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雷霆, 丁立建, 张佳蕊, 陈燕, 王德国, 陈建伟, 崔国发

雷霆, 丁立建, 张佳蕊, 陈燕, 王德国, 陈建伟, 崔国发. 北京湿地自然保护区维管束植物区系特征分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(6): 67-74.
引用本文: 雷霆, 丁立建, 张佳蕊, 陈燕, 王德国, 陈建伟, 崔国发. 北京湿地自然保护区维管束植物区系特征分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(6): 67-74.
LEI Ting, DING Li-jian, ZHANG Jia-rui, CHEN Yan, WANG De-guo, CHEN Jian-wei, CUI Guo-fa. Flora characteristics of vascular plants in wetland nature reserves in Beijing[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(6): 67-74.
Citation: LEI Ting, DING Li-jian, ZHANG Jia-rui, CHEN Yan, WANG De-guo, CHEN Jian-wei, CUI Guo-fa. Flora characteristics of vascular plants in wetland nature reserves in Beijing[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(6): 67-74.









    崔国发,教授,博士生导师.主要研究方向:自然保护区学.电话:010-62336716 E-mail:rcnr@263.com 地址:100083 北京林业大学159信箱.

  • 中图分类号: Q948

Flora characteristics of vascular plants in wetland nature reserves in Beijing

  • 摘要: 为更深入了解北京湿地自然保护区维管束植物区系分布规律和特征,该研究以2003—2005年的实地调查资料为基础,对白河堡、汉石桥、怀沙河怀九河、金牛湖、拒马河、野鸭湖6处湿地自然保护区维管束植物属的分布区类型进行分析和比较,并将湿地植物划分为水生、湿生、中生和旱生4个类群,最后分析了典型湿地植物的分布特征和湿地入侵种的现状.研究区域内共记录湿地维管束植物74科,193属,314种;温带成分、热带成分和世界分布成分在其属的分布类型中占绝对优势,根据区系特征可将北京湿地自然保护区分为3类;保护区内酸模叶蓼、薄荷、野大豆、旋覆花、水棘针和芦苇等植物分布较广,菖蒲、黑三棱、鳢肠等分布范围窄;共记录入侵植物11种,未见有害检疫种.北京湿地水资源缺乏导致植物类群变化及中生和旱生植物扩散;湿地水陆过渡带面积大小是造成物种丰富度和分布区类型的差异的主要因素之一;一些入侵种尚未造成明显危害,但需要引起关注.
    Abstract: In order to find out the distribution rules and characteristics of vascular plant flora in wetland nature reserves in Beijing, floristic types of vascular plants were analyzed and compared based on the data investigated at Baihebao Lake, Hanshiqiao Lake, Huaishahe River and Huaijiuhe River, Jinniuhu Lake, Jumahe River and Yeyahu Lake during year 2003-2005. Vascular plants were classified into four groups: water plants, dank plants, amphibian plants and aridly plants. Recent situation of invasive species and distribution characteristics of typical wetland plants were analyzed. There are 314 species, belonging to 74 families and 193 genera; a large part of genera are temperate, tropical and cosmopolitan types in flora analyzing; six nature reserves were partitioned into three groups based on the characteristics of flora; Polygonum lapathifolium, Mentha haplocalyx, Glycine soja, Inula japonica, Amethystea caerulea and Phragmites australis distribute widely in the nature reserves, while Acorus calamus, Spardanium stoloniferum and Eclipta prostrara distribute more straitly; in addition, 11 invasive plants are recorded without baneful quarantine species. Spread of amphibian and aridly plants is caused by the scarcity of water resources in Beijing; transition area of land and water is one of the primary elements leading to the differences of species richness and floristic types; in order to avoid more loss, some invasive species should be paid more attention to right now.
  • 期刊类型引用(9)

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  • 收稿日期:  2005-11-09
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-05-14


