该文以杏-丹参林药复合系统中药用植物丹参为研究对象,利用Li-COR 6400便携式光合作用仪测定其光合和蒸腾作用,其目的是探讨林药复合系统中药材的生理生态特征,为发展果药复合模式提供一定的理论依据.结果表明:①杏-丹参复合系统中,杏树行中间测点的光照强度日变化规律与对照一致,都是单峰曲线,但是峰值低于对照.树行的东西冠下测点的日变化规律是对称的,前者上午出现峰值,后者下午出现峰值.树行中间、东林冠下和西林冠下日平均光照强度比对照分别减小25.6%6、8.5%、62.6%;统计分析表明各测点光照强度达显著差异.②利用SPSS统计软件分析了光响应曲线和CO2响应曲线,得到丹参叶片的光饱和点约为236.4μmol/(m2.s),光补偿点约为15.88μmol/(m2.s),表观光量子效率为0.056 1 mol/mol.丹参叶片CO2补偿点为30μmol/mol,CO2饱和点为800μmol/mol,叶片的羧化效率为0.075 2,说明丹参为C3植物.③杏--丹参林药复合系统中丹参的光合速率和蒸腾速率均降低,且各测定点间差异显著,日变化曲线规律也发生变化.
The photosynthetic and transpiration characteristics of Salvia miltiorrhiza in Prunus dulcis and S.miltiorrhiza tree-herb system were studied using the Li-COR 6400 portable photosynthetic system.The study provides theoretical basis for developing tree-herb complex system.The results are as follows:1) the diurnal variation of light intensity at the middle experimental site between the popular rows demonstrates a curve with one peak, the same as the control,but the value of light intensity on the peak is lower than that of the control.The diurnal change of light at the east and west sites are symmetrical.The peak of the former appeared in the morning,and that of the latter in the afternoon.The average diurnal light intensities at the middle site,east rows and west rows are 25.6%,68.5% and 62.6% lower than the control;the average diurnal light intensities among different sites is significant at P=0.05 level.2) AQ curve and Pn/Ci curve were analyzed with SPSS statistical program.The results show that the critical points of light saturation and light compensation,and apparent quantum yield are 236.4 μmol/(m2·s),15.88 μmol/(m2·s) and 0.056 1 mol/mol.CO2 saturation point,compensation point and carboxylation efficiency are 30 μmol/mol,800 μmol/mol and 0.075 2.S.miltiorrhiza is a C3 plant.3) The photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate of S.miltiorrhiza in the tree-herb system decline,and the difference of those values of different sites is significant at P=0.05 level,the regularity of their diurnal variation curves also changes.