

    Some thoughts on reform of Chinese key state owned forest regions

    • 摘要: 重点国有林区是我国重要的木材生产战略基地和中国半壁江山的重要生态屏障.作者认为,必须通过深化改革,建立产权明晰、政企分开、机制灵活、管理科学的林区新型管理体制,实现森林资源的持续经营、林区经济社会可持续发展,构建生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的社会主义和谐新林区.改革的主要内容是产权制度改革、林权制度改革、林区管理体制改革和经营机制改革.根据目前的改革实践,作者总结了国有林区改革的4种模式.


      Abstract: The key state owned forest regions are important timber production bases and bear the responsibility forthe ecological protection of approximately half territory of China.For the purposes of realizing sustainable management of forest resources and sustainable development of economy and society of forest regions,and for establishing new harmonious forest regions,the author holds that further reform should be carried out.Thereformwill focus on the following aspects :property system,forest ownership,administration system of forestregions,and management mechanism of enterprises.Based on the current practices,the author sums up four models of the reform.


