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霍晓薇, 徐千惠, 王延伟

霍晓薇, 徐千惠, 王延伟. 杨树miRNA的靶基因预测及低氮胁迫表达分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2019, 41(8): 28-37. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20190205
引用本文: 霍晓薇, 徐千惠, 王延伟. 杨树miRNA的靶基因预测及低氮胁迫表达分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2019, 41(8): 28-37. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20190205
Huo Xiaowei, Xu Qianhui, Wang Yanwei. Prediction of miRNA target genes in poplar and the expression analysis under low nitrogen stress[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2019, 41(8): 28-37. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20190205
Citation: Huo Xiaowei, Xu Qianhui, Wang Yanwei. Prediction of miRNA target genes in poplar and the expression analysis under low nitrogen stress[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2019, 41(8): 28-37. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20190205


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(31670671、31470668)

    霍晓薇。主要研究方向:林木抗逆分子遗传。 地址:100083北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院


    王延伟,博士,副教授。主要研究方向:林木抗逆分子遗传。 地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S792.95

Prediction of miRNA target genes in poplar and the expression analysis under low nitrogen stress

  • 摘要:
    结果获得了131个miRNA家族的242个miRNA成员对应的3 024个靶基因,分别参与了植物激素信号转导、次生代谢产物的生物合成、氨基酸合成代谢、碳代谢和RNA运输等通路。57个靶基因在低氮胁迫处理后发生显著变化,其中受到诱导(29个)和抑制(28个)的基因数目相当。14个低氮胁迫响应的miRNA,其对应的11个靶基因也发生了显著的差异表达变化,其中miRNA和靶基因表达量发生相反变化的有8个miRNA。本研究发现参与植物激素信号转导的靶基因(2个)及参与代谢途径的靶基因(6个)发生了差异表达。miR162的靶基因编码ABC转运蛋白,miR393运用于靶基因KAT2调节Na+和K+动态平衡,miR399的靶基因PIF3编码光敏色素互作因子PIFs蛋白,这些miRNA及靶基因可能在杨树响应低氮胁迫中发挥重要作用。
    ObjectiveThe target genes of miRNAs under low nitrogen stress were identified, and the differential expression of target genes after nitrogen stress was analyzed and their functions were annotated. This investigation provides a reference for the revealing of the functions of miRNAs under low nitrogen stress. It also provides important candidate genes for the molecular improvement of low nitrogen nutrition utilization efficiency in trees.
    MethodBased on the conservation of miRNAs and the perfect complementary pairing between miRNAs and target genes, this investigation uses the target gene prediction software psRNATarget to compare the gene sequence of Populus tomentosa transcriptome to identify target genes with the miRNAs of poplar as a probe. Further analysis and functional annotation of target genes in P. tomentosa under low nitrogen stress were carried out.
    Result3 024 target genes corresponding to 242 miRNA members of 131 miRNA families were obtained, which were involved in pathways such as plant hormone signal transduction, biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, amino acid anabolism, carbon metabolism and RNA transport. 57 target genes changed significantly in P. tomentosa treated with low nitrogen stress, and the number of genes induced (29) and inhibited (28) was almost the same. There were also significant differential expression changes in the 11 target genes corresponding to 14 low-nitrogen-responsive miRNAs, among which, the opposite expression change was found between 8 miRNAs and the corresponding target genes.This investigation found that target genes involved in plant hormone signaling (2) or involved in metabolic pathways (6) were differentially expressed. The target gene of miR162 encodes the ABC transporter, miR393 acts on the target gene KAT2, which could regulate the dynamic balance of Na+ and K+. The target gene PIF3 of miR399 encodes the phytochrome interaction factor PIFs protein. These miRNAs and target genes might play important roles in the response of poplar to low nitrogen stress.
    ConclusionIn this investigation, we identified some low-nitrogen-stress-responsive miRNA target genes in P. tomentosa, which should regulate the response of poplar to nitrogen stress signals. The identification of these miRNAs and target genes should provide useful research clues for the further elucidation of the regulatory functions of miRNAs and targets involved in low nitrogen stress response and could be important candidate genes for the improvement of low nitrogen utilization efficiency in trees.
  • 林分状态是指林分在自然条件下的状况,表征林分的自然属性[1]。林分状态的优劣决定森林生态系统的稳定性,关系到森林经营的必要性和紧迫性。林分状态各指标直接影响林分状态优劣的评估与判断,对各指标的恰当表达与指标值的准确计算是正确评估林分状态的关键。林分状态由林分结构和林分活力组成,林分长势指林分生长优劣的态势,是林分活力的直接体现[1]。林分长势可用林分疏密度和林分空间优势度表达[2]。在此涉及到两个重要概念——林分断面积和最大断面积。林分断面积是林内所有林木胸高断面积之和,林分平均断面积为林分断面积与林木株数之比,反映林分整体的大小优势程度,也是表达林分密度的指标之一[3];最大断面积反映该林分的潜在生产力,其值越大林分越有优势[2]。林分疏密度是林分断面积与标准林分断面积之比。求算疏密度的关键在于标准断面积的求算。标准林分被定义为“最完善和最大地利用了所占空间的林分”[4],只进行了定性的描述,没有量化的指标,实际应用中存在难以把握和判别何为标准林分的问题。对于人工纯林,尽管部分树种有编制的标准表可供参照,但标准表的编制工作需在大量踏查的基础上筛选出标准林分,再进行标准表编制,编制过程耗费大量人力物力,因此大多数地区只针对主要栽植树种进行标准表的编制,不能涵盖所有树种。天然林多为混交林,树种组成复杂,对此杜纪山和李悦黎[5]提出了分树种计算混交林标准断面积的方法,但鉴于部分树种无标准表,此方法在应用方面仍存在一定困难。为此,惠刚盈等[1]提出潜在疏密度的概念,以替代疏密度。潜在疏密度用林分断面积与潜在最大断面积之比表示,同样地,求潜在疏密度的关键在于求潜在最大断面积。林分中的最大林木个体反映了该林分在此立地条件该年龄阶段林木个体的潜在大小。因此,林分中所有林木株数与最大个体的断面积的积为林分在此立地条件下此年龄阶段的潜在最大断面积[2]。虽然林分中最大个体在一定程度上能代表该林分内林木个体所能达到的大小,但林分整体在实际生长中不是所有林木个体都能达到最大个体的大小,且在混交林中,不同树种生长速率不同,相同年龄阶段的不同树种,其优势木个体大小也有差异[6]。故以单个树种优势个体大小推算林分潜在最大断面积只能代表一种理想值。在实际生产中,以林分中部分较大个体断面积的均值替代林分中最大林木个体的断面积,其与林木总株数的积表示林分潜在最大断面积更符合林分现实生长状况。因此,惠刚盈等[1]将林分潜在最大断面积定义为林分中50%较大林木个体的平均断面积与林木总株数的乘积,以此计算潜在疏密度[1]。此处50%仅是经验性数值,用于林分之间长势的相对比较无可争议,但在林分状态的评价中,指标值的大小直接影响林分整体状态值的大小,进而影响林分整体状态的评估和林分经营策略的制定,故有必要对林分潜在最大断面积、潜在疏密度的值进一步准确计算。本文以杉木人工林为例,以标准表作为参照,探索林分潜在最大断面积与林分断面积之间的关系,寻求计算林分潜在最大断面积的方法,以求算潜在疏密度来描述林分长势。

    研究选择人工林和天然林两种森林类型,分别为江西分宜县大岗山杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林,东北蛟河地区红松(Pinus koraiensis)阔叶混交林、西北小陇山栎类针阔混交林和栎类阔叶混交林3种不同类型的天然林。

    杉木试验林分经营数表齐全,有杉木密度试验的连续监测数据[7-9]且有已完成编制的林分断面积、蓄积标准表[10]可作为参照。该林分于1981年采用裸根苗营造,共设置了5种不同密度,分别为1 667株/hm2(A)、3 333株/hm2(B)、5 000株/hm2(C)、6 667株/hm2(D)和10 000株/hm2(E)。试验林分位于大岗山(114°30′ ~ 114°45′E,27°30′ ~ 27°50′N),为低山地区,海拔250 m,年平均气温16.8 ℃,年平均降水量1 656 mm,蒸发量1 503 mm,属南亚热带季风气候区。

    红松阔叶混交林位于吉林省蛟河林业实验区管理局东大坡经营区内(127°35′ ~ 127°51′E,43°51′ ~ 44°05′N)。地势较为平坦。该区气候属于温带大陆性季风山地气候,夏季温热多雨,冬季寒冷,年平均气温3.5 ℃。年平均降水量700 ~ 800 mm。林分为以红松为主要树种的针阔混交林,阔叶树种主要有色木槭(Acer mono)、白牛槭(Acer mandshuricum)、千金榆(Carpinus cordata)、胡桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)、水曲柳(Fraxinus mandschurica )、椴树(Tilia tuan)等。西北针阔混交林、阔叶混交天然林位于甘肃小陇山(104°22′ ~ 106°43′E,33°30′ ~ 34°49′N),海拔1 446 ~ 1 472 m,年平均气温7 ~ 12 ℃,年平均降水量600 ~ 900 mm,属暖温湿润−中温半湿润大陆性季风气候类型。以针叶为主的混交林为分别以油松(Pinus tabuliformis)、华山松(Pinus armandii)为优势树种的针阔混交林,阔叶树种主要有青麸杨(Rhus potaninii)、锐齿栎(Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata)等;阔叶混交林以锐齿栎、鹅耳枥(Carpinus turczaninowii)、小叶鹅耳枥(Carpinus turczaninowii)、领春木(Euptelea pleiospermum)、三桠乌药(Lindera obtusiloba)、光叶泡花树(Meliosma cuneifolia var. glabriuscula)为主要树种。3种天然林的基本概况见表1

    表  1  天然林林分基本概况
    Table  1.  Basic situation of natural forest
    Sample plot
    Natural forest type
    Average DBH/cm
    林分密度/(株·hm− 2
    Stand density (tree·ha− 1)
    Slope degree/(°)
    Slope aspect
    Forest area/m2
    a 红松阔叶混交林
    Pinus koraiensis-broadleaf mixed forest
    18.11 1 186 17  西北 Northwest 100 × 100
    b 22.46 800 9  西北 Northwest 100 × 100
    c 21.81 748 11  北 North 100 × 100
    d 20.78 824 12  北 North 100 × 100
    h 栎类针阔混交林
    Conifer-broadleaf forest dominated by Quercus spp.
    17.03 1 266 21  东 East 30 × 30
    i 16.15 1 833 31  南 South 70 × 70
    j 栎类阔叶混交林
    Broadleaf mixed forest dominated by Quercus spp.
    13.81 1 478 32  西南 Southwest 70 × 70
    k 17.05 1 336 37  东北 Northeast 60 × 60
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    图  1  潜在最大断面积与标准断面积的偏差率
    E1、E2、E3表示E密度的3次重复,E代表密度为10 000株/hm2;8 ~ 14代表林分年龄。下同。E1, E2, E3 represent three repetitions under “E” density; E indicates the density is 10 000 trees/ha; 8−14 indicate the stand’s age. The same below.
    Figure  1.  Deviation rate between potential maximum basal area and standard basal area


    图  2  潜在疏密度与疏密度的偏差率
    Figure  2.  Deviation rate between potential density of stocking and density of stocking


    表  2  不同天然林样地潜在疏密度
    Table  2.  Potential density of stocking of different natural forests
    Sample plot
    断面积/(m2·hm− 2
    Basal area/(m2·ha− 1)
    面积/(m2·hm− 2
    Potential maximum
    basal area/(m2·ha− 1)
    Potential density
    of stocking
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    林分的断面积反映林分目前的长势[14],潜在最大断面积表示该林分目前所具有的生产潜力,二者在一定程度上具有一致趋势,即长势表现良好的林分其生产潜力也大。对不同天然林试验林分断面积与潜在最大断面积作回归分析发现二者呈显著线性关系,R2 = 0.89(图3),且将人工林所得70%的值,应用于天然林对应求得的潜在疏密度的范围为0.7 ~ 0.8,属一般林分合理的疏密度区间。故认为所得值70%也适用于天然林。

    图  3  林分断面积与潜在最大断面积的回归分析
    Figure  3.  Regression analysis of stand basal area and potential maximum basal area

    以林分中部分较大个体平均断面积表示林分潜在平均断面积,其与林木总株数的乘积代表林分生长所能达到的理想断面积符合现实林分生长状况,是一种合理的方法。通过比较较大林木株数比例为50% ~ 80%时,潜在最大断面积与标准断面积、潜在疏密度与疏密度的偏差率大小,当选取的较大个体比例为70%时,整体偏差率值最小,得出潜在最大断面积为70%较大个体平均胸径对应断面积与林分林木总株数之积。在天然林中,70%较大个体对应潜在疏密度与一般林分疏密度取值范围相同,且用于林分长势评价时,其值能够适当反映现实林分生长状态的优劣。因此,该求算潜在疏密度的方法在天然林中也适用。本研究将提出的经验值进一步准确化,用于林分状态评价时其整体取值更加协调、合理。


  • 图  1   靶基因数量分布图(靶基因数量 ≥ 40)

    Figure  1.   Distribution map of target gene number(more than 40)

    图  2   靶基因的GO分类

    Figure  2.   GO classification of the target genes

    图  3   差异表达靶基因功能分类

    Figure  3.   Functional classification of the target genes with differential expression

    图  4   miR162、miR396与靶基因互补位点图

    Figure  4.   The complementary sites of miR162, miR396 and the corresponding target genes

    表  1   前10显著富集的KEGG通路

    Table  1   Top 10 significantly enriched KEGG pathways

    KEGG pathway
    Number of differentially expressed genes
    Total number of genes
    植物激素信号转导 Plant hormone signal transduction 85 (5.34%) 1131 (3.87%)
    植物−病原体相互作用 Plant-pathogen interaction 83 (5.21%) 1233 (4.22%)
    RNA转运 RNA transport 57 (3.58%) 849 (2.91%)
    剪接 Spliceosome 51 (3.2%) 886 (3.03%)
    内质网中的蛋白质加工 Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum 37 (2.32%) 854 (2.92%)
    核糖体 Ribosome 75 (4.71%) 1650 (5.65%)
    次生代谢物的生物合成 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites 158 (9.92%) 3446 (11.79%)
    碳代谢 Carbon metabolism 27 (1.69%) 863 (2.95%)
    代谢途径 Metabolic pathways 287 (18.02%) 6238 (21.35%)
    氨基酸的生物合成 Biosynthesis of amino acids 19 (1.19%) 699 (2.39%)
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    表  2   差异表达靶基因相关KEGG通路

    Table  2   Differentially expressed target genes associated with the KEGG pathway

    Pathway ID  
    KEGG pathway
    Number of differentially expressed genes
    Differentially expressed genes
    ko03022 基础转录因子
    Basal transcription factors
    2 (6.25%) CL570.Contig1_All, CL570.Contig3_All
    ko04120 泛素介导的蛋白水解
    Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis
    3 (9.38%) CL3618.Contig2_All, CL8020.Contig1_All, CL8020.Contig2_All
    ko00430 牛磺酸和亚牛磺酸代谢
    Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism
    1 (3.13%) CL1398.Contig4_All
    ko03040 剪接
    3 (9.38%) CL4501.Contig2_All, CL68.Contig2_All, Unigene22460_All
    ko00563 糖基磷脂酰肌醇 (GPI)-锚生物合成
    Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor biosynthesis
    1 (3.13%) CL4201.Contig2_All
    ko00130 泛醌和其他萜类化合物−醌生物合成
    Ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis
    1 (3.13%) Unigene20018_All
    ko00510 N-聚糖生物合成
    N-Glycan biosynthesis
    1 (3.13%) Unigene3286_All
    ko04712 昼夜节律−植物
    Circadian rhythm-plant
    1 (3.13%) CL3618.Contig2_All
    ko03013 RNA转运
    RNA transport
    2 (6.25%) Unigene13760_All, Unigene38123_All
    ko00630 乙醛酸和二羧酸代谢
    Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism
    1 (3.13%) CL10733.Contig3_All
    ko04141 内质网中的蛋白质加工
    Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum
    2 (6.25%) Unigene3286_All, Unigene34173_All
    ko00620 丙酮酸代谢
    Pyruvate metabolism
    1 (3.13%) CL10733.Contig3_All
    ko04075 植物激素信号转导
    Plant hormone signal transduction
    2 (6.25%) CL1120.Contig2_All, CL1130.Contig3_All
    ko03018 RNA降解
    RNA degradation
    1 (3.13%) Unigene38123_All
    ko04626 植物−病原体相互作用
    Plant-pathogen interaction
    2 (6.25%) CL4959.Contig2_All, Unigene36128_All
    ko03015 mRNA监测途径
    mRNA surveillance pathway
    1 (3.13%) Unigene38123_All
    ko00240 嘧啶代谢
    Pyrimidine metabolism
    1 (3.13%) CL6853.Contig2_All
    ko00230 嘌呤代谢
    Purine metabolism
    1 (3.13%) CL6853.Contig2_All
    ko01200 碳代谢
    Carbon metabolism
    1 (3.13%) CL10733.Contig3_All
    ko01100 代谢途径
    Metabolic pathways
    6 (18.75%) CL10733.Contig3_All, CL1398.Contig4_All, CL4201.Contig2_All, CL6853.Contig2_All, Unigene20018_All, Unigene3286_All
    ko01110 次生代谢物的生物合成
    Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites
    3 (9.38%) CL10733.Contig3_All, CL6853.Contig2_All, Unigene20018_All
    ko03010 核糖体
    1 (3.13%) Unigene24651_All
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    表  3   参与代谢途径通路的靶基因

    Table  3   Target genes involved in metabolic pathways

    Gene ID
    Homologous gene
    Gene name
    Gene function
    CL10733.Contig3_All miR7838 ATCG01180.1 RRN23S.2 叶绿体编码的23S核糖体
    RNA chloroplast-encoded 23S ribosomal RNA
    CL1398.Contig4_All miR1445 AT5G12200.1 PYD2 编码具有二氢嘧啶酰胺水解酶活性的蛋白质
    Encodes a protein with dihydropyrimidine amidohydrolase activity
    CL6853.Contig2_All miR393a-3p
    AT3G27250.1 AITR1 假设蛋白质
    Hypothetical protein
    CL4201.Contig2_All miR399a AT1G66430.1 FRK3 含有无菌α基序结构域的蛋白质
    Sterile alpha motif domain-containing protein
    Unigene20018_All miR156g-j AT5G54320.1 假设蛋白(DUF295)
    hypothetical protein (DUF295)
    Unigene3286_All miR399i AT1G09530.1 PAP3 转录因子与光感受器phyA和phyB相互作用
    Transcription factor interacting with photoreceptors phyA and phyB
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    表  4   参与植物激素信号传导的靶基因

    Table  4   Target genes involved in plant hormone signaling pathways

    miRNA miRNA靶基因编号 Target gene No.同源基因 Homologous gene基因功能 Gene function
    ptc-miR530a CL1120.Contig2_All Potri.006G272400.1 剪接因子 RSZp22(RSZP22)
    Splicing factor RSZp22 (RSZP22)
    ptc-miR396a,b CL1130.Contig3_All Potri.001G215800.1 DNAJ 热休克N-末端结构域蛋白
    DNAJ heat shock N-terminal domain-containing protein
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    表  5   低氮胁迫下差异表达的杨树miRNA和靶基因

    Table  5   Differentially expressed miRNAs and target genes

    miRNA miRNA上调/下调* Up/down regulation差异倍数 Fold change靶基因编号 Target gene No.上调/下调 Up/down regulation
    miR482c-3p 0.67 Unigene31509_All
    miR482c-5p 0.67 Unigene30684_All
    miR168a-5p 0.58 Unigene13760_All
    miR162a 0.65 Unigene18608_All
    miR393a-3p 2.56 CL6853.Contig2_All
    miR399a 0.49 CL4201.Contig2_All
    miR6445a 0.54 Unigene37079_All
    miR396a 1.7 CL1130.Contig3_All
    miR6445a 0.54 CL8486.Contig3_All
    miR6427-3p 0.54 CL4139.Contig1_All
    miR6427-3p 0.54 Unigene24651_All
    注:* miRNA在毛白杨受低氮胁迫后的差异表达结果参考本实验室前期研究结果[37]。Note: * means miRNA differentially expressed results of Populus tomentosa under low nitrogen stress referring to the research results of our laboratory in the early stage[37].
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    表  6   miRNA和靶基因变化趋势呈负相关的预测结果

    Table  6   Prediction of negative correlation between miRNA and target gene change trends

    Target gene No.
    Homologous gene (Arabidopsis thaliana)
    miR482c-3p Unigene31509_All AT5G56670.1 核糖体蛋白S30家族蛋白
    Ribosomal protein S30 family protein
    miR482c-5p Unigene30684_All AT3G52105.1
    miR168a-5p,b-5p Unigene13760_All
    miR162a,b Unigene18608_All AT1G70610.1 (TAP1) 与抗原加工蛋白相关的转运蛋白1
    Transporter associated with antigen processing protein 1
    miR396a,b CL1130.Contig3_All AT5G22080.1 伴随DnaJ结构域超家族蛋白
    Chaperone DnaJ-domain superfamily protein
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