为给三峡库区理水调洪型植被建设提供方法和依据,该文以四面山响水溪森林小流域为研究对象,采用美国地质调查局(USGS)主持开发的MMS(模块化模型系统),构建适合于三峡库区的分布式暴雨水文模型PRMS-Storm,模拟暴雨产流过程.结果表明:①PRMS-Storm用来模拟响水溪森林流域暴雨产流过程满足国家乙级洪水预报标准,可用来发布洪水预报;②综合不同森林群落水文功能评价结果,提出流域3种森林群落配置情景:针阔混交林型(情景1)、阔叶混交林型(情景2)、综合配置型(针阔混交林、常绿阔叶林和灌木林)(情景3);③对各森林群落配置情景的模拟表明,各配置情景都可使地表径流减少20%以上,壤中流增加16%以上;与流域植被现状相比,各配置情景,分别可削减洪峰20.8%、9.6%和18.9%;最大降雨峰值>0.8 mm/min的降雨过程削减洪峰的作用非常明显,尤其对短历时降雨洪峰的削减作用更明显;针阔混交林型理水调洪作用最优,是最优的理水调洪配置情景,其次是综合配置型,阔叶混交林型较差.但是,从所研究的响水溪流域实际情况出发,综合配置更符合实际,是最佳理水调洪型群落配置.
For vegetation construction with hydrological function in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area,the storm event distributed hydrological model PRMS-Storm was built based on MMS(Modeling Module System)developed by the US Geological Survey,and was employed to study the effects of forests on peak flows in the Xiangshuixi Forest Watershed in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.The results showed that: 1)this simulation study suggested that PRMS-Storm can meet the second level national flood prediction standards for simulating storm events of small forest watersheds,and can issue flood forecasting;2)hydrological functions of different vegetation communities were evaluated,and three simulation scenarios were arranged, they were mixed coniferbroadleaved forests(scenario 1),broadleaved forests(scenario 2) and general forests arrangement(scenario 3);3)the well-arranged forest scenarios can reduce over 20% of surface runoff and result in an increase of over 16% in subsurface flow,and can decrease peak flow by 20.8%,9.6% and 18.9%.The reduction of peak flow rates was significant when rainfall peak was set higher than 0.8 mm/min,especially for short term rainfall events.In general,we found that scenario 1 and scenario 3 were preferable for reducing peak flow rates and volumes in the reforestation practices in the study region,and scenario 1 was better than scenario 3,so the mixed conifer-broadleaved forests had the best hydrological function in theory.However,in practice,considering the natural conditions of watershed,general forests arrangement(scenario 3) should be the best.