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韩威, 刘超, 樊艳文, 赵娜, 叶思阳, 尹伟伦, 王襄平

韩威, 刘超, 樊艳文, 赵娜, 叶思阳, 尹伟伦, 王襄平. 长白山阔叶木本植物叶片形态性状沿海拔梯度的响应特征[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2014, 36(4): 47-53. DOI: 10.13332/j.cnki.jbfu.2014.04.012
引用本文: 韩威, 刘超, 樊艳文, 赵娜, 叶思阳, 尹伟伦, 王襄平. 长白山阔叶木本植物叶片形态性状沿海拔梯度的响应特征[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2014, 36(4): 47-53. DOI: 10.13332/j.cnki.jbfu.2014.04.012
HAN Wei, LIU Chao, FAN Yan-wen, ZHAO Na, YE Si-yang, YIN Wei-lun, WANG Xiang-ping. Responses of leaf morphological traits for broadleaved woody plants along the altitudinal gradient of Changbai Mountain,northeastern China. Journal of Beijing Forestry University[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2014, 36(4): 47-53. DOI: 10.13332/j.cnki.jbfu.2014.04.012
Citation: HAN Wei, LIU Chao, FAN Yan-wen, ZHAO Na, YE Si-yang, YIN Wei-lun, WANG Xiang-ping. Responses of leaf morphological traits for broadleaved woody plants along the altitudinal gradient of Changbai Mountain,northeastern China. Journal of Beijing Forestry University[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2014, 36(4): 47-53. DOI: 10.13332/j.cnki.jbfu.2014.04.012


Responses of leaf morphological traits for broadleaved woody plants along the altitudinal gradient of Changbai Mountain,northeastern China. Journal of Beijing Forestry University

  • 摘要: 植物叶片的形态性状,如叶片大小、叶片形状和叶缘分裂程度等,是植物在长期进化过程中适应环境的结果, 与植物的基本功能有密切的关系。本文通过沿长白山海拔梯度对阔叶木本植物的叶片形态性状进行测定,分析了 气候对叶片形态性状的影响。结果表明:随着海拔的升高和温度的下降,叶片长度、叶宽、叶周长和叶面积减小,有 利于叶片降低热量损失;而叶缘分裂程度(周长蛐面积比)和叶片长宽比增加,增大了叶片边界层阻力,不仅可以降 低植物叶片水分蒸发和热量散失并适应低温环境,还可以提高叶片液流速度以加强叶片生理活动。此外,采用一 般线性模型和方差变异分离分析,探讨了气候条件和物种特性对叶片形态性状的相对解释力,结果表明:叶片形态 性状的变异在很大程度上由物种遗传特性所决定,其独立解释力为47.08% ~ 76.07%;环境因子对叶片形态性状 也有显著影响,但仅独立解释了1.22% ~3.82%的变异。
    Abstract: Plant leaf morphological traits adapt to the environment through long-term evolution and are closely related to the basic function of plants. In this study,we examined the responses of leaf morphological traits of broadleaved woody plants to the climatic gradient of Changbai Mountain in northeastern China. We measured plant leaf morphological traits from 13 altitudes in Changbai Mountain, including leaf length, leaf width, leaf perimeter, leaf area, the ratio of leaf length to width (LW) and the ratio of leaf perimeter to area (PA). Correlation analysis and standardized major axis were used to investigate the relationships between plant leaf morphological traits and climate factors, as well as correlations among leaf morphological traits, and general linear model and variation partition were used to partition leaf trait variation and to analyse the leaf traits in relation to environmental factors and species identities. Leaf length, width, perimeter and leaf area decreased significantly with increased altitudinal gradient and decreased annual temperature, while the perimeter/area and length/width ratios increased, which helps increase the leaf boundary layer resistance and decrease heat dissipation from leaves. Variations in leaf morphological traits in this study are largely explained by species identity, with its independent explanatory power between 47.08% and 76.07%. Environmental factors also have a significant impact on leaf morphological traits, but by itself explained only 1.22 % -3.82% of variation.
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  • 发布日期:  2014-07-30


