Measurement and calculation methods of stem image information.
摘要: 该文采用数码相机获取立木的图像信息,对单株立木图像信息的提取分别运用近景摄影测量DLT模型和双目立体视觉技术进行解算,解决了立木图像信息与立木二维坐标之间的解算问题.基于近景摄影测量技术树木图像信息的二维处理方法,简化了解算方程,提高了求解的运算速度.在提取单株立木形状参数时,采用计算机双目立体视觉技术存在着操作复杂、成本高的缺点.实验结果表明,应用近景摄影测量技术提取单株立木图像信息的方法有效、可行.Abstract: In the study, the authors investigated 2-D stem image formation collected by digital camera. The measurement of 2-D coordinate for stem information is based on close-range photogrammetry. The stem information is calculated in a simple manner, through the use of 2-D image manipulation methods. The study shows that the method is efficient and feasible. The application of computer vision technique and the difficulties in collecting stem image information are also discussed.