02− 0.39**
    生长季前 Before growing season0.07− 0.05 − 0.090.08− 0.15− 0.26
    当年生长季 Currrent growing season0.22− 0.22− 0.220.29*− 0.10− 0.28*
    注:*代表P < 0.05,**代表P < 0.01。下同。Notes: * represents P < 0.05, **represents P < 0.01. Same as below.
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    表  5   大兴安岭北部3个采样点兴安落叶松年轮指数与季节性降水和PDSI的相关关系

    Table  5   Correlations between tree ring width index of Larix gmelinii and seasonal precipitation and Palmer drought severity index (PDSI) in three sampling sites in the northern Daxing’an Mountains

    项目 Item降水 Precipitation帕默尔干旱指数 PDSI
    莫尔道嘎 ME图里河 TLH阿里河 ALH莫尔道嘎 ME图里河 TLH阿里河 ALH
    上年生长季 Growing season in last year0.090.23− 0.11− 0.120.25− 0.46**
    上年秋季 Last autumn− 0.120.28*− 0.19− 0.220.27*− 0.48**
    上年冬季 Last winter0.21− 0.17− 0.14− 0.020.32*− 0.28*
    生长季前 Before growing season0.15− 0.17−*− 0.24
    当年生长季 Currrent growing season0.110.24−**− 0.14
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    表  6   大兴安岭北部3个采样点兴安落叶松对极端气候抵抗力、恢复力和弹性比较

    Table  6   Comparison of Larix gmelinii to extreme climate resistance, resilience index and elastic force in three sampling sites of northern Daxing’an Mountains

    Sampling site
    抵抗力 Resistance 恢复力 Recovery弹性力 Resilience
    Minimum temperature
    Minimum temperature

    Minimum temperature

    ME1.12 ± 0.25a1.06 ± 0.19a0.95 ± 0.14a1.21 ± 0.16a1.04 ± 0.15a1.25 ± 0.15a
    TLH1.08 ± 0.38b0.88 ± 0.08b1.03 ± 0.27b1.16 ± 0.20b1.01 ± 0.27b0.99 ± 0.17b
    ALH1.02 ± 0.29c1.02 ± 0.33c1.11 ± 0.41c1.27 ± 0.72c1.10 ± 0.45c1.09 ± 0.18c
    注:不同小写字母表示不同采样点间差异显著。Notes: different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different sampling points.
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