用聚磷酸铵(APP)与阻燃协效剂纳米二氧化硅(SiO2 )制备了阻燃型木塑复合材料,并利用FTIR、SEM 和力学 性能测试仪,探讨纳米SiO2 的添加量(2%、4%、6%)和APP 的添加量(8%、10%、12%)对木塑复合材料的界面性 能和力学性能的影响。结果表明:1)当纳米SiO2 添加量为2% ~6%、APP 添加量为8% ~10%时,两者可以均匀地 分布在木塑复合材料的孔隙中,并且纳米SiO2 可以与木质纤维形成Si—O—C 结合,改善复合材料的界面性能;但 是,APP 添加量增加至12%时,纳米SiO2 和APP 之间会发生团聚,降低了复合材料的性能。2)当纳米SiO2 添加量 为2% ~6%、APP 添加量为8% ~10%时,木塑复合材料的拉伸强度和弯曲强度均比未添加纳米SiO2 、APP 的有所 增加,拉伸断裂伸长率基本保持不变,冲击强度降低。通过双因素方差分析可知,纳米SiO2 、APP 的添加量以及两 者之间的交互作用对拉伸性能、弯曲性能无显著影响,但APP 的添加量以及两者之间的交互作用对冲击强度有显 著影响。
Wood fiber-high density polyethylene composites (WPCs) with nano silicon dioxide (nano-SiO2, 2%, 4%, 6%) and ammonium polyphosphate (APP, 8%, 10%, 12%) were prepared to investigate the synergistic effects on interfacial and mechanical properties in WPCs using Fourier infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and mechanical measurements. Results showed that: 1) SEM observation on the fracture surface of the composites indicated that APP and nano-SiO2 exhibited uniform diffusion in WPCs with 2% -6% nano-SiO2 and 8% -10% APP. And the presence of Si—O— C in WPCs due to interactions between nano-SiO2 and wood fiber could improve the interfacial characteristics. However, the agglomeration was observed in WPCs with 12% APP. 2 ) With incorporation of 2% -6% nano-SiO2 and 8% -10% APP, WPCs showed the higher tensile and flexural strength, similar tensile elongation at break, and lower impact strength. The results of two-way ANOVA analysis showed that the differences in the tensile strength, tensile elongation at break, and flexural strength were not significant among nano SiO2 addition, APP addition and interactions between nano SiO2 and APP at the level of 0.05, while impact strength showed the significant differences among them at the level of 0.05.