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马玉磊, 唐星林, 李小远, 潘会堂, 张启翔

马玉磊, 唐星林, 李小远, 潘会堂, 张启翔. 光周期和温度对胭脂花生长发育的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(5): 97-103.
引用本文: 马玉磊, 唐星林, 李小远, 潘会堂, 张启翔. 光周期和温度对胭脂花生长发育的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(5): 97-103.
MA Yu-lei, TANG Xing-lin, LI Xiao-yuan, PAN Hui-tang, ZHANG Qi-xiang.. Effects of photoperiod and temperature on growth and development of Primula maximowiczii.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(5): 97-103.
Citation: MA Yu-lei, TANG Xing-lin, LI Xiao-yuan, PAN Hui-tang, ZHANG Qi-xiang.. Effects of photoperiod and temperature on growth and development of Primula maximowiczii.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(5): 97-103.


Effects of photoperiod and temperature on growth and development of Primula maximowiczii.

  • 摘要: 为探讨人工栽培条件下胭脂花的生长发育规律,开发实用的胭脂花栽培技术,以胭脂花休眠植株为试验材 料,研究了15 与20 c2 种温度和16、12、8 h 3 种日照长度对解除胭脂花植株休眠及解除休眠后植株生长发育的影 响。结果表明:1)光周期和温度对解除胭脂花植株休眠和生长发育均有显著影响,光周期是解除休眠、促进萌发 (对植株萌发的贡献率为79.89%)和生长发育(对生物量的贡献率在78.66% 以上)的重要因素;16 h 日照长度处 理20 d 可彻底打破胭脂花的休眠,促进萌发和快速生长,日照短于12 h 时胭脂花植株则持续处于休眠状态或生长 缓慢。2)16 h 日照长度和15 c温度组合最适合胭脂花的生长发育,该条件下植株生物量最大(干质量达到2.375 g),主根发达,花芽分化效果好,并有部分植株开花。16 h 日照长度下,20 益温度处理的植株生长速率在前期高于 15 益处理,但后期叶片大量萎蔫,长势衰弱,根系活力低。试验结果说明,胭脂花适宜在长日照及较低温度条件下 生长,短日照可诱导植株休眠,20 c以上温度不利于其生长发育。
    Abstract: In order to explore the growth and development of Primula maximowiczii and develop the cultivation techniques, the effects of two temperatures (15, 20 c) combined with three photoperiods (16, 12 , 8 hours) on the growth and development of P. maximowiczii were investigated in this paper. The results were as followings: 1) Photoperiod and temperature had significant effects on both terminal bud germination and growth, and photoperiod was the key factor, of which the contribution to bud germination reached 79.89%,to the growth above 78.66%. Sixteen hours'day length and last for 20 days could thoroughly break the dormancy of P. maximowiczii plants with terminal buds and promote the growth, however, the plants grew slowly or kept dormancy for long time under photoperiod less than 12 hours. 2) The plants grown under day length of 16 hours and temperature of 15 c had the greatest biomass with dry mass reached 2.375 g, strong roots, and stronger flower buds. When day length was 16 hours, plants grew faster under 20 c than 15 c in early stage, and later, the basal leaves of plants grown under 20 c began to wilt, with low root activity. As a result, the stem was thinner than the plants grown under 15 c . The results showed that P. maximowiczii grew well under long day and low temperature, and short day induced plants into dormancy, while temperature above 20 c influenced the growth and development adversely.
  • 期刊类型引用(13)

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  • 被引次数: 23
  • 收稿日期:  1899-12-31
  • 修回日期:  1899-12-31
  • 发布日期:  2013-09-29


