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张一平, 窦军霞, 于贵瑞, 赵双菊, 宋清海, 孙晓敏

张一平, 窦军霞, 于贵瑞, 赵双菊, 宋清海, 孙晓敏. 西双版纳热带季节雨林太阳辐射特征研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2005, 27(5): 17-25.
引用本文: 张一平, 窦军霞, 于贵瑞, 赵双菊, 宋清海, 孙晓敏. 西双版纳热带季节雨林太阳辐射特征研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2005, 27(5): 17-25.
ZHANG Yi-ping, DOU Jun-xia, YU Gui-rui, ZHAO Shuang-ju, SONG Qing-hai, SUN Xiao-min. Characteristics of solar radiation and its distribution above the canopy of tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2005, 27(5): 17-25.
Citation: ZHANG Yi-ping, DOU Jun-xia, YU Gui-rui, ZHAO Shuang-ju, SONG Qing-hai, SUN Xiao-min. Characteristics of solar radiation and its distribution above the canopy of tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2005, 27(5): 17-25.






    张一平,博士,研究员.主要研究方向:生态气候.电话:0871-5160904 Email:yipingzh@xtbg.ac.cn 地址:650223 昆明市学府路88号中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园.

  • 中图分类号: S718.51

Characteristics of solar radiation and its distribution above the canopy of tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China

  • 摘要: 为探讨热带季节雨林太阳辐射特征,利用西双版纳2003年热带季节雨林太阳辐射整年观测资料,统计、分析了热带季节雨林冠层太阳辐射能量平衡各分量的年、季节和日变化特征.得出热带季节雨林林冠太阳辐射年日总辐射为13.75MJ/m2,各辐射分量占年总辐射的百分率为净辐射59.98%、有效辐射28.68%、反射辐射11.34%、透射辐射7.13%.因季节间气候特征的差异,使得雾凉季林冠上的太阳辐射时间变率较小,而雨季的较大;干热季则受林冠集中换叶的影响,太阳辐射各分量的变化较为特殊.在热带季节雨林,透射辐射具有不可忽视的强度,特别是干热季时数值较高;一天中,透射辐射数值在中午较高,并且干热季时存在“突跃现象”,其12:00的透射百分率可达49.9%.林冠向上的长波辐射呈现单峰的时间变化趋势,而大气向下的长波辐射呈现双峰双谷的时间变化,使得林冠上的有效辐射均为正值.从年平均状态来说,热带季节雨林林冠均是作为热源向外放热,呈现加热近旁空气的热力效应.由林冠放出的向上的长波辐射,虽然在不同月份和季节间数值有所差异,但都具有较好的日变化规律;但大气向下的长波辐射则受大气状况的影响,不仅在不同月份和各季节间数值不同,在不同季节其时间变化也有较大差异;由此引起林冠上的有效辐射值随月份的改变而不同,且在不同季节的时间变化也呈现较大差异.年反射率的时间变化除与通常出现的早、晚高的状况之外,在昼间还出现上午高、下午低的变化趋势;年透射率的时间变化则表现出中午数值最大,上午、下午数值较小的变化趋势.热带季节雨林太阳辐射各分量数值、百分率及长波辐射、反射率与透射率变化趋势,与西双版纳特殊的气候条件,以及由此导致的森林群落林相的变化等有密切关系.
    Abstract: Based on the observation information of solar radiation in a tropical seasonal rain forest in west China's Xishuangbanna through 2003,annual,seasonal and daily variation of energy balance components,and values of components relative to global radiation,long-wave radiation,albedo and transmissivity were analyzed in order to discuss solar radiation characteristics in tropical seasonal rain forests.The results show that yearly average of total daily global radiation is 13.75MJ/m2,with 59.98%,28.68%,11.34% and 7.13% of global radiation partitioned into net radiation,effective radiation,reflective radiation and transmission radiation separately.Because of the seasonal differences of weather conditions,velocity of above-canopy solar radiation is smaller in foggy-cool seasons while greater in rainy seasons.As for the dry-hot season,daily variation of solar radiation components is different to a certain degree due to leaves shedding concentratedly in this season. In addition,transmission radiation should not been neglected in a tropical seasonal rain forest,especially when it is greater in the dry-hot season.During a day,transmission radiation is greater around midday;especially in the dry-hot season,there is the phenomenon of "sudden emergence",with a transmissivity as high as 49.9% at 12:00.Through a day,upward long-wave radiation present an one-peaked pattern,while downward longwave radiation shows a pattern of two peaks and two troughs,which results in positive effective radiation above the canopy.So,as far as annual average values are concerned,tropical seasonal rain forest canopies always act as heat sources to heat up the surrounding air.Though values of upward long-wave radiation change monthly and seasonally,daily variations are all similar.However,influenced by weather conditions,not only the values of downward long-wave radiation change with month and season,but also daily variations of downward long-wave radiation differ in different seasons.Finally,effective radiation above the canopy have different values in different months,and there exist greater daily variation differences among seasons.Besides the general fact that daily albedo is higher in the early morning and dusk,the albedo has the tendency of higher values in the forenoon and lower in the afternoon during the daytime.Also,daily transmissivity shows a tendency of maximum value at the noon and smaller in the forenoon and afternoon.In the tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna,above-canopy solar radiation components and values of components relative to the global radiation,and annual,seasonal and daily variations of long-wave radiation,albedo and transmissivity are all closely related with local climate conditions and forest community appearance variations.
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