

    Effects of different subtropical plantations on physical and chemical properties of soil

    • 摘要: 该文通过对江西大岗山地区马尾松纯林、马褂木纯林、杉木纯林及马褂木-桤木混交林与对照次生林的土壤理化性质状况的比较,研究了不同人工林更新方式对土壤肥力状况的影响.结果表明除马褂木纯林对土壤孔隙状况的改善表现出一定的作用外,其他林下土壤表现出表层土壤孔隙状况恶化的变化趋势;各人工林林下土壤养分指标均显著降低,4种人工林类型中,马褂木纯林土壤养分状况恶化程度最强烈;土壤有效铁、有效锌含量明显降低,但各层土壤有效铁含量仍高于土壤有效铁临界值,而土壤有效锌含量的降低导致土壤缺锌状态的加剧;杉木纯林有利于土壤有效铜积累,而其他3种人工林林下土壤表现出表层增加,下层降低的变化特征.


      Abstract: Impacts of different regeneration tree species on soil fertility in the subtropical forest ecosystems were studied by comparing the physical and chemical properties of soil of Pinus massoniana plantation,Liriodendron chinense plantation,Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation as well as Alnus-Liriodendron mixed plantations with the local natural secondary forests in Dagang Mountains of Jiangxi Province.Results indicated that the soil total porosity: non-capillary porosity and capillary porosity in the 0-20 cm layer all decreased except that of the L. chinense plantation increased.The soil macro nutrient level under all plantations decreased significantly with L. chinense plantation recorded the lowest.There was a sharp decrease both in soil available Fe and Zn,but the available Fe is still sufficient while the available Zn is more insufficient.C.lanceolata plantation improved the level of soil available Cu in both the 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm layers,but the results of other plantations showed an increase in the layer of 0-20 cm and a decrease in the layer of 20-40 cm.


