Tending thinning-improvement of stands is a crucial measure in forest ecosystem management
摘要: 该文阐述了森林生态系统经营的概念及其目标,抚育改造在森林生态系统经营的地位与作用,并提出抚育采伐与主伐的融合、抚育与改造的结合是森林生态系统经营体系的发展趋势.中国正在实施天然林保护工程与解决人工林地力衰退问题,急需搞好森林的抚育改造.通过对国内外的实践进行分析,作者认为:林业的可持续发展依赖于森林资源的持续,森林资源的持续依赖于森林的科学经营.森林生态系统经营将是21世纪森林经营模式的最佳选择,而抚育改造则是森林生态系统经营的关键性措施.Abstract: The paper set forth the concepts and goals of forest ecosystem management, the status and function of the tending thinning-improvement in running through the process of forest ecosystem management. And the conclusion had been brought forward that the syncretizing of thinning and harvesting as well as the combining of tending and alteration are the practice trend of forest ecosystem management. In China, it is being in the process of enforcing conservation project of natural forest and trying to settle the soil degredation problem of plantations. It is very important to tend thinning-improvement of stands.Through analysis of the practice samples from domestic and overseas, the author considers that the sustainable development of forestry lies in the sustainable mounting up of forest resources. And in turn, the sustainable mounting up of forest resources lies in the scientific management of stands. The forest ecosystem management is the optimal choice of forest management pattern in the 21st century, and the tending thinning-improvement of stands is the sticking point of the forest ecosystem management.
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