

    Hydrological effects of litter in the bamboo forests of Changning County, Sichuan Province

    • 摘要: 采用野外实地调查和室内实验相结合的方法,研究了长宁县不同类型竹林的凋落物及其蓄水能力.研究结果表明:①凋落物的现存量平均为(6.99±3.20)t/hm2,其中未分解层为(2.71±1.63)t/hm2,占总量的39%,分解层平均值为(4.28±2.60)t/hm2,占总量的61%;②分解层和未分解层的自然持水量存在明显差别,而最大持水量和持水率没有明显区别;③凋落物的最大持水率为181%,最大持水量为(14.08±6.56)t/hm2,和其他森林相比,明显偏低;④人工栽植竹林凋落物的现存量和分解程度低于次生林;⑤结合前人研究成果,凋落物的现存量和最大持水量间存在极显著相关(r=0.94,n=186,p<0.000 1),符合幂函数方程.综上所述,竹林凋落物的现存量和蓄水能力均较低,人工经营竹林时清除枝叶可能会影响竹林的生态效益.


      Abstract: By the field investigation and experimental measurement,the standing crops and water conservation capacity of litter in different bamboo forests of Changning County,Sichuan Province,were studied.The results were as followings: 1) the standing crops of litter was averagely(6.99±3.20) t/hm2,of which,the standing crops of duff was(2.71±1.63) t/hm2 with a proportion of 39%,and the standing crops of decomposed litter was(4.28±2.60) t/hm2,proportionately 61%;2)between the duff and the decomposed layers,there were significant differences in natural moisture capacities,but no differences in moisture-holding capacity and the ratio of moisture capacity;3) moisture-holding capacity and its ratio were(14.08±6.56) t/hm2 and 181% respectively,which were both lower than the other forest stands;4) the standing crop and its decomposed degree of litter in bamboo plantations were lower than those in secondary forests;5)there was an extremely significant correlation between standing crop and moisture-holding capacity of litter(r=0.94,n=186,p<0.000 1),according with power equation.Summarily,both the standing crop and moisture-holding capacity of litter in bamboo forests were lower than the other forest stands,and by artificial management,the ecological effect of bamboo forests would be influenced with the clearance of branches and leaves.


