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李方正, 刘阳, 施瑶, 胡凯富, 郑曦

李方正, 刘阳, 施瑶, 胡凯富, 郑曦. 基于生态系统服务功能模拟演算的绿色空间规划框架————以北京市浅山区为例[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2019, 41(11): 125-136. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20190149
引用本文: 李方正, 刘阳, 施瑶, 胡凯富, 郑曦. 基于生态系统服务功能模拟演算的绿色空间规划框架————以北京市浅山区为例[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2019, 41(11): 125-136. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20190149
Li Fangzheng, Liu Yang, Shi Yao, Hu Kaifu, Zheng Xi. Construction of green space planning framework based on ecosystem service function simulation: a case study of shallow mountain area in Beijing[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2019, 41(11): 125-136. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20190149
Citation: Li Fangzheng, Liu Yang, Shi Yao, Hu Kaifu, Zheng Xi. Construction of green space planning framework based on ecosystem service function simulation: a case study of shallow mountain area in Beijing[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2019, 41(11): 125-136. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20190149


基金项目: 北京市科技计划项目(D171100000217003)

    李方正,博士,讲师。主要研究方向:风景园林与城乡规划学。 地址:100083北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学园林学院


    郑曦,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向:风景园林学。  地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S731.1

Construction of green space planning framework based on ecosystem service function simulation: a case study of shallow mountain area in Beijing

  • 摘要:
    结果不同类型生态系统服务效益空间分布呈现一定差异性,根据不同区域提供的服务差异划定湿地公园、森林公园、郊野公园、城市公园、地质公园、风景名胜区以及生态保育绿地7种绿色空间类型,新增6条绿道(195 km)连接平原与浅山区,在温泉镇、延寿镇、十三陵镇、峪口镇等村镇构建生态廊道,建立以目标动物保护为目的的线性绿色空间。
    ObjectiveIn the context of rapid urbanization and global climate change, the deterioration of the ecological environment has brought tremendous impact on human life and health. Ecosystem service function assessment has been promoted as a method to cope with climate change and build a green and livable living environment. Establishing a green space planning framework based on ecosystem service function simulation calculus has scientific guiding significance for objectively evaluating the service function of green space and building a sustainable green space network.
    MethodOn the basis of summarizing the relevant research of scholars at home and abroad, this paper takes the shallow mountain area of Beijing as an example to construct a green spatial planning framework based on the assessment of ecosystem service function. Six functional indicators, namely, heat island mitigation, soil and water conservation, carbon sequestration and oxygen release, climate regulation, biodiversity conservation and cultural recreation, were selected, and runoff was adopted. Coefficient formula calculation, MaxEnt model simulation and other methods were used to evaluate, identify the location of key green spaces of different service types in the region and propose suitable green space types. Finally, through the construction of recreational greenways and ecological corridors, green space links were strengthened and the layout of green space was improved.
    ResultThe results showed that the spatial distribution of ecosystem service benefits of different types showed some differences. According to the service differences provided by different regions, seven types of green space were delimited, including wetland park, forest park, country park, urban park, geological park, scenic spot and ecological conservation green space. Six new green roads were added. In plain and shallow mountainous area, ecological corridors were constructed in villages and towns such as Hot Spring Town, Yanshou Town, Shisanling Town and Yukou Town, and linear green space for the purpose of protecting target animals was established.
    ConclusionThe aim is to strengthen the implementation of ecological priority development strategy in shallow mountain areas and promote the formation of sustainable green development mode.
  • 防浪林是种植于堤防迎水侧滩地上用于防浪护堤和抢险取材的专用林,既可以保持水土、调节气候、促进林业经济发展,又可以防浪消能、延长堤防寿命和减少堤防的维护费用,是堤防工程的重要组成部分[1-2]。目前我国各大江河堤岸的重要河段均种植了防浪林,且根据不同河段的实际情况,实施了不同的防浪林建设方案。物理模型实验是研究防浪林消浪机理的一个有效手段,对科学提出防浪林优化布局以及如何营造防浪林工程有重要理论指导意义和实用价值。目前已有很多学者进行了相关的物理实验研究。何飞等[3]在考虑植物根、茎、叶影响下设计水槽实验探究刚性植物的消浪特性,认为根、茎、叶均在不同程度上影响植物消浪特性。陈杰等[4]在研究刚性植物根、茎、叶对植物消波特性的影响中得出植物消波特性与植物淹没度有关,根、茎、叶的存在增加了植物拖曳力系数。陈杰等[5]还通过物理实验研究了规则波通过非淹没刚性植物波高的沿程变化,实验结果表明相比于矩形分布方式,三角形的分布方式消耗了更多的波能,消浪效果更明显。



    嫩江干流佰大街堤防位于黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市泰来县境内,自汤池镇愚公堤经佰大街村至李地房子,堤防分为上、中、下3段,全长6.70 km。原佰大街堤上下段中间为高地相连,后因村民在高地附近修建民房,不断从高地取土,导致现有高地地面高程减少,最低处地面高程141.5 m,远低于此处河道50年一遇洪水位144 m,造成了防洪缺口。现状堤防属于扩建砂堤,筑堤土料比较松散,抗冲刷能力较弱,容易产生流土、管涌等现象。嫩江该河段高水位时,水面宽阔,堤前滩地现有防浪林1.0 km,多为5 ~ 8年生的杨树(Populus spp.)和少量柳树(Salix spp.)。预计规划新建防浪林10 km。该段堤防防洪标准目前仅为30 ~ 35年一遇。佰大街堤防如图1所示。

    图  1  佰大街堤防示意图
    Figure  1.  Schematic map of Baidajie Dike

    模型比尺的确定主要依据实验条件、波浪要素、造波机性能等因素,并综合考虑比尺效应带来的误差影响等。已有的物理模型实验研究中,王瑞雪[6]选择几何比尺1∶20,在长40 m× 宽0.5 m × 高0.8 m 的水槽中进行非刚性植物对波浪传播变形影响的实验研究;吉红香[7]选择几何比尺为1∶10,在长66 m × 宽1.0 m × 高1.6 m的水槽中研究滩地植物对波浪变形及消浪效果的影响。


    λ=lmlp,λt=λ1/2,λf=λ1/2λu=λ1/2,λF=λ3,λQ=λ5/2 (1)


    关于植被消浪的物理模型实验设计方面,白玉川等[9]用裁减的桧柏(Sabina chinensis)枝模拟防浪林,研究了非破碎波条件下的防浪林消浪效果。胡嵋等[10]对于在堤岸上栽种植被消浪这一新的护岸工程,选取桧柏树枝作为防浪林的模型,择选出对消浪护岸具有主要影响的因素。王瑞雪[6]用PVC塑料圆管来模拟刚性植物树干进行波浪水槽物理模型实验。吴迪等[11]和曹海锦等[12]也分别利用聚乙烯仿真绿色植物模拟柔性植物进行柔性植物消浪及沿程阻流特性实验研究。通过不同的研究可以发现影响消浪效果的主要因素为防浪林林带宽度、排列方式、种植密度、林木高度等。



    图  2  人工模型树
    Figure  2.  Artificial model tree


    q=(hh)/h (2)


    佰大街断面50年一遇洪水条件下滩地平均水深为2.83 m,此时防浪林处于部分淹没状态。依据该断面多年一遇水位及波浪要素值的推算结果中50年一遇的波要素,得出该堤段波浪周期在2 ~ 4 s之间,平均波高在0.1 ~ 0.6 m之间。根据《海港水文规范》推算出相应的1/10大波(规则波)波高,Hs(不规则波)有效波高,分别进行了规则波和不规则波消浪效果的模拟实验,实验波要素分别为1/10波高1.16 m、有效波高0.91 m、平均波高0.57 m、平均周期3.01 m。此外,为进一步研究不同波要素条件下防浪林消浪效果的差异,选取了1.1倍和0.9倍50年一遇波高条件进行对比实验。

    本实验是在河海大学海岸工程实验大厅70 m长的不规则波浪水槽中进行,水槽宽1.0 m,高1.8 m,有效实验段宽1 m。水槽一端安装了推板式不规则生波机,通过电机系统控制推波板运动行程和频率[13]。数字波高仪采用YWS200-XX型,波高采集系统采用水工试验数据采集处理系统(DJ800型),精度为0.01 cm。所有量测信号均通过计算机采集、记录和分析,能模拟最大波高0.3 m、波周期0.5 ~ 5 s的不规则波,具备研究不规则波作用下的各种动力响应机制及波浪与建筑物相互作用关键技术和理论问题的能力。水槽底部铺设灰色混凝板,在灰塑料板上打孔用以固定植物模型。水槽左侧为造波机,波高传感器两个,分别布设在防浪林模型前后,采集波高的变化。最右侧为消波层,能够有效地吸收尾波的波能,避免波浪的反射对实验造成干扰(实验布置和实验实景图分别如图3图4所示)。

    图  3  实验布置
    Figure  3.  Experimental layout
    图  4  实验实景图
    Figure  4.  Experimental real scenery

    根据实验方案,进行了佰大街断面在不同排列方式(等边三角形、正方形及梅花形,如图5 ~ 7所示)条件下的消浪实验。由于模型比尺为1∶10,因此根据佰大街的种植现状,确定实验室条件下的防浪林植被密度为17株/m2,树干直径为0.7 cm,树干高度为16 cm,树冠直径为13 cm,树冠为高度8 cm。规则波和不规则波条件下的实验结果分别如图8图9所示。

    图  5  等边三角形排列布置图
    Figure  5.  Equilateral triangle arrangement layout
    图  7  梅花形排列布置图
    Figure  7.  Plum blossom arrangement layout
    图  8  不同排列方式规则波沿程消浪系数
    Figure  8.  Regular wave dissipation coefficient along the path of different arrangements
    图  9  不同排列方式不规则波沿程消浪系数
    Figure  9.  Irregular wave dissipation coefficient along the path of different arrangements
    图  6  正方形排列布置图
    Figure  6.  Square arrangement layout

    对比不同的防浪林排列方式下防浪林的消浪效果,可见在规则波条件下,当林带宽度在40 m以上时,等边三角形和梅花形排列的防浪林要明显优于正方形排列;在不规则波条件下,当林带宽度在40 m以上时,等边三角形和正方形排列的防浪林要明显优于梅花形排列。因此,等边三角形排列方式相对较优。这与陈杰等[5]通过物理实验研究规则波通过非淹没刚性植物波高的沿程变化中得出三角形分布方式消浪效果最明显的结论一致。对比相同防浪林林带宽度下的规则波和不规则的消浪效果,可以发现规则波条件下防浪林的消浪系数较大,但两者差距较小。而实际条件下的波浪为不规则波,因而不规则波的消浪系数更为接近实际条件。

    同时,还可以发现,不管是规则波还是不规则波条件下,随着林带宽度增加到30 m以后,防浪林的消浪系数对于林带宽度的敏感度降低,此时消浪效果提升空间很小。

    根据实验方案,进行了在不同密度的防浪林(实验室条件下8株/m2,17株/m2,27株/m2)条件下的消浪实验。其中实验室条件下树型为,树干直径0.7 cm,树干高度16 cm,树冠直径13 cm,树冠高度8 m。采用不规则波,实验结果如图10所示。

    图  10  不同密度不规则波沿程消浪系数
    Figure  10.  Irregular wave dissipation coefficient along the path of different densities

    对比不同密度的防浪林的消浪效果,可以发现,当防浪林林带宽度为10 m时,不同密度的防浪林消浪效果差别不大,均为8%左右;当防浪林林带宽度大于10 m时,防浪林的消浪效果随着密度的增加而增加,密度27株/m2比密度8株/m2的消浪系数大5%到10%。但过高的密度会影响防浪林树木的正常生长,而且种植成本较高。可见,当林带宽度为40 m,排列方式为等边三角形时,0.17株/m2(原型条件)是较为经济合理的植被密度方案。此时,当防浪林林带宽度进一步增大50 m时,防浪林的消浪系数仅增加3.04%。


    表  1  树型尺寸
    Table  1.  Tree size
    Tree type 1
    Tree type 2
    Tree type 3
    Tree type 4
    Trunk height/m
    Trunk radius/m
    0.025 0.015 0.015 0.007
    Crown height/m
    Crown radius/m
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    图  11  不同树型规则波沿程消浪系数
    Figure  11.  Regular wave dissipation coefficient along the path of different tree types
    图  12  不同树型不规则波沿程消浪系数
    Figure  12.  Irregularwave dissipation coefficient along the path of different tree types

    由以上结果可见,不同树型的消浪效果有着明显的差异。树型1(成年树)树干较粗,树冠较为茂密,茂密的根、茎、叶存在增加了植物拖曳力系数,因而消浪能力显著,规则波条件下,20 m宽的防浪林其消浪系数即达60%左右,50 m宽防浪林的消浪系数可达到80%以上。


    根据实验方案,进行了在不同来波波高(1.1倍50年一遇波高、50年一遇波高、0.9倍50年一遇波高)条件下的消浪实验。采用相对较优的等边三角形排列方式,实验室条件下,树干直径0.7 cm,树干高度16 cm,树冠直径13 cm,树冠高度8 cm。规则波和不规则波条件下的模型实验结果分别如图13图14所示。

    图  13  不同波高规则波沿程消浪系数
    Figure  13.  Regular wave dissipation coefficient along the path of different wave heights
    图  14  不同波高不规则波沿程消浪系数
    Figure  14.  Irregular wave dissipation coefficient along the path of different wave heights



  • 图  1   研究框架

    Figure  1.   Research framework

    图  2   热岛分布

    Figure  2.   Distribution of heat island

    图  3   植被释氧量分布

    Figure  3.   Distribution of oxygen release from vegetation

    图  4   通风潜力分布

    Figure  4.   Ventilation potential distribution

    图  5   水土保持分布

    Figure  5.   Soil and water conservation distribution

    图  6   生境适宜性

    Figure  6.   Habitat suitability

    图  7   游憩空间适宜性

    Figure  7.   Suitability of recreational space

    图  8   平原−浅山绿道联动

    Figure  8.   Plain-shallow mountain greenway linkage

    图  9   生态廊道连接区域

    Figure  9.   Ecological corridor connection areas

    表  1   主要研究方法和技术手段

    Table  1   Main research methods and technical means

    类型 Type方法 Method具体内容 Concrete content
    Exponential analysis
    Index analysis
    Land use change rate, land use degree, landscape pattern index, runoff coefficient, etc.
    Mathematical method
    Correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, principal component analysis and sensitivity analysis
    Market value method
    Direct market value method
    Services provided by ecosystems can be measured directly according to the value market price of actual or alternative substances
    Indirect market value method
    Indirect estimates of ecosystem services are made by estimating the value of alternatives, including opportunity cost method, production cost method and shadow engineering method
    Model simulation method
    Maxent 模拟物种潜在区域,进行生物多样性评估
    Simulating potential areas of species for biodiversity assessment
    Ecotect Analysis
    Simulated ventilation potential area
    i-TREE 对森林生态效益、经济效益评估
    Assessment of ecological and economic benefits of forests
    Consumption distance model
    Simulating the important ecological corridor and optimizing the urban landscape structure
    动态情景模拟分析Dynamic simulation scenario analysis InVEST 模拟不同土地覆被情景下生态服务系统物质量和价值量的变化
    Simulating the changes of material and value of ecosystem services under different land cover scenarios
    CLUE-S、FLUS 兼顾土地利用系统中的社会经济和生物物理驱动因子, 并在空间上反映土地利用变化的过程和结果
    Considering socio-economic and biophysical driving factors in land use system and reflecting the process and results of land use change in space
    CA_MARKOV 对土地利用结构数量及空间分布进行预测
    Predicting the quantity and spatial distribution of land use structure
    LCM 快速分析土地覆盖变化,根据经验建模与解释变量的关系,并模拟未来的土地变化情景
    Rapid analysis of land cover change, empirical modeling and interpretation of the relationship between variables, and simulation of future land change scenarios
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    表  2   基于生态系统服务的绿色空间评价指标

    Table  2   Green space evaluation indicators based on ecosystem services

    Ecosystem services
    Functional connotation
    Indicator description
    Types of green space
    Adjustment services
    Regulatory benefits of ecosystem for human beings, including maintaining air quality, regulating climate, controlling erosion, and purifying water source
    Mitigation of heat island effect
    Below the hottest monthly mean temperature
    Forest park, wetland park, ecological conservation green space
    Water and soil conservation effect
    Calculating runoff coefficient and evaluating
    Carbon fixation and oxygen release effect
    Average annual carbon sequestration and oxygen release
    Climate regulation effect
    Ventilation potential
    Support services
    Basic functions of ecosystem production and supporting other service functions
    Conservation of biodiversity effect
    Habitat suitability assessment
    Forest park, wetland park, ecological conservation green space
    Cultural services
    Non-material benefits of mankind from ecosystem, including enriching spiritual life, developing cognition, recreation and entertainment, and aesthetic appreciation, etc
    Entertainment opportunities
    Road accessibility
    Scenic spots, geoparks, urban parks, country parks
    Cultural aesthetics effect
    Analysis of nuclear density of cultural heritage and tourist scenic spots
    注:表2内容来源于参考文献[20]。Note: the contents of Tab. 2 are cited from reference [20].
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    表  3   不同植被覆盖类型固碳能力

    Table  3   Carbon sequestration capacity of different vegetation cover types g·d− 1

    Carbon sequestration per
    unit of aerial part
    Underground carbon
    sequestration per unit
    Soil carbon
    Total carbon
    Unit oxygen
    阔叶树 Broadleaf 1.600 0.288 0.93 2.818 1.163
    针叶树 Conifer 1.554 0.342 2.63 4.526 1.130
    灌木 Shrub 0.970 0.175 0.27 1.415 0.706
    草地 Grassland 0.27 0.27
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    表  4   评价指标与阈值范围

    Table  4   Evaluation indicators and threshold range

    Daily mean temperature
    difference (Bio2)
    Seasonal variation of
    temperature (Bio4)
    Average temperature in
    the coldest season (Bio11)
    归一化植被指数Normalized difference vegetation index
    阈值 Threshold< 12.25 ℃< 1 157< − 2.2 ℃> 3°> 50 m> 0.43
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    表  5   关键绿色空间类型划分

    Table  5   Classification of key green space types

    Ecosystem service function
    Mitigation of heat island effect
    Carbon fixation and oxygen release
    Ventilation potential
    Types of green space
    Wetland park, forest park
    Wetland park, forest park
    Wetland park, forest park, country park,
    urban park
    Ecosystem service function
    Biodiversity conservation
    Water and soil conservation
    Types of green space
    Ecological conservation green space, wetland park, forest park
    Ecological conservation green space, wetland park
    Scenic spots, forest park, wetland park, country park, urban park, geological park
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    表  6   新增绿道长度

    Table  6   Length of the newly added greenway

    编号 No.123456
    长度 Length/km46713113758
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