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姜岳忠, 刘盛芳, 马履一, 马玲, 姜承平

姜岳忠, 刘盛芳, 马履一, 马玲, 姜承平. 毛白杨幼林间作效应研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(3): 81-85.
引用本文: 姜岳忠, 刘盛芳, 马履一, 马玲, 姜承平. 毛白杨幼林间作效应研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(3): 81-85.
JIANG Yue-zhong, LIU Sheng-fang, MA Lü-yi, MA Ling, JIANG Cheng-ping. Effects of tree-crop intercropping on young plantations of Populus tomentosa[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(3): 81-85.
Citation: JIANG Yue-zhong, LIU Sheng-fang, MA Lü-yi, MA Ling, JIANG Cheng-ping. Effects of tree-crop intercropping on young plantations of Populus tomentosa[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(3): 81-85.





    姜岳忠,博士生.主要研究方向:森林培育学.电话:0531-88557765 Email:jyz3169@ sina.com 地址:250014 济南市文化东路42号山东林业科学研究院.


    马履一,博士,教授.主要研究方向:森林培育学.电话:010-62337862 Email:maluyi@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:100083 北京林业大学研究生院.

  • 中图分类号: S753.53+6

Effects of tree-crop intercropping on young plantations of Populus tomentosa

  • 摘要: 为探讨鲁西黄泛沙地毛白杨幼林的农林间作效果,采用田间对比试验方法,观测了不同间作处理的林木生长量、叶片养分含量、土壤养分含量和水分含量及作物产量,并对土壤及树体养分状况与林木生长量进行相关分析.结果表明:幼林期间进行农林间作不仅能改善林地土壤水分状况,提高林地有机质及速效N、P、K含量,也能明显改善树体营养状况,促进林木生长.林分平均胸径生长量与土壤有机质和叶片N、P、K含量呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.967、0.955、0.988、0.972.间作西瓜--蔬菜、花生--小麦、大豆处理的林木全株叶面积、冠幅、枝条数、平均枝长分别是对照(不间作)的1.70~3.0倍、2.22~2.47倍、1.0~1.41倍、1.70~2.32倍;胸径生长量提高50.5%~136.7%,树高生长量提高27%~59.5%,以间作西瓜--蔬菜的经济效益最高.实行农林间作,是提高毛白杨人工林生长量和经济效益的有效措施.
    Abstract: In order to study the effects of tree-crop intercropping on young plantations of Populus tomentosa in the plain along the Yellow River,field experiments have been conducted by observing the growth of forests,nutrient contents in leaves,nutrient contents and water contents in soil and the output of crops.The relationship between forests growth and nutrient contents in tree leaves and soil has been analyzed.Resultsshowed that tree-crop intercropping in young plantations could not only improve the soil water contents,but also enhance the contents of organic matters,available nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium in the soil,which resulted in the vigorous growth of the individual tree.Diameter at breast height(DBH) was positively relative to the contents of organic matters in the soil and contents of N,P and K in tree leaves,and the correlation coefficient was 0.967,0.955,0.988 and 0.972.Whole-tree leaf area,crown width,branch number and the mean length of branches in the intercropped plantations(intercropped with watermelon and vegetable,peanut and winter wheat,and soybean) were 1.70-3.0 times,2.22-2.47 times,1.0-1.41 times and 1.70-2.32 times of those of CK(without intercropping).DBH and tree height in the intercropped plantations were 50.5%-136.7% and 27%-59.5% higher than those of the CK.The study also showed that intercropping with the watermelon and vegetables was proved to have the highest economic return among the treatments adopted.Tree-crop intercropping in young plantations is an effective measure for the increase of forest growth and economic benefit.
  • 期刊类型引用(1)

    1. 许曈,邵灵梅,王小斌,张润龙,张凯靖,夏宜平,张佳平,李丹青. 多年生单子叶植物的越冬休眠研究进展. 园艺学报. 2022(12): 2703-2721 . 百度学术


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  • 收稿日期:  2004-12-19
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-05-14


