

    Nutrient dynamics of foliar litter in reciprocal decomposition in tropical and subtropical forests.

    • 摘要: 为了探究全球变暖对森林凋落物分解速率及养分释放的影响,笔者在跨气候带的大尺度下进行了森林凋落物的交互分解实验.在热带的尖峰岭和亚热带的鼎湖山各选样地1个,它们有相似的海拔高度、土壤类型、年均降雨量及干湿季节律,年均气温为主要差异,达37℃.各样地分别收集了10种当地的优势树种的凋落叶.其中2个样地各自的优势种青皮和锥栗,2个样地均有的共同种荷木做为单种样.10种凋落叶的等重量混合为混合样,共计6类凋落叶,交互置于2个样地分解.结果表明:6类凋落叶在尖峰岭的分解速率显著大于在鼎湖山的分解速率.凋落叶分解的表观Q10在3.7~7.5范围内.在这个增温范围内,凋落叶分解加快的程度可达1.36~3.06倍,鼎湖山凋落叶第1年归还的N、P和C将分别增加32.42、1.033和741.1kg/hm2只在鼎湖山的分解中,分解速率常数k值与凋落叶初始质量参数木质素/N、木质素、木质素/P、木质素纤维素商(HLQ)、C有显著的较高相关性,而在尖峰岭的分解中k值与凋落叶初始质量参数无显著相关性.


      Abstract: In order to explore the effects of global warming on the decomposition rate of forest litter and the release of nutrients, an experiment was designed to decompose reciprocally forest foliar litter in two sites across climatic zones:Mt. Jianfengling in Hainan Province in the tropics and Mt. Dinghushan in Guangdong Province in the subtropics. The two sites have similar altitudes, soil types, annual mean rainfall and seasonality of dry and wet. The main difference between these two sites is the annual mean temperature with the difference of 3.7℃. Foliar litters of 10 native dominant tree species have been collected from the two sites and divided into single-species litter and mixed litter. They are decomposed reciprocally in the two sites. The results indicate that litter decomposes in the tropical site 1.36—3.06 times as rapidly as in the subtropical site. Apparent Q10, calculated on the basis of temperature difference between two sites, ranges from 3.7 to 7.5. The return amount of N, P and C will increase by 32.42,1.033 and 741.1 kg/hm2 in Mt. Dinghushan in the first year's litter decomposition under the prevailing temperature condition. Only in Mt. Dinghushan is the correlation between decomposition rate constant and initial litter quality high and significant in lignin∶N ratio, lignin, lignin∶P ratio, HLQ and C.This is not the case at Mt. Jianfengling.


