Variation of gutta-percha content characteristics of leaves of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. in different areas
摘要: 为了弄清杜仲叶片含胶特性的地理变异规律,以便为杜仲高产胶产业化基地的选择提供科学依据,该文选择我国主要杜仲产地和主要引种区共16个产地作为研究对象,采用选择典型样株和随机取样的方法进行研究.研究结果表明,不同产地杜仲叶片含胶率的变异特点具有明显的多样性和复杂性.杜仲叶片含胶率随着纬度的增加而呈逐步减小的趋势.南方产区杜仲叶片的含胶率一般比北方产区的高.纬度越高、年日照时数越长、土壤pH越高,杜仲叶片含胶率越低;而年降雨量越大、海拔高度越高、无霜期越长,杜仲叶片含胶率越高.Abstract: To make clear the geographic variations of gutta-percha content in leaves of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.and provide scientific guide for developing high-yield gutta-percha industry bases,studies were carried out in 16 areas which are the main producing areas and introduction areas.Two methods,typical sample-tree selection and random selection,were adopted.The results showed that there existed obvious diversities and complexities of variation characteristics of gutta-percha content rate among different producing areas.Gum content rate decreased gradually with the increase of latitude.The content rate of gutta-percha in leaves from southern areas was generally higher than that from northern areas.Higher latitude,longer sunlight and higher soil pH value resulted in lower gum content rate in leaves;while more precipitations,higher altitude and longer frost-free period leaded to higher gutta-percha content rate.
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