

    Berry traits of seabuckthorn hybrids in Fuxin, Liaoning Province

    • 摘要: 该文对辽宁阜新地区丘依斯克×中国沙棘杂交子一代7个初选无性系的果实性状进行了调查研究.试验地、无性系、年份三因素方差分析结果表明:果实的8个性状无性系间的差异均极显著;试验地除对果序结果数和果形指数无显著影响外,对其他性状都有显著或极显著的影响;除果序最多结果数年份间无差异外,其他性状年份间差异均极显著;两两交互作用对大部分性状有显著或极显著影响.单株果实产量年份、无性系双因素方差分析结果表明,无性系间差异极显著,年份及二者交互作用的差异均不显著.根据试验地、无性系、年份的SNK多重比较结果,得出果实各性状变异规律,分析了自然条件和气象因子对果实性状的影响.对性状间的相关分析表明:单株果实产量与果形指数负相关,果密度和果形指数分别与果实纵径呈极显著负相关,百果重与果实横径呈极显著正相关,与果形指数呈显著负相关.无性系果实品质综合排序得分由高到低的顺序是:3、5、4、2、6、1、7号无性系.综合分析认为,2号和3号无性系可作为初选的果用沙棘优良无性系.


      Abstract: This paper researches the berry traits of seven F1 hybrid clones of Mongolia seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides ssp.mongolica) and Chinese seabuckthorn (H.rhamnoides ssp.sinensis) in Fuxin, Liaoning Province.According to the variance analysis on three factors of experiment areas, clones and years, eight berry traits all had extremely significant differences among clones.Experiment areas extremely or obviously influenced most of the traits except fruitbearing quantity of one infructescence and length/width ratio.The most fruit-bearing quantity of one infructescence wasn't influenced by years, while other traits were extremely done.The interaction effects of two factors gave extremely or obviously influence on most berry traits.From SNK (Student-Newman-Keuls) comparison in experiment areas, clones and years, some regularity of the berry traits can be found.The results indicated that extremely significant positive correlation existed between 100-berry-weight and berry width, extremely significant negative correlation also existed between 100-berry-weight and length/width ratio.Fruit density had extremely significant negative correlation with berry length and length/width ratio.The comprehensive arrangement of fruit quality of the hybrid clones was 3, 5, 4, 2, 6, 1, 7.Linking up fruit quality and the 100-berry-weight, the No.3 and No.2 hybrid clones were chosen as the best for fruit use.


