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刘常富, 何兴元, 陈玮, 赵桂玲, 徐文铎

刘常富, 何兴元, 陈玮, 赵桂玲, 徐文铎. 沈阳城市森林三维绿量测算[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(3): 32-37.
引用本文: 刘常富, 何兴元, 陈玮, 赵桂玲, 徐文铎. 沈阳城市森林三维绿量测算[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(3): 32-37.
LIU Chang-fu, HE Xing-yuan, CHEN Wei, ZHAO Gui-ling, XU Wen-duo. Tridimensional green biomass measures of Shenyang urban forests[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(3): 32-37.
Citation: LIU Chang-fu, HE Xing-yuan, CHEN Wei, ZHAO Gui-ling, XU Wen-duo. Tridimensional green biomass measures of Shenyang urban forests[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(3): 32-37.





    刘常富,博士生,副教授.主要研究方向:城市森林生态与园林生态.电话: 024-88487150 Email:liucf898@163. com 地址:110161 沈阳市东陵路120号沈阳农业大学林学院.


    何兴元,研究员,博士生导师.主要研究方向:城市森林生态.电话:024-83970301 Email:hexy@iae.ac.cn 地址:110016 沈阳市沈河区文化路72号沈阳应用生态研究所.

  • 中图分类号: S718.5

Tridimensional green biomass measures of Shenyang urban forests

  • 摘要: 为了探讨城市森林三维绿量的测算方式及精度,该文利用2001年8月沈阳市真彩航片和抽样调查,借助ARC/GIS,以“立体量推算立体量”的方法测算沈阳城市森林三维绿量.结果表明,不同城市森林类型的单位面积三维绿量以风景游憩林最高,为5.35 m3/m2,附属林4.93 m3/m2,道路林3.65 m3/m2,生态公益林3.62 m3/m2,生产经营林2.35m3/m2;城市森林分布区的单位面积三维绿量为4.25 m3/m2;城区单位面积城市森林三维绿量为0.35 m3/m2.沈阳城市森林总体三维绿量为161 296 716.85 m3,其中附属林为60 116 966.36 m3,占37.27%,生态公益林43 321 771.43 m3,占26.86%,风景游憩林30 482 879.04 m3,占18.90%,道路林23 841 208.75 m3,占14.78%,生产经营林3 533 891.27 m3,占2.19%.经检验,该方法精度达到85.50%(α=0.05).
    Abstract: In order to study the measurement method of urban forest tridimensional green biomass(TGB) and its ratio of precision with true color aerial photo and ARC/GIS,using a method of "estimating tridimensional volume by tridemensional volume",the TGB of urban forests of Shenyang in August 2001 was measured.TGB per unit area of recreation forests was 5.35 m3/m2,which was the highest of urban forest types.The TGB of subordinated forests,road forests,ecological and public welfare forests,and production and management forests were 4.93,3.65,3.62 and 2.35 m3/m2.TGB per unit area in urban forest distribution area was 4.25 m3/m2 and that in Shenyang urban area was 0.35 m3/m2.Total TGB of Shenyang urban forests was 161 296 716.85 m3.Subordinated forests,ecological and public welfare forests,landscape and relaxation forests,road forests,and production and management forests accounted for 37.27%,26.86%,18.90%,14.78% and 2.19% of the total,and their TGB were 60 116 966.36,43 321 771.43,30 482 879.04,23 841 208.75 and 3 533 891.27 m3 respectively.Having checked this method,its ratio of precision was up to 85.50%(α=0.05).
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  • 收稿日期:  2005-05-22
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-05-14


