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两个相思树种根瘤菌代表菌株HJ06和JJ06的16S rDNA序列分析

黄宝灵, 吕成群, 余永昌, 张慧, 武波

黄宝灵, 吕成群, 余永昌, 张慧, 武波. 两个相思树种根瘤菌代表菌株HJ06和JJ06的16S rDNA序列分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(5): 102-106.
引用本文: 黄宝灵, 吕成群, 余永昌, 张慧, 武波. 两个相思树种根瘤菌代表菌株HJ06和JJ06的16S rDNA序列分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(5): 102-106.
HUANG Bao-ling, LÜ Cheng-qun, YU Yong-chang, ZHANG Hui, WU Bo. 16S rDNA sequence analysis of representative strains HJ06 and JJ06 of two rhizobia isolated from Acacia crassicapa and A.cincinnata[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(5): 102-106.
Citation: HUANG Bao-ling, LÜ Cheng-qun, YU Yong-chang, ZHANG Hui, WU Bo. 16S rDNA sequence analysis of representative strains HJ06 and JJ06 of two rhizobia isolated from Acacia crassicapa and A.cincinnata[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(5): 102-106.

两个相思树种根瘤菌代表菌株HJ06和JJ06的16S rDNA序列分析




    黄宝灵,研究员,博士.主要研究方向:森林生态及森林微生物学.电话:0771-3235480 Email:hnboln@126. com 地址:530004 广西壮族自治区南宁市秀灵路广西大学林学院.

  • 中图分类号: Q939.11+4

16S rDNA sequence analysis of representative strains HJ06 and JJ06 of two rhizobia isolated from Acacia crassicapa and A.cincinnata

  • 摘要: 为了开发利用我国人工林豆科树种根瘤菌的种质资源,该研究对华南地区两个人工林豆科树种厚荚相思和卷荚相思的根瘤菌两个代表菌株HJ06和JJ06进行了16S rDNA全序列测定,将此全序列与根瘤菌各已知种及相关种的16S rDNA全序列进行了比较及聚类分析,得到系统发育树状图.在系统发育树状图中,HJ06位于Rhizobium分支中并与根瘤菌属各个种的相似性达95%以上;JJ06位于Mesorhizobium分支中并与中慢生根瘤菌属各个种的相似性达97%以上.表明它们分别为不同的根瘤菌种,证明了从国外引种于中国华南的相思树种其根瘤菌具有多样性和复杂性.
    Abstract: For exploiting and making use of rhizobium species resources of planting leguminous trees in south China,the full-length 16S rDNA sequences of representative strains HJ06 and JJ06 of two rhizobia,isolated from Acacia crassicapa and A.cincinnata in south China,were determined.These sequences were compared with all known rhizobia and related bacteria and an unrooted phylogenetic tree was produced.In this tree, HJ06 clusterd together with some Rhizobium species and had above 95% similarity.JJ06 formed a cluster with Mesorhizobium species and had above 97% similarity.The results indicated that strain HJ06 placed in the Rhizobium and strain JJ06 was identified as Mesorhizobium.Overall,the results demonstrated a diversity and complicacy of rhizobial strains nodulting Acacia spp.tree,which was introduced from overseas to south China.
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  • 收稿日期:  2005-06-30
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-05-14


