

    Habitat evaluation system of larch plantation based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy

    • 摘要: 以黑龙江省佳木斯市孟家岗林场为研究区域,以落叶松人工林为研究对象,采用模糊层次分析法(FAHP)确 立生境评价模型指标层次结构,计算与分析人工林生境评价模型各层次指标权值。1)准则层确定立地条件因子评 价指标和生境管理因子评价指标,相应权值分别为70%和30%。2)生境评价模型二级评价指标权值:坡度(I1 )为 0.190 1;坡向(I2 )为0.163 3;坡位(I3 )为0.170 1;土壤类型(I4 )为0.163 3;土层厚度(I5 )为0.180 1;郁闭度(I6 )为 0.133 3;基础设施(I7 )为0.3997;法规建设(I8 )为0.3169;科研水平(I9 )为0.2833。构建了人工林生境评价模型, 在此基础上研究建立了人工林生境评价系统。


      Abstract: In this study, we constructed the habitat evaluation models of larch plantation grown at the Mengjiagang Forest Farm of Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province of northeastern China by using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process ( FAHP), and calculated the weights of various indicators based on the identified hierarchical structures of the models. First, criterion layer was used to determine the evaluation indicators related to site conditions and habitat management factors, and the corresponding weights were 70% and 30%, respectively. Second, the weights of secondary evaluation indexes in the constructed models were slope(I1) 0.1901, aspect(I2) 0.1633, slope position(I3) 0.170 1, agrotype (I4) 0.163 3, soil thickness(I5) 0.180 1, canopy density(I6 ) 0.133 3, infrastructure(I7 ) 0.399 7, construction of laws and regulations(I8) 0.316 9, and the level of scientific research(I9 ) 0.283 3. In this study, the constructed plantation habitat evaluation system, based on plantation habitat evaluation models, achieved good integration of habitat evaluation results and GIS technique. It is useful for researchers to apply the criterion tree planting matching the site. Meanwhile, it provides references for forest development.


