Response of soil moisture variation to precipitation and mulching measures
摘要: 该文试图通过坡面径流场试验,对无覆盖、秸秆覆盖和石子覆盖的径流小区内土壤水进行连续定位观测,以期探讨太行山区土壤水对降水和覆盖方式的响应.结果表明,长期干旱条件下,特别是当30cm土层土壤含水量低于20%时,单次降水很难入渗至30cm以下;从响应时间看,在30cm深处,石子覆盖响应最快,秸秆覆盖次之,无覆盖响应最慢;在60cm深处则不同,秸秆覆盖响应最快,石子覆盖次之,无覆盖响应最慢;100cm处石子覆盖土壤水最先增加,而秸秆覆盖则滞后了10h,无覆盖响应最慢;无覆盖处理30cm土壤含水量比石子覆盖平均低0.13cm3/cm3,比秸秆覆盖平均低0.07cm3/cm3,表明覆盖有利于土壤水的保存.秸秆覆盖对60cm土层入渗的效果比石子好,然而,石子覆盖的保水效果却好于秸秆覆盖.Abstract: Response of soil moisture to precipitation and mulching measures was investigated based on the continuous observation information in plots with no-mulching,straw-mulching and granule-mulching.The results show that individual rainfall event is difficult to infiltrate into up to 30cm depth from surface during the dry season, especially when soil moisture is lower than 20% at 30cm depth.As for the responsive time,at 30cm,it is the shortest in granule-mulching plot,followed by straw-mulching plot and longest in no-mulching plot.At 60 cm,shortest responsive time is observed in straw-mulching plot and longest in no-mulching.At 100cm,soil moisture increases first in granule-mulching plot and 10-h delay takes place in straw-mulching plot compared with that of straw-mulching and it's the slowest in no-mulching.The soil moisture at 30cm depth in nomulching plot is 0.13 and 0.07cm3/cm3 lower than those of granule- and straw-mulching.It indicates the mulching measure is good for the storage of soil moisture.Although infiltration ability at 60 cm is more powerful in straw-mulching plot than that in granule-mulching plot,the latter's ability of water conservation is better than the former's.