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赵博光, 梁波, 赵林果, 徐梅

赵博光, 梁波, 赵林果, 徐梅. 松材线虫对其携带的一株致病细菌产毒的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2005, 27(6): 71-75.
引用本文: 赵博光, 梁波, 赵林果, 徐梅. 松材线虫对其携带的一株致病细菌产毒的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2005, 27(6): 71-75.
ZHAO Bo-guang, LIANG Bo, ZHAO Lin-guo, XU Mei. Influence of pine wood nematode on production of phytotoxins of an accompanying pathogenic bacterial strain[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2005, 27(6): 71-75.
Citation: ZHAO Bo-guang, LIANG Bo, ZHAO Lin-guo, XU Mei. Influence of pine wood nematode on production of phytotoxins of an accompanying pathogenic bacterial strain[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2005, 27(6): 71-75.





    赵博光,教授,博士生导师.主要研究方向:松材线虫病、昆虫化学生态学. 电话:025-85427302 Email:boguangzhao@yahoo.com 地址:210037南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院.

  • 中图分类号: S763.1

Influence of pine wood nematode on production of phytotoxins of an accompanying pathogenic bacterial strain

  • 摘要: 该文报道了以黑松细胞为材料的一种改进的细胞荧光染色显微生测法.用该方法测定了接种松材线虫虫体上分离到的荧光假单胞GcM5-1A菌株或该菌株和无菌松材线虫混合物接种后的愈伤组织水提物的毒性.结果表明,单独接种无菌松材线虫或单独接种该菌株后的愈伤组织水提液未表现出毒性;而接种无菌松材线虫与该菌株的混合物后的愈伤组织水提液与接种野生松材线虫后的愈伤组织水提液的毒性以及该菌株的NB培养液的无细胞滤液的毒性均很强,并且它们三者之间没有显著差异.该结果说明松材线虫在寄主组织中能促进细菌的产毒.向该菌株的NB培养液的无细胞滤液中添加松材线虫后测定其毒性,结果表明无菌松材线虫对其毒性并无显著影响.实验结果表明松材线虫本身不产生毒素,在荧光假单胞菌培养液的无细胞滤液中加入无菌松材线虫未能显著改变其毒性.
    Abstract: The improved fluorescence microscopic bioassay with cells from callus of Pinus thunbergii was introduced.Toxicity of water extracts of the callus inoculated with a pathogenic bacterial strain,GcM5(-)1A,carried by pine wood nematode,Bursaphelenchus xylophilus or inoculated with mixture of this strain and axenic pine wood nematodes was studied by the bioassay method.Resultsshowed that the water extracts of the callus after the inoculation with the bacterial strain alone or only the axenic nematode alone did not show toxicity.Water extracts of the callus after inoculation with mixture of aseptic pine wood nematodes and the bacterial strain or the filtrated cell free fluid of the culture of the bacterial strain on NB medium showed stronger toxicity with no statistical difference among the 3 inoculation treatments.Those above results indicated that pine wood nematode promoted the production of phytotoxin by bacterium in the host tissue.Toxicity of cell free fluid filtrated of the culture of bacterial strain on NB medium,in which pine wood nematode had been added,was not significantly changed.Resultsalso showed that pine wood nematode itself neither produced phytotoxin nor affected the toxicity of extracts from the culture of bacterium after the addition of it.
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  • 收稿日期:  2004-11-16
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-05-14


