Surface longitudinal growth strain of plantation Eucalyptus urophylla×E.grandis
摘要: 为评估人工林尾巨桉生长应力水平并揭示其变异情况,采用应变片法对其表面轴向生长应变进行了测试.研究表明,表面轴向生长应变为拉应变,活立木胸高处表面轴向生长应变平均值基本分布在650×10-6~1100×10-6之间;生长应变的测试一般需要3 min左右,这时应力释放完毕,应变值达到稳定.尾巨桉两个家系间及树干两个方位(南、北向)间的表面轴向生长应变差异不显著,沿树高变化不明显.Abstract: Surface longitudinal growth strain(SLGS) of plantation E.urophylla×E.grandis was measured by using strain gauge for evaluating the magnitude and variance of SLGS.Results show that SLGS is a kind of tensile strain and the mean value of SLGS of standing trees distributes between 650×10-6 and 1 100×10-6 mainly at 1.3 m height.Also,it needs about 3 min to measure SLGS normally since at this time,the strain releases completety and the value of SLGS turns to be stable.It is also found that there are no significant differences not only between two families of E.urophylla×E.grandis,but also two orientations(North and South) of stem and the relationship of SLGS with tree height is weak.
- strain gauge method /
- plantation E.urophylla× /
- E.grandis
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