Studies of several large-scale forestry operating vehicles at home and abroad and prospect of vehicle type design
摘要: 林区作业车辆的应用是林业现代化的重要标志之一。随着林业战略由采伐转型为营林护林,林区作业车辆的研究依然是林区机械领域的热点。本文采用文献分析法研究了自1950年以来国内外林区作业车辆的发展历程,其中包括集材车、消防车、运兵车和采育联合机,阐述了林区作业车辆的先进技术,分析了林区作业车辆的工作特点、用途以及工作环境,并对新时代林业车辆的发展方向做出展望。近些年国内外林区集材车发展缓慢,主要集中在作业联合机的研发上。集材车虽然功能日益增多,绝大多数是在原有车型基础上进行研发,车型偏小,车身笨重不灵活。消防车主要由装甲运兵车改装而来,在逐渐实现灭火要求的同时更注重以人为本的思想,将安全问题考虑到森林消防车的研发设计中。运兵车主要以全地形车为主,大多数采用履带式行走机构,属于军用车辆,已经实现了功能和载重的系列化。采育联合机在木材生产较发达国家应用较普遍,人机工程学和自动化程度相对较高,并逐渐发展无人驾驶技术,我国对采育联合机研究较少。林区车辆的发展应结合我国实际情况,综合分析林区车辆的功能要求,既要充分利用高新技术提高林区装备的技术含量,又要遵循经济性和实用性原则,真正做到林区车辆结构的优化设计。在新时代对我国林区作业车辆的研究应拓宽思路,注重多样化服务和个性化研究。本文结合我国林区环境提出6款林区概念车型,即森林救护车、森林炊事车、森林宿营车、森林浮桥车、森林挂车和森林消防指挥车,这些车型必将在林区抢险救灾过程中发挥越来越重要的作用。Abstract: The application of forestry operating vehicles is one of the important symbols of forestry modernization. With the transformation of forestry strategy from logging to management and protection, the research on forestry operating vehicles is still a hot spot in the field of forest equipment. This paper studies the development process of domestic and foreign forestry operation vehicles including skidder, fire engines, personnel carriers, forestry felling and cultivation machines since 1950 by means of literature analysis, describes the advanced technology of forestry operating vehicles, and analyzes the working characteristics, uses and working environment of forestry operating vehicles. In recent years, the development of skidder in forest areas at home and abroad has been slow, mainly focusing on the research and development of joint machines. Although the functions of skidder are increasing day by day, they are developed on the basis of the original models. The overall model is small and the body is heavy and inflexible. Fire engines are mainly refitted from armored personnel carriers. While gradually realizing the requirements of fire extinguishing, they pay more attention to the people-oriented idea and take safety issues into account in the research and design of forest fire engine. Personnel carriers mainly use all-terrain vehicles, most of them use tracked walking mechanism, belonging to military vehicles, and have realized the serialization of functions and loads. Forest felling and cultivation machines in wood production are more common in developed countries, and its ergonomics and automation are relatively high, and driverless technologies are gradually developed. There is less research on forestry felling and cultivation machines in China. The development of forestry vehicles should be combined with the actual conditions of our country, and the functional requirements of forestry vehicles should be comprehensively analyzed. We should not only make full use of high and new technology to improve the technology of forestry equipment, but also follow the principles of economy and practicability, so as to truly achieve the optimization design of the structure of forestry vehicles. Based on the forestry environment, this paper puts forward five future development directions of forest vehicles, such as forest ambulance, forest cooking vehicle, forest camping vehicle, forest pontoon vehicle, forest trailer and forest fire command vehicle. These vehicles are bound to shoulder more and more heavy tasks in the process of rescue and disaster relief in forestry.
图 1 各种集材机
图1a引自文献[12],图1b引自文献[14],图1c引自网址,图1e引自文献[24],图1f引自文献[27]。Fig. 1a is cited from reference [12]. Fig. 1b is cited from reference [14]. Fig. 1c is cited from website Fig. 1e is cited from reference [24]. Fig. 1f is cited from reference [27].
Figure 1. Various skidders
图 3 全地形运兵车
图3a引自文献[46],图3b引自文献[50],图3c引自文献[57],图3d引自文献[46],图3e引自文献[57],图3f引自文献[46],图3g引自文献[46],图3h引自参考文献[57]。Fig. 3a is cited from reference [46], Fig. 3b is cited from reference [50], Fig. 3c is cited from reference [57], Fig. 3d is cited from reference [46], Fig. 3e is cited from reference [57], Fig. 3f is cited from reference [46], Fig. 3g is cited from reference [46], Fig. 3h is cited from reference [57].
Figure 3. All-terrain personnel carriers
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