Dynamics of nutrient absorption in root systems of Populus×xiao zhuanica and Robinia pseudoacacia
摘要: 该文用动力学方法研究了小钻杨和刺槐根系对N、P、K营养元素的吸收.结果表明:①NH4+离子与小钻杨根系的亲和力比与刺槐根系的亲和力小,NH4+离子流入小钻杨根系的速率也比流入刺槐根系的速率慢;小钻杨根系吸收NH4+离子的最大吸收速率大于刺槐根系;小钻杨对NH4+离子的耐贫瘠能力和吸收NH4+离子能力较刺槐强.②H2PO4-离子流入刺槐根系的速率大于小钻杨根系;刺槐根系对H2PO4-离子的耐贫瘠能力比小钻杨强.③小钻杨和刺槐虽然在吸收K+离子的动力学特性方面有些差异,但两者混栽时不会存在对K+离子的竞争现象.从养分吸收特性的角度来看,小钻杨与刺槐之间存在N、P养分互补协调的关系.Abstract: The nutrient absorption of N,P and K in root systems of Populus×xiaozhuanica and Robinia pseudoacacia is analysed by a dynamic methodology.The results show that:1) NH4+ affinity for Populus×xiaozhuanica is weaker than that for Robinia pseudoacacia;the rate of NH4+ flowing into Populus×xiaozhuanica is slower than that flowing into Robinia pseudoacacia;the maximum absorption rate of NH4+ by the root system of Populus×xiaozhuanica is much higher than that of Robinia pseudoacacia;compared with Robinia pseudoacacia,Populus×xiaozhuanica has a stronger absorbency for and resistance to a deficiency in NH4+.2) the rate of H2PO4-flowing into Robinia pseudoacacia is higher than that of Populus×xiaozhuanica;Robinia pseudoacacia has a stronger H2PO4-deficiency resistance than Populus×xiaozhuanica.3) although differences exist between Populus×xiaozhuanica and Robinia pseudoacacia in the dynamic characteristics of the ability to absorb K+,competition does not occur when the two species are planted together.Populus×xiaozhuanica and Robinia pseudoacacia share a complementary and harmonious relation in the absorption of N and P nutrient elements.
- Robinia pseudoacacia L. /
- Populus× /
- xiaozhuanica W.Y.Hsu et Liang /
- nutrient /
- dynamics
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